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* MappedFileTest.cpp
* Created on: Feb 25, 2014
* Author: Manuel Sascha Weiand
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include <string>
#include "src/parser/MappedFile.h"
#include "src/utility/cstring.h"
#include "src/exceptions/FileIoException.h"
TEST(MappedFileTest, NonExistingFile) {
// No matter what happens, please do NOT create a file with the name "nonExistingFile.not"!
ASSERT_THROW(storm::parser::MappedFile(STORM_CPP_TESTS_BASE_PATH "/nonExistingFile.not"), storm::exceptions::FileIoException);
TEST(MappedFileTest, BasicFunctionality) {
// Open a file and test if the content is loaded as expected.
storm::parser::MappedFile file(STORM_CPP_TESTS_BASE_PATH "/functional/parser/testStringFile.txt");
std::string testString = "This is a test string.";
char const* dataPtr = file.getData();
for(char const* testStringPtr = testString.c_str(); testStringPtr - testString.c_str() < 22; testStringPtr++) {
ASSERT_EQ(*testStringPtr, *dataPtr);
// The next character should be an end of line character (actual character varies between operating systems).
ASSERT_EQ(dataPtr, storm::utility::cstring::forwardToLineEnd(dataPtr));
// The newline character should be the last contained in the string.
ASSERT_EQ(file.getDataEnd(), storm::utility::cstring::forwardToNextLine(dataPtr));
TEST(MappedFileTest, ExistsAndReadble) {
// Test the fileExistsAndIsReadable() method under various circumstances.
// File exists and is readable.
ASSERT_TRUE(storm::parser::MappedFile::fileExistsAndIsReadable(STORM_CPP_TESTS_BASE_PATH "/functional/parser/testStringFile.txt"));
// File does not exist.
ASSERT_FALSE(storm::parser::MappedFile::fileExistsAndIsReadable(STORM_CPP_TESTS_BASE_PATH "/nonExistingFile.not"));
// File exists but is not readable.
// TODO: Find portable solution to providing a situation in which a file exists but is not readable.
//ASSERT_FALSE(storm::parser::MappedFile::fileExistsAndIsReadable(STORM_CPP_TESTS_BASE_PATH "/functional/parser/unreadableFile.txt"));