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  93. <article>
  94. <h2>Test Suite</h2>
  95. <p>A limited set of programmatic sanity tests for CodeMirror.</p>
  96. <div style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 1px; max-width: 700px;">
  97. <div style="width: 0px;" id=progress><div style="padding: 3px;">Ran <span id="progress_ran">0</span><span id="progress_total"> of 0</span> tests</div></div>
  98. </div>
  99. <p id=status>Please enable JavaScript...</p>
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  155. <script>
  156. window.onload = runHarness;
  157. CodeMirror.on(window, 'hashchange', runHarness);
  158. function esc(str) {
  159. return str.replace(/[<&]/, function(ch) { return ch == "<" ? "&lt;" : "&amp;"; });
  160. }
  161. var output = document.getElementById("output"),
  162. progress = document.getElementById("progress"),
  163. progressRan = document.getElementById("progress_ran").childNodes[0],
  164. progressTotal = document.getElementById("progress_total").childNodes[0];
  165. var count = 0,
  166. failed = 0,
  167. skipped = 0,
  168. bad = "",
  169. running = false, // Flag that states tests are running
  170. quit = false, // Flag to quit tests ASAP
  171. verbose = false, // Adds message for *every* test to output
  172. done = false
  173. function runHarness(){
  174. if (running) {
  175. quit = true;
  176. setStatus("Restarting tests...", '', true);
  177. setTimeout(function(){ runHarness(); }, 500);
  178. return;
  179. }
  180. filters = [];
  181. verbose = false;
  182. if (window.location.hash.substr(1)){
  183. var strings = window.location.hash.substr(1).split(",");
  184. while (strings.length) {
  185. var s = strings.shift();
  186. if (s === "verbose")
  187. verbose = true;
  188. else
  189. filters.push(parseTestFilter(decodeURIComponent(s)));
  190. }
  191. }
  192. quit = false;
  193. running = true;
  194. setStatus("Loading tests...");
  195. count = 0;
  196. failed = 0;
  197. done = false;
  198. skipped = 0;
  199. bad = "";
  200. totalTests = countTests();
  201. progressTotal.nodeValue = " of " + totalTests;
  202. progressRan.nodeValue = count;
  203. output.innerHTML = '';
  204. document.getElementById("testground").innerHTML = "<form>" +
  205. "<textarea id=\"code\" name=\"code\"></textarea>" +
  206. "<input type=submit value=ok name=submit>" +
  207. "</form>";
  208. runTests(displayTest);
  209. }
  210. function setStatus(message, className, force){
  211. if (quit && !force) return;
  212. if (!message) throw("must provide message");
  213. var status = document.getElementById("status").childNodes[0];
  214. status.nodeValue = message;
  215. status.parentNode.className = className;
  216. }
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  219. var newTitle = document.createElement("dt");
  220. newTitle.className = className;
  221. newTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name));
  222. newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
  223. var newMessage = document.createElement("dd");
  224. newMessage.innerHTML = code;
  225. newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
  226. newOutput.appendChild(newMessage);
  227. output.appendChild(newOutput);
  228. }
  229. function displayTest(type, name, customMessage) {
  230. var message = "???";
  231. if (type != "done" && type != "skipped") ++count;
  232. = (count * (progress.parentNode.clientWidth - 2) / (totalTests || 1)) + "px";
  233. progressRan.nodeValue = count;
  234. if (type == "ok") {
  235. message = "Test '" + name + "' passed";
  236. if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
  237. } else if (type == "skipped") {
  238. message = "Test '" + name + "' skipped";
  239. ++skipped;
  240. if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
  241. } else if (type == "expected") {
  242. message = "Test '" + name + "' failed as expected";
  243. if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
  244. } else if (type == "error" || type == "fail") {
  245. ++failed;
  246. message = "Test '" + name + "' failed";
  247. } else if (type == "done") {
  248. if (failed) {
  249. type += " fail";
  250. message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
  251. } else if (count < totalTests) {
  252. failed = totalTests - count;
  253. type += " fail";
  254. message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
  255. } else {
  256. type += " ok";
  257. message = "All passed"
  258. if (skipped) {
  259. message += " (" + skipped + " skipped)";
  260. }
  261. }
  262. done = true
  263. progressTotal.nodeValue = '';
  264. customMessage = true; // Hack to avoid adding to output
  265. }
  266. if (verbose && !customMessage) customMessage = message;
  267. setStatus(message, type);
  268. if (customMessage && customMessage.length > 0) {
  269. addOutput(name, type, customMessage);
  270. }
  271. }
  272. </script>
  273. </article>