This directory contains a simple tbb::flow example that performs
binpacking of N integer values into a near-optimal number of bins
of capacity V. It features a source_node which passes randomly
generated integer values of size<=V to a queue_node. Multiple
function_nodes set about taking values from this queue_node and
packing them into bins according to a best-fit policy. Items that
cannot be made to fit are rejected and returned to the queue. When
a bin is packed as well as it can be, it is passed to a buffer_node
where it waits to be picked up by another function_node. This final
function nodes gathers stats about the bin and optionally prints its
contents. When all bins are accounted for, it optionally prints a
summary of the quality of the bin-packing.
- binpack.cpp
- Driver.
- Makefile
- Makefile for building example.
- msvs
- Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008 workspace for building and running the example with the Intel® C++ compiler (Windows* systems only).
- xcode
- Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (Mac OS* X systems only).
To Build
General build directions can be found here.
- binpack -h
- Prints the help for command line options
- binpack [#threads=value] [verbose] [silent] [N=value] [V=value] [#packers=value] [optimality=value] [#threads]
- #threads is the number of threads to use; a range of the form low[:high] where low and optional high are non-negative integers, or 'auto' for the TBB default.
verbose print diagnostic output to screen
silent limits output to timing info; overrides verbose
N number of values to pack
V capacity of each bin
#packers number of concurrent bin packers to use (default=#threads)
optimality controls optimality of solution; 1 is highest, use larger numbers for less optimal but faster solution
- To run a short version of this example, e.g., for use with Intel® Parallel Inspector:
- Build a debug version of the example
(see the build directions).
Run it with a small problem size and the desired number of threads, e.g., binpack 4 N=100.
Up to parent directory
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