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4 months ago
  1. \item \self
  2. Find a \textit{symbolic encoding} for the set of initial states and the \textit{transition relation} of the following \emph{transition system} and
  3. simplify your formulas. Use a binary encoding to encode the states, e.g.,
  4. encode the state $s_2$ with the formula $v1 \wedge \neg v_0$.
  5. \begin{center}
  6. \vspace{-2em}
  7. \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=3cm,shorten >=1pt,
  8. thick,node/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=25pt}]
  9. \node[node] (s0) {$s_0$};
  10. \node[node] (s1) [right of=s0] {$s_1$};
  11. \node[node] (s2) [below of=s1] {$s_2$};
  12. \node[node] (s3) [below of=s0] {$s_3$};
  13. \path[<->] (s0) edge (s1);
  14. \path[<->] (s0) edge (s2);
  15. \path[<->] (s0) edge (s3);
  16. \path[<->] (s1) edge (s2);
  17. \path[<->] (s1) edge (s3);
  18. %\path[<->] (s2) edge (s3);
  19. \path[->] (s0.120) edge[bend right=90, looseness=15, out=240, in=300] (s0.150);
  20. \path[->] (s1.30) edge[bend right=90, looseness=15, out=240, in=300] (s1.60);
  21. \path[->] (s2.30) edge[bend right=90, looseness=15, out=240, in=300] (s2.60);
  22. \path[->] (s3.120) edge[bend right=90, looseness=15, out=240, in=300] (s3.150);
  23. \end{tikzpicture}
  24. \end{center}