@ -13,8 +13,23 @@ We will provide you with the skeleton for the programming exercises so that you
git clone https://git.pranger.xyz/sp/lub2022-practical.git --origin upstream
git clone https://git.pranger.xyz/sp/lub2022-practical.git --origin upstream
2. Start solving the examples!
2. Start solving the examples!
3. As soon as you have solved some of the examples you can add your solution repository:
git remote add origin https://git.teaching.iaik.tugraz.at/lc22/lc22gXX.git
If you have an ssh key deployed to the IAIK teaching-git server you can add your repository like such:
git remote add origin git@git.teaching.iaik.tugraz.at:lc22/lc22gXX.git
Replace the `XX` with your ID.
_We will provide you with your own repositories over the course of the next week. As soon as you have these repositories, we will give you a short description on how you can push your solutions._
4. From here on you can
git add < your_files >
git commit -m "< your commit message > "
git push -u origin main
to upload your solutions.