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Added new model checker that uses topological value iteration. However, does not fully work yet.

dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 132


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker.h
* Created on: 06.12.2012
* Author: Christian Dehnert
#include <cmath>
#include "src/models/Mdp.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/MdpPrctlModelChecker.h"
#include "src/utility/GraphAnalyzer.h"
#include "src/utility/Vector.h"
#include "src/utility/ConstTemplates.h"
#include "src/utility/Settings.h"
#include "src/adapters/GmmxxAdapter.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidPropertyException.h"
#include "src/storage/JacobiDecomposition.h"
#include "gmm/gmm_matrix.h"
#include "gmm/gmm_iter_solvers.h"
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
namespace storm {
namespace modelChecker {
* A model checking engine that makes use of the gmm++ backend.
template <class Type>
class TopologicalValueIterationMdpPrctlModelChecker : public MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type> {
explicit TopologicalValueIterationMdpPrctlModelChecker(storm::models::Mdp<Type>& mdp) : MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type>(mdp) { }
virtual ~TopologicalValueIterationMdpPrctlModelChecker() { }
* Solves the given equation system under the given parameters using the power method.
* @param A The matrix A specifying the coefficients of the equations.
* @param x The vector x for which to solve the equations. The initial value of the elements of
* this vector are used as the initial guess and might thus influence performance and convergence.
* @param b The vector b specifying the values on the right-hand-sides of the equations.
* @return The solution of the system of linear equations in form of the elements of the vector
* x.
void solveEquationSystem(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<Type> const& matrix, std::vector<Type>& x, std::vector<Type> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices) const {
// Get the settings object to customize solving.
storm::settings::Settings* s = storm::settings::instance();
// Get relevant user-defined settings for solving the equations.
double precision = s->get<double>("precision");
unsigned maxIterations = s->get<unsigned>("maxiter");
bool relative = s->get<bool>("relative");
std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> stronglyConnectedComponents;
storm::models::GraphTransitions<Type> stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph;
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performSccDecomposition(matrix, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, stronglyConnectedComponents, stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph);
// Set up the environment for the power method.
std::vector<Type> multiplyResult(matrix.getRowCount());
std::vector<Type>* currentX = &x;
std::vector<Type>* newX = new std::vector<Type>(x.size());
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
bool converged = false;
for (auto sccIt = stronglyConnectedComponents.rbegin(), sccIte = stronglyConnectedComponents.rend(); sccIt != sccIte; ++sccIt) {
converged = false;
std::cout << "for scc! " << *sccIt << std::endl;
while (!converged && iterations < maxIterations) {
std::cout << "first line " << std::endl;
// Compute x' = A*x + b.
matrix.multiplyWithVector(**sccIt, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, *currentX, multiplyResult);
std::cout << "after mult" << std::endl;
storm::utility::addVectors(**sccIt, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, multiplyResult, b);
std::cout << "after add " << std::endl;
// Reduce the vector x' by applying min/max for all non-deterministic choices.
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(multiplyResult, newX, nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(multiplyResult, newX, nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
std::cout << "comp" << std::endl;
// Determine whether the method converged.
converged = storm::utility::equalModuloPrecision(*currentX, *newX, precision, relative);
// Update environment variables.
swap = currentX;
currentX = newX;
newX = swap;
if (iterations % 2 == 1) {
std::swap(x, *currentX);
delete currentX;
} else {
delete newX;
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.
if (converged) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iterations << " iterations.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Iterative solver did not converge.");
} //namespace modelChecker
} //namespace storm