var bgColors = [ "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)", "linear-gradient(to right, #ff5f6d, #ffc371)", ], i = 0; Toastify({ text: "Hi", duration: 4500, destination: "", newWindow: true, gravity: "top", position: 'left', }).showToast(); setTimeout(function() { Toastify({ text: "Simple JavaScript Toasts", gravity: "top", position: 'center', style: { background: '#0f3443' } }).showToast(); }, 1000); // Options for the toast var options = { text: "Happy toasting!", duration: 2500, callback: function() { console.log("Toast hidden"); Toastify.reposition(); }, close: true, style: { background: "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)", } }; // Initializing the toast var myToast = Toastify(options); // Toast after delay setTimeout(function() { myToast.showToast(); }, 4500); setTimeout(function() { Toastify({ text: "Highly customizable", gravity: "bottom", position: 'left', close: true, style: { background: "linear-gradient(to right, #ff5f6d, #ffc371)", } }).showToast(); }, 3000); // Displaying toast on manual action `Try` document.getElementById("new-toast").addEventListener("click", function() { Toastify({ text: "I am a toast", duration: 3000, close: i % 3 ? true : false, style: { background: bgColors[i % 2], } }).showToast(); i++; });