@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ |
#include "src/settings/modules/GeneralSettings.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidOperationException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidPropertyException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h"
@ -58,7 +59,13 @@ namespace storm { |
template<typename ValueType> |
storm::expressions::Expression SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::getTargetStateExpression(storm::logic::Formula const& subformula) const { |
std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula> preparedSubformula = subformula.substitute(program.getLabelToExpressionMapping()); |
return preparedSubformula->toExpression(); |
storm::expressions::Expression result; |
try { |
result = preparedSubformula->toExpression(); |
} catch(storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException const& e) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException, "The property refers to unknown labels."); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
@ -284,28 +291,41 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
uint32_t SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::sampleActionOfState(StateType const& currentStateId, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const { |
typename SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::ActionType SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::sampleActionOfState(StateType const& currentStateId, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const { |
// Determine the values of all available actions.
std::vector<std::pair<ActionType, ValueType>> actionValues; |
StateType rowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(currentStateId); |
auto choicesInEcIt = explorationInformation.stateToLeavingActionsOfEndComponent.find(currentStateId); |
// Check for cases in which we do not need to perform more work.
if (choicesInEcIt == explorationInformation.stateToLeavingActionsOfEndComponent.end()) { |
if (explorationInformation.onlyOneActionAvailable(rowGroup)) { |
return explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(rowGroup); |
} |
} else { |
if (choicesInEcIt->second->size() == 1) { |
return *choicesInEcIt->second->begin(); |
} |
} |
// If there are more choices to consider, start by gathering the values of relevant actions.
if (choicesInEcIt != explorationInformation.stateToLeavingActionsOfEndComponent.end()) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampling from actions leaving the previously detected EC."); |
for (auto const& row : *choicesInEcIt->second) { |
actionValues.push_back(std::make_pair(row, computeUpperBoundOfAction(row, explorationInformation, bounds))); |
actionValues.push_back(std::make_pair(row, bounds.getBoundForAction(explorationInformation.optimizationDirection, row))); |
} |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampling from actions leaving the state."); |
for (uint32_t row = explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(rowGroup); row < explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(rowGroup + 1); ++row) { |
actionValues.push_back(std::make_pair(row, computeUpperBoundOfAction(row, explorationInformation, bounds))); |
actionValues.push_back(std::make_pair(row, bounds.getBoundForAction(explorationInformation.optimizationDirection, row))); |
} |
} |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!actionValues.empty(), "Values for actions must not be empty."); |
// Sort the actions wrt. to the optimization direction.
if (explorationInformation.optimizationDirection == storm::OptimizationDirection::Maximize) { |
if (explorationInformation.maximize()) { |
std::sort(actionValues.begin(), actionValues.end(), [] (std::pair<ActionType, ValueType> const& a, std::pair<ActionType, ValueType> const& b) { return a.second > b.second; } ); |
} else { |
std::sort(actionValues.begin(), actionValues.end(), [] (std::pair<ActionType, ValueType> const& a, std::pair<ActionType, ValueType> const& b) { return a.second < b.second; } ); |
@ -349,14 +369,13 @@ namespace storm { |
// Determine the set of states that was expanded.
std::vector<StateType> relevantStates; |
for (StateType state = 0; state < explorationInformation.stateStorage.numberOfStates; ++state) { |
if (!explorationInformation.isUnexplored(state)) { |
// Add the state to the relevant states if it's unexplored. Additionally, if we are computing minimal
// probabilities, we only consider it relevant if it's not a target state.
if (!explorationInformation.isUnexplored(state) && (explorationInformation.maximize() || !comparator.isOne(bounds.getLowerBoundForState(state, explorationInformation)))) { |
relevantStates.push_back(state); |
} |
} |
// Sort according to the actual row groups so we can insert the elements in order later.
std::sort(relevantStates.begin(), relevantStates.end(), [&explorationInformation] (StateType const& a, StateType const& b) { return explorationInformation.getRowGroup(a) < explorationInformation.getRowGroup(b); }); |
StateType unexploredState = relevantStates.size(); |
StateType sink = relevantStates.size(); |
// Create a mapping for faster look-up during the translation of flexible matrix to the real sparse matrix.
std::unordered_map<StateType, StateType> relevantStateToNewRowGroupMapping; |
@ -382,14 +401,14 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
} |
if (unexpandedProbability != storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) { |
builder.addNextValue(currentRow, unexploredState, unexpandedProbability); |
builder.addNextValue(currentRow, sink, unexpandedProbability); |
} |
++currentRow; |
} |
} |
// Then, make the unexpanded state absorbing.
builder.newRowGroup(currentRow); |
builder.addNextValue(currentRow, unexploredState, storm::utility::one<ValueType>()); |
builder.addNextValue(currentRow, sink, storm::utility::one<ValueType>()); |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Successfully built matrix for MEC decomposition."); |
// Go on to step 2.
@ -399,74 +418,102 @@ namespace storm { |
// 3. Analyze the MEC decomposition.
for (auto const& mec : mecDecomposition) { |
// Ignore the (expected) MEC of the unexplored state.
if (mec.containsState(unexploredState)) { |
// Ignore the (expected) MEC of the sink state.
if (mec.containsState(sink)) { |
continue; |
} |
bool containsTargetState = false; |
if (explorationInformation.maximize()) { |
analyzeMecForMaximalProbabilities(mec, relevantStates, relevantStatesMatrix, explorationInformation, bounds); |
} else { |
analyzeMecForMinimalProbabilities(mec, relevantStates, relevantStatesMatrix, explorationInformation, bounds); |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::analyzeMecForMaximalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const { |
// For maximal probabilities, we check (a) which MECs contain a target state, because the associated states
// have a probability of 1 (and we can therefore set their lower bounds to 1) and (b) which of the remaining
// MECs have no outgoing action, because the associated states have a probability of 0 (and we can therefore
// set their upper bounds to 0).
bool containsTargetState = false; |
// Now we record all choices leaving the EC.
ActionSetPointer leavingChoices = std::make_shared<ActionSet>(); |
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
StateType originalRowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState); |
// Now we record all choices leaving the EC.
ActionSetPointer leavingChoices = std::make_shared<ActionSet>(); |
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
uint32_t originalRowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState); |
// Check whether a target state is contained in the MEC.
if (!containsTargetState && comparator.isOne(bounds.getLowerBoundForRowGroup(originalRowGroup))) { |
containsTargetState = true; |
} |
// For each state, compute the actions that leave the MEC.
auto includedChoicesIt = stateAndChoices.second.begin(); |
auto includedChoicesIte = stateAndChoices.second.end(); |
for (auto action = explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup); action < explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup + 1); ++action) { |
if (includedChoicesIt != includedChoicesIte) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Next (local) choice contained in MEC is " << (*includedChoicesIt - relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[stateAndChoices.first])); |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Current (local) choice iterated is " << (action - explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup))); |
if (action - explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup) != *includedChoicesIt - relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[stateAndChoices.first]) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice leaves the EC."); |
leavingChoices->insert(action); |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice stays in the EC."); |
++includedChoicesIt; |
} |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice leaves the EC, because there is no more choice staying in the EC."); |
// Check whether a target state is contained in the MEC.
if (!containsTargetState && comparator.isOne(bounds.getLowerBoundForRowGroup(originalRowGroup))) { |
containsTargetState = true; |
} |
// For each state, compute the actions that leave the MEC.
auto includedChoicesIt = stateAndChoices.second.begin(); |
auto includedChoicesIte = stateAndChoices.second.end(); |
for (auto action = explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup); action < explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup + 1); ++action) { |
if (includedChoicesIt != includedChoicesIte) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Next (local) choice contained in MEC is " << (*includedChoicesIt - relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[stateAndChoices.first])); |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Current (local) choice iterated is " << (action - explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup))); |
if (action - explorationInformation.getStartRowOfGroup(originalRowGroup) != *includedChoicesIt - relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[stateAndChoices.first]) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice leaves the EC."); |
leavingChoices->insert(action); |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice stays in the EC."); |
++includedChoicesIt; |
} |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Choice leaves the EC, because there is no more choice staying in the EC."); |
leavingChoices->insert(action); |
} |
explorationInformation.stateToLeavingActionsOfEndComponent[originalState] = leavingChoices; |
} |
// If one of the states of the EC is a target state, all states in the EC have probability 1.
if (containsTargetState) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC contains a target state."); |
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting lower bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 1."); |
bounds.setLowerBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::one<ValueType>()); |
explorationInformation.addTerminalState(originalState); |
} |
} else if (leavingChoices->empty()) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC's leaving choices are empty."); |
// If there is no choice leaving the EC, but it contains no target state, all states have probability 0.
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting upper bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 0."); |
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
explorationInformation.addTerminalState(originalState); |
} |
explorationInformation.stateToLeavingActionsOfEndComponent[originalState] = leavingChoices; |
} |
// If one of the states of the EC is a target state, all states in the EC have probability 1.
if (containsTargetState) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC contains a target state."); |
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting lower bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 1."); |
bounds.setLowerBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::one<ValueType>()); |
explorationInformation.addTerminalState(originalState); |
} |
} else if (leavingChoices->empty()) { |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC's leaving choices are empty."); |
// If there is no choice leaving the EC, but it contains no target state, all states have probability 0.
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting upper bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 0."); |
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
explorationInformation.addTerminalState(originalState); |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::analyzeMecForMinimalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const { |
// For minimal probabilities, all found MECs are guaranteed to not contain a target state. Hence, in all
// associated states, the probability is 0 and we can set the upper bounds of the states to 0).
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) { |
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first]; |
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
explorationInformation.addTerminalState(originalState); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::computeLowerBoundOfAction(ActionType const& action, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues const& bounds) const { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
@ -525,7 +572,7 @@ namespace storm { |
bounds.setBoundsForAction(action, newBoundsForAction); |
// Check if we need to update the values for the states.
if (explorationInformation.optimizationDirection == storm::OptimizationDirection::Maximize) { |
if (explorationInformation.maximize()) { |
bounds.setLowerBoundOfStateIfGreaterThanOld(state, explorationInformation, newBoundsForAction.first); |
StateType rowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(state); |
@ -542,7 +589,8 @@ namespace storm { |
StateType rowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(state); |
if (bounds.getLowerBoundForRowGroup(rowGroup) < newBoundsForAction.first) { |
if (explorationInformation.getRowGroupSize(rowGroup) > 1) { |
newBoundsForAction.first = std::min(newBoundsForAction.first, computeBoundOverAllOtherActions(storm::OptimizationDirection::Maximize, state, action, explorationInformation, bounds)); |
ValueType min = computeBoundOverAllOtherActions(storm::OptimizationDirection::Minimize, state, action, explorationInformation, bounds); |
newBoundsForAction.first = std::min(newBoundsForAction.first, min); |
} |
bounds.setLowerBoundForRowGroup(rowGroup, newBoundsForAction.first); |