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8 months ago
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  1. % Template for Exams
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  34. {\Large {\bf{Questionnaire ``Logic and Computability''}}}
  35. \hspace{3cm}
  36. {\Large {\bf{Summer Term 2023}}}
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  43. \ifchapterproplogic
  44. \setsectionnum{0}
  45. \section{Propositional Logic}
  46. \input{propositional_logic/propositional_logic.tex}
  47. \pagebreak
  48. \fi
  49. \ifchaptersatsolver
  50. \setsectionnum{1}
  51. \section{SAT Solvers}
  52. \input{sat_solvers_dpll/sat_solvers_dpll.tex}
  53. \pagebreak
  54. \fi
  55. \ifchapterbdd
  56. \setsectionnum{2}
  57. \section{Binary Decision Diagrams}
  58. \input{bdds/bdds.tex}
  59. \pagebreak
  60. \fi
  61. \ifchapterndprop
  62. \setsectionnum{3}
  63. \section{Natural Deduction for Propositional Logic}
  64. \input{natural_deduction_propositional_logic/natural_deduction_prop_logic.tex}
  65. \pagebreak
  66. \fi
  67. \ifchaptereqchecking
  68. \setsectionnum{4}
  69. \section{Combinational Equivalence Checking}
  70. \input{equivalence_checking/equivalence_checking.tex}
  71. \pagebreak
  72. \fi
  73. \ifchaptersmtzthree
  74. \setsectionnum{5}
  75. \section{SMT Solvers and Z3}
  76. \input{smt_and_z3/smt_and_z3.tex}
  77. \pagebreak
  78. \fi
  79. \ifchapterpredlogic
  80. \setsectionnum{6}
  81. \section{Predicate Logic}
  82. \input{predicate_logic/predicate_logic.tex}
  83. \pagebreak
  84. \fi
  85. \ifchapterndpred
  86. \setsectionnum{7}
  87. \section{Natural Deduction for Predicate Logic}
  88. \input{natural_deduction_predicate_logic/natural_deduction_predicate_logic.tex}
  89. \pagebreak
  90. \fi
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  92. \setsectionnum{8}
  93. \section{Satisfiability Modulo Theories}
  94. \input{smt/smt.tex}
  95. \pagebreak
  96. \fi
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  99. \section{Symbolic Encoding}
  100. \input{symbolic_encoding/symbolic_encoding.tex}
  101. \pagebreak
  102. \fi
  103. \ifchaptertemporal
  104. \setsectionnum{10}
  105. \section{Temporal Logic}
  106. \input{temporal_logic/temporal_logic.tex}
  107. \pagebreak
  108. \fi
  109. %---------------------------------------------------------
  110. \end{document}