#include "util/OptionParser.h"
#include "util/MinigridGrammar.h"
#include "util/Grid.h"
#include "util/ConfigYaml.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <sstream>
std::vector<std::string> parseCommaSeparatedString(std::string const& str) { std::vector<std::string> result; std::stringstream stream(str); while(stream.good()) { std::string substr; getline(stream, substr, ','); substr.at(0) = std::toupper(substr.at(0)); result.push_back(substr); } return result; }
struct printer { typedef boost::spirit::utf8_string string;
void element(string const& tag, string const& value, int depth) const { for (int i = 0; i < (depth*4); ++i) std::cout << ' ';
std::cout << "tag: " << tag; if (value != "") std::cout << ", value: " << value; std::cout << std::endl; } };
void print_info(boost::spirit::info const& what) { using boost::spirit::basic_info_walker;
printer pr; basic_info_walker<printer> walker(pr, what.tag, 0); boost::apply_visitor(walker, what.value); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { popl::OptionParser optionParser("Allowed options");
auto helpOption = optionParser.add<popl::Switch>("h", "help", "Print this help message."); auto inputFilename = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>>("i", "input-file", "Filename of the input file."); auto outputFilename = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>>("o", "output-file", "Filename for the output file.");
auto agentsToBeConsidered = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("a", "agents", "Which parsed agents should be considered in the output. WIP."); auto viewForAgents = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("v", "view", "Agents for which the 'view'('direction') variable should be included. WIP.");
auto probabilisticBehaviourAgents = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("p", "prob-beh", "Agents for which we want to include probabilistic actions"); auto probabilities = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("q", "probs", "The probabilities for which probabilistic actions should be added. WIP");
auto enforceOneWays = optionParser.add<popl::Switch>("f", "force-oneways", "Enforce encoding of oneways. This entails that slippery tiles do not allow turning and have prob 1 to shift the agent by one and makes turning impossible if in a one tile wide section of the grid.");
auto configFilename = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("c", "config-file", "Filename of the predicate configuration file.");
try { optionParser.parse(argc, argv);
if(helpOption->count() > 0) { std::cout << optionParser << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } catch (const popl::invalid_option &e) { return io::printPoplException(e); } catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
GridOptions gridOptions = { {}, {} }; if(agentsToBeConsidered->is_set()) { gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered = parseCommaSeparatedString(agentsToBeConsidered->value(0)); } if(viewForAgents->is_set()) { gridOptions.agentsWithView = parseCommaSeparatedString(viewForAgents->value(0)); } if(enforceOneWays->is_set()) { gridOptions.enforceOneWays = true; } if(probabilisticBehaviourAgents->is_set()) { gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour = parseCommaSeparatedString(probabilisticBehaviourAgents->value(0)); for(auto const& a : gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour) { std::cout << a << std::endl; } if(probabilities->is_set()) { std::vector<std::string> parsedStrings = parseCommaSeparatedString(probabilities->value(0));
std::transform(parsedStrings.begin(), parsedStrings.end(), std::back_inserter(gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions), [](const std::string& string) { return std::stof(string); }); for(auto const& a : gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions) { std::cout << a << std::endl; } } else { throw std::logic_error{ "When adding agents with probabilistic behaviour, you also need to specify a list of probabilities via --probs." }; } }
std::fstream file {outputFilename->value(0), file.trunc | file.out}; std::fstream infile {inputFilename->value(0), infile.in}; std::string line, content, background, rewards, properties; std::cout << "\n"; bool parsingBackground = false; bool parsingStateRewards = false; bool parsingEnvironmentProperties = false; while (std::getline(infile, line) && !line.empty()) { if(line.at(0) == '-' && line.at(line.size() - 1) == '-' && parsingBackground) { parsingStateRewards = true; parsingBackground = false; continue; } else if (line.at(0) == '-' && line.at(line.size() - 1 ) == '-' && parsingStateRewards) { parsingStateRewards = false; parsingEnvironmentProperties = true; continue; } else if(line.at(0) == '-' && line.at(line.size() - 1) == '-') { parsingBackground = true; continue; } if(!parsingBackground && !parsingStateRewards && !parsingEnvironmentProperties) { content += line + "\n"; } else if (parsingBackground) { background += line + "\n"; } else if(parsingStateRewards) { rewards += line + "\n"; } else if (parsingEnvironmentProperties) { properties += line + "\n"; } } std::cout << "\n";
pos_iterator_t contentFirst(content.begin()); pos_iterator_t contentIter = contentFirst; pos_iterator_t contentLast(content.end()); MinigridParser<pos_iterator_t> contentParser(contentFirst); pos_iterator_t backgroundFirst(background.begin()); pos_iterator_t backgroundIter = backgroundFirst; pos_iterator_t backgroundLast(background.end()); MinigridParser<pos_iterator_t> backgroundParser(backgroundFirst); cells contentCells; cells backgroundCells; std::vector<Configuration> configurations; std::map<coordinates, float> stateRewards; double faultyProbability;
try { bool ok = phrase_parse(contentIter, contentLast, contentParser, qi::space, contentCells); // TODO if(background is not empty) {
ok &= phrase_parse(backgroundIter, backgroundLast, backgroundParser, qi::space, backgroundCells); // TODO }
if (configFilename->is_set()) { YamlConfigParser parser(configFilename->value(0)); configurations = parser.parseConfiguration(); }
boost::escaped_list_separator<char> seps('\\', ';', '\n'); Tokenizer csvParser(rewards, seps); for(auto iter = csvParser.begin(); iter != csvParser.end(); ++iter) { int x = std::stoi(*iter); int y = std::stoi(*(++iter)); float reward = std::stof(*(++iter)); stateRewards[std::make_pair(x,y)] = reward; } if (!properties.empty()) { auto faultProbabilityIdentifier = std::string("FaultProbability:"); auto start_pos = properties.find(faultProbabilityIdentifier);
if (start_pos != std::string::npos) { auto end_pos = properties.find('\n', start_pos); auto value = properties.substr(start_pos + faultProbabilityIdentifier.length(), end_pos - start_pos - faultProbabilityIdentifier.length()); faultyProbability = std::stod(value); std::cout << "Probabilty" << faultyProbability << std::endl; } } if(ok) { Grid grid(contentCells, backgroundCells, gridOptions, stateRewards, faultyProbability); //grid.printToPrism(std::cout, prism::ModelType::MDP);
std::stringstream ss; // grid.printToPrism(file, configurations ,prism::ModelType::MDP);
grid.printToPrism(ss, configurations , gridOptions.getModelType()); std::string str = ss.str(); grid.applyOverwrites(str, configurations); file << str; } } catch(qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_t> const& e) { std::cout << "expected: "; print_info(e.what_); std::cout << "got: \"" << std::string(e.first, e.last) << '"' << std::endl; std::cout << "Expectation failure: " << e.what() << " at '" << std::string(e.first,e.last) << "'\n"; } catch(const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Exception '" << typeid(e).name() << "' caught:" << std::endl; std::cerr << "\t" << e.what() << std::endl; std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
return 0; }