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155 lines
6.9 KiB

# Generate .travis.yml automatically
# Configuration for Linux
configs = [
# OS, OS version, compiler, build type, task
("ubuntu", "18.04", "gcc", "DefaultDebug", "Test"),
("ubuntu", "18.04", "gcc", "DefaultRelease", "Test"),
("debian", "9", "gcc", "DefaultDebug", "Test"),
("debian", "9", "gcc", "DefaultRelease", "Test"),
("debian", "10", "gcc", "DefaultDebug", "Test"),
("debian", "10", "gcc", "DefaultRelease", "Test"),
("ubuntu", "20.04", "gcc", "DefaultDebugTravis", "TestDocker"),
("ubuntu", "20.04", "gcc", "DefaultReleaseTravis", "TestDockerDoxygen"),
# ("osx", "xcode9.3", "clang", "DefaultDebug", "Test"),
# ("osx", "xcode9.3", "clang", "DefaultRelease", "Test"),
# Stages in travis
build_stages = [
("Build (1st run)", "Build1"),
("Build (2nd run)", "Build2"),
("Build (3rd run)", "BuildLast"),
("Tasks", "Tasks"),
def get_env_string(os, os_version, compiler, build_type, task):
if os == "osx":
return "CONFIG={} TASK={} COMPILER={} STL=libc++\n".format(build_type, task, compiler)
return "CONFIG={} TASK={} LINUX={} COMPILER={}\n".format(build_type, task, "{}-{}".format(os, os_version), compiler)
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = ""
# Initial config
s += "#\n"
s += "# General config\n"
s += "#\n"
s += "branches:\n"
s += " only:\n"
s += " - master\n"
s += " - stable\n"
s += "sudo: required\n"
s += "language: cpp\n"
s += "\n"
s += "git:\n"
s += " depth: false\n"
s += "\n"
s += "# Enable caching\n"
s += "cache:\n"
s += " timeout: 1000\n"
s += " directories:\n"
s += " - build\n"
s += " - travis/mtime_cache\n"
s += "\n"
s += "# Enable docker support\n"
s += "services:\n"
s += "- docker\n"
s += "\n"
s += "notifications:\n"
s += " email:\n"
s += " on_failure: always\n"
s += " on_success: change\n"
s += " recipients:\n"
s += ' - secure: "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"\n'
s += "\n"
s += "#\n"
s += "# Configurations\n"
s += "#\n"
s += "jobs:\n"
s += " include:\n"
# Start with prebuilding carl for docker
s += "\n"
s += " ###\n"
s += " # Stage: Build Carl\n"
s += " ###\n"
for config in configs:
os, os_version, compiler, build_type, task = config
os_type = "osx" if os == "osx" else "linux"
if "Travis" in build_type:
s += " # {}-{} - {}\n".format(os, os_version, build_type)
buildConfig = ""
buildConfig += " - stage: Build Carl\n"
buildConfig += " os: {}\n".format(os_type)
buildConfig += " compiler: {}\n".format(compiler)
buildConfig += " env: {}".format(get_env_string(os, os_version, compiler, build_type, task))
buildConfig += " before_script:\n"
buildConfig += ' - python -c "import fcntl; fcntl.fcntl(1, fcntl.F_SETFL, 0)" # Workaround for nonblocking mode\n'
buildConfig += " script:\n"
buildConfig += " - travis/\n"
buildConfig += " before_cache:\n"
buildConfig += " - docker cp carl:/opt/carl/. .\n"
# Upload to DockerHub
buildConfig += " deploy:\n"
buildConfig += " - provider: script\n"
buildConfig += " skip_cleanup: true\n"
buildConfig += " script: bash travis/ carl\n"
s += buildConfig
# Generate all build configurations
for stage in build_stages:
s += "\n"
s += " ###\n"
s += " # Stage: {}\n".format(stage[0])
s += " ###\n"
for config in configs:
os, os_version, compiler, build_type, task = config
os_type = "osx" if os == "osx" else "linux"
s += " # {}-{} - {}\n".format(os, os_version, build_type)
buildConfig = ""
buildConfig += " - stage: {}\n".format(stage[0])
buildConfig += " os: {}\n".format(os_type)
if os_type == "osx":
buildConfig += " osx_image: {}\n".format(os_version)
buildConfig += " compiler: {}\n".format(compiler)
buildConfig += " env: {}".format(get_env_string(os, os_version, compiler, build_type, task))
buildConfig += " install:\n"
if stage[1] == "Build1":
buildConfig += " - rm -rf build\n"
buildConfig += " - travis/\n"
if os_type == "osx":
buildConfig += " - travis/\n"
buildConfig += " before_script:\n"
buildConfig += ' - python -c "import fcntl; fcntl.fcntl(1, fcntl.F_SETFL, 0)" # Workaround for nonblocking mode\n'
buildConfig += " script:\n"
buildConfig += " - travis/ {}\n".format(stage[1])
if os_type == "linux":
buildConfig += " before_cache:\n"
buildConfig += " - docker cp storm:/opt/storm/. .\n"
buildConfig += " after_failure:\n"
buildConfig += " - find build -iname '*err*.log' -type f -print -exec cat {} \;\n"
# Deployment
if stage[1] == "Tasks":
if "Docker" in task or "Doxygen" in task:
buildConfig += " deploy:\n"
if "Docker" in task:
buildConfig += " - provider: script\n"
buildConfig += " skip_cleanup: true\n"
buildConfig += " script: bash travis/ storm\n"
if "Doxygen" in task:
buildConfig += " - provider: pages\n"
buildConfig += " skip_cleanup: true\n"
buildConfig += " github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN\n"
buildConfig += " local_dir: build/doc/html/\n"
buildConfig += " repo: moves-rwth/storm-doc\n"
buildConfig += " target_branch: master\n"
buildConfig += " on:\n"
buildConfig += " branch: master\n"
s += buildConfig