diff --git a/testall.py b/testall.py
index 7a91900..e7eb591 100644
--- a/testall.py
+++ b/testall.py
@@ -1,35 +1,50 @@
-import subprocess
-                  "/home/knolli/Documents/University/Thesis/tempest-py/slippery_prob_08.yaml",
-                  "/home/knolli/Documents/University/Thesis/tempest-py/slippery_prob_085.yaml",
-                  "/home/knolli/Documents/University/Thesis/tempest-py/slippery_prob_09.yaml",
-                  "/home/knolli/Documents/University/Thesis/tempest-py/slippery_prob_095.yaml",
-                  "/home/knolli/Documents/University/Thesis/tempest-py/slippery_prob_1.yaml"]
+abs_path = "TODO"
+import subprocess
+                  f"{abs_path}/slippery_prob_08.yaml",
+                  f"{abs_path}/slippery_prob_085.yaml",
+                  f"{abs_path}/slippery_prob_09.yaml",
+                  f"{abs_path}/slippery_prob_095.yaml",
+                  f"{abs_path}/slippery_prob_1.yaml"]
 slippery_probs=[[0.125, 0.25, 0.75], # 0.75
-                [0.1, 0.2, 0.8],     # 0.8
+                #[0.1, 0.2, 0.8],     # 0.8
                 [0.075,0.15,0.85],   # 0.85
-                [0.05, 0.1, 0.9],    # 0.9
+                #[0.05, 0.1, 0.9],    # 0.9
                 [0.025,0.05, 0.95],  # 0.95
                 # [0.01, 0.02, 0.98],  # 0.98
                 # [0.005,0.01, 0.99],  # 0.99
-                [0, 0, 1]]           # 1
+                #[0, 0, 1]           # 1
+                ]
-shield_values = [0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 1]
+#shield_values = [0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 1]
+shield_values = [0.85, .95, 1]
 prob_confs = list(zip(slippery_probs, slippery_configs))
-shielding=["full", "none"]
-comps= ["relative", "absolute"]
-for sh in shielding:
-  for shield_value in shield_values:
-    for sh_comp in ["relative", "absolute"]:
-      for probs, config in prob_confs:
-        command = f"echo \"Running experiment with sh:{sh}, sh_value:{probs[2]}, sh_comp:{sh_comp}, probvalues:{probs}, config{config}\""    
-        execute_command = f'./syncscript_local.sh {250000} {"../logresults/"} {"70"} {"MiniGrid-LavaSlipperyS12-v2"} {sh} {sh_comp} {config} {probs[0]} {probs[1]} {probs[2]} {shield_value}'
-        subprocess.call(execute_command, shell=True)#.decode("utf-8").split('\n')
\ No newline at end of file
+counter = 1
+shielding = ["full", "none"]
+comparison_type = ["relative", "absolute"]
+comps = ["relative", "absolute"]
+# matrix for shielded runs
+for shield_value in shield_values:
+  for sh_comp in comparison_type:
+    for probs, config in prob_confs:
+      command = f"echo \"Running experiment with sh:{sh}, sh_value:{probs[2]}, sh_comp:{sh_comp}, probvalues:{probs}, config{config}\""    
+      execute_command = f'./syncscript_local.sh {NUM_TIMESTEPS} {LOGDIR} {"70"} {ENV} full {sh_comp} {config} {probs[0]} {probs[1]} {probs[2]} {shield_value}'
+      subprocess.call(execute_command, shell=True)#.decode("utf-8").split('\n')
+# loop for unshielded runs
+for probs, config in prob_confs:
+  command = f"echo \"Running experiment with sh:{sh}, sh_value:{probs[2]}, sh_comp:{sh_comp}, probvalues:{probs}, config{config}\""    
+  execute_command = f'./syncscript_local.sh {NUM_TIMESTEPS} {LOGDIR} {"70"} {ENV} none {sh_comp} {config} {probs[0]} {probs[1]} {probs[2]} {shield_value}'
+  subprocess.call(execute_command, shell=True)#.decode("utf-8").split('\n')