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#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include "storm/storage/sparse/StateType.h"
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
template <typename ValueType>
class ConstantsComparator;
namespace storage {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
class Distribution {
typedef boost::container::flat_map<StateType, ValueType> container_type;
typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
* Creates an empty distribution.
Distribution(Distribution const& other) = default;
Distribution& operator=(Distribution const& other) = default;
Distribution(Distribution&& other) = default;
Distribution& operator=(Distribution&& other) = default;
* Adds the given distribution to the current one.
void add(Distribution const& other);
* Checks whether the two distributions specify the same probabilities to go to the same states.
* @param other The distribution with which the current distribution is to be compared.
* @return True iff the two distributions are equal.
bool equals(Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>()) const;
* Assigns the given state the given probability under this distribution.
* @param state The state to which to assign the probability.
* @param probability The probability to assign.
void addProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability);
* Removes the given probability mass of going to the given state.
* @param state The state for which to remove the probability.
* @param probability The probability to remove.
* @param comparator A comparator that is used to determine if the remaining probability is zero. If so, the
* entry is removed.
void removeProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
* Removes the probability mass from one state and adds it to another.
* @param fromState The state from which to take the probability mass.
* @param toState The state from which to which to add the probability mass.
* @param probability The probability mass to shift.
* @param comparator A comparator that is used to determine if the remaining probability is zero. If so, the
* entry is removed.
void shiftProbability(StateType const& fromState, StateType const& toState, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
* Retrieves an iterator to the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator to the elements in this distribution.
iterator begin();
* Retrieves an iterator to the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator to the elements in this distribution.
const_iterator begin() const;
* Retrieves an iterator to the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator to the elements in this distribution.
const_iterator cbegin() const;
* Retrieves an iterator past the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator past the elements in this distribution.
iterator end();
* Retrieves an iterator past the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator past the elements in this distribution.
const_iterator end() const;
* Retrieves an iterator past the elements in this distribution.
* @return The iterator past the elements in this distribution.
const_iterator cend() const;
* Scales the distribution by multiplying all the probabilities with 1/p where p is the probability of moving
* to the given state and sets the probability of moving to the given state to zero. If the probability is
* already zero, this operation has no effect.
* @param state The state whose associated probability is used to scale the distribution.
void scale(StateType const& state);
* Retrieves the size of the distribution, i.e. the size of the support set.
std::size_t size() const;
bool less(Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) const;
// A list of states and the probabilities that are assigned to them.
container_type distribution;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& distribution);
namespace std {
template <typename ValueType>
struct hash<storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType>> {
std::size_t operator()(storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType> const& distribution) const {
return (distribution.getHash());