STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(storm::utility::parametric::isMultiLinearPolynomial(insertionRes.first->first.first),"Parameter lifting for non-multilinear polynomial "<<insertionRes.first->first.first<<" invoked. This might not be sound...");
//Note that references to elements of an unordered map remain valid after calling unordered_map::insert.
//Note that references to elements of an unordered map remain valid after calling unordered_map::insert.
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as transition: '"<<entry.getValue()<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as transition: '"<<entry.getValue()<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as transition: '"<<entry.getValue()<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported model type for parameter lifting.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as state reward: '"<<rew<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as action reward: '"<<rew<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as action reward: '"<<rew<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The input model contains a non-linear polynomial as transition reward: '"<<rewEntry.getValue()<<"'. Can not validate that parameter lifting is sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("Parameter "<<*trParIt<<" occurs in a transition probability/rate and in a transition/action reward. Parameter lifting might not be sound on this model.");
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(storm::utility::parameterlifting::validateParameterLiftingSound(*markovModel,*formula),"Could not validate whether parameter lifting is sound on the input model and the formula "<<*formula);
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(storm::utility::parameterlifting::validateParameterLiftingSound(markovModel,formula),"Could not validate whether parameter lifting is sound on the input model and the formula "<<*formula);