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* Dtmc.h
* Created on: 14.11.2012
* Author: Christian Dehnert
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "AbstractDeterministicModel.h"
#include "AtomicPropositionsLabeling.h"
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "src/settings/SettingsManager.h"
#include "src/utility/vector.h"
#include "src/utility/matrix.h"
#include "src/utility/ConstantsComparator.h"
namespace storm {
namespace models {
* This class represents a discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) whose states are
* labeled with atomic propositions.
template <class T>
class Dtmc : public storm::models::AbstractDeterministicModel<T> {
* Constructs a DTMC object from the given transition probability matrix and
* the given labeling of the states.
* All values are copied.
* @param probabilityMatrix The matrix representing the transitions in the model.
* @param stateLabeling The labeling that assigns a set of atomic
* propositions to each state.
* @param optionalStateRewardVector The reward values associated with the states.
* @param optionalTransitionRewardMatrix The reward values associated with the transitions of the model.
* @param optionalChoiceLabeling A vector that represents the labels associated with the choices of each state.
Dtmc(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& probabilityMatrix, storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling const& stateLabeling,
boost::optional<std::vector<T>> const& optionalStateRewardVector = {}, boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> const& optionalTransitionRewardMatrix = {},
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> const& optionalChoiceLabeling = {})
: AbstractDeterministicModel<T>(probabilityMatrix, stateLabeling, optionalStateRewardVector, optionalTransitionRewardMatrix, optionalChoiceLabeling) {
if (!this->checkValidityOfProbabilityMatrix()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Probability matrix is invalid.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Probability matrix is invalid.";
if (this->hasTransitionRewards()) {
if (!this->getTransitionRewardMatrix().isSubmatrixOf(this->getTransitionMatrix())) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";
* Constructs a DTMC object from the given transition probability matrix and
* the given labeling of the states.
* All values are moved.
* @param probabilityMatrix The matrix representing the transitions in the model.
* @param stateLabeling The labeling that assigns a set of atomic
* propositions to each state.
* @param optionalStateRewardVector The reward values associated with the states.
* @param optionalTransitionRewardMatrix The reward values associated with the transitions of the model.
* @param optionalChoiceLabeling A vector that represents the labels associated with the choices of each state.
Dtmc(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>&& probabilityMatrix, storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling&& stateLabeling,
boost::optional<std::vector<T>>&& optionalStateRewardVector = boost::optional<std::vector<T>>(),
boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>>&& optionalTransitionRewardMatrix = boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>>(),
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>>&& optionalChoiceLabeling = boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>>())
// The std::move call must be repeated here because otherwise this calls the copy constructor of the Base Class
: AbstractDeterministicModel<T>(std::move(probabilityMatrix), std::move(stateLabeling), std::move(optionalStateRewardVector), std::move(optionalTransitionRewardMatrix),
std::move(optionalChoiceLabeling)) {
if (!this->checkValidityOfProbabilityMatrix()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Probability matrix is invalid.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Probability matrix is invalid.";
if (this->hasTransitionRewards()) {
if (!this->getTransitionRewardMatrix().isSubmatrixOf(this->getTransitionMatrix())) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";
* Copy Constructor. Performs a deep copy of the given DTMC.
* @param dtmc A reference to the DTMC that is to be copied.
Dtmc(Dtmc<T> const & dtmc) : AbstractDeterministicModel<T>(dtmc) {
// Intentionally left empty.
* Move Constructor. Performs a move on the given DTMC.
* @param dtmc A reference to the DTMC that is to be moved.
Dtmc(Dtmc<T>&& dtmc) : AbstractDeterministicModel<T>(std::move(dtmc)) {
// Intentionally left empty.
//! Destructor
* Destructor.
~Dtmc() {
// Intentionally left empty.
storm::models::ModelType getType() const {
return DTMC;
* Calculates a hash over all values contained in this Model.
* @return size_t A Hash Value
virtual std::size_t getHash() const override {
return AbstractDeterministicModel<T>::getHash();
* Generates a sub-Dtmc of this Dtmc induced by the states specified by the bitvector.
* E.g. a Dtmc that is partial isomorph (on the given states) to this one.
* @param subSysStates A BitVector where all states that should be kept are indicated
* by a set bit of the corresponding index.
* Waring: If the vector does not have the correct size, it will be resized.
* @return The sub-Dtmc.
storm::models::Dtmc<T> getSubDtmc(storm::storage::BitVector& subSysStates) const {
// Is there any state in the subsystem?
if(subSysStates.getNumberOfSetBits() == 0) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "No states in subsystem!");
return storm::models::Dtmc<T>(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>(),
storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling(this->getStateLabeling(), subSysStates),
// Does the vector have the right size?
if(subSysStates.size() != this->getNumberOfStates()) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "BitVector has wrong size. Resizing it...");
// Test if it is a proper subsystem of this Dtmc, i.e. if there is at least one state to be left out.
if(subSysStates.getNumberOfSetBits() == subSysStates.size()) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "All states are kept. This is no proper subsystem.");
return storm::models::Dtmc<T>(*this);
// 1. Get all necessary information from the old transition matrix
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const & origMat = this->getTransitionMatrix();
// Iterate over all rows. Count the number of all transitions from the old system to be
// transfered to the new one. Also build a mapping from the state number of the old system
// to the state number of the new system.
uint_fast64_t subSysTransitionCount = 0;
uint_fast64_t newRow = 0;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stateMapping;
for(uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < origMat.getRowCount(); ++row) {
for(auto const& entry : origMat.getRow(row)) {
if(subSysStates.get(entry.getColumn())) {
} else {
stateMapping.push_back((uint_fast64_t) -1);
// 2. Construct transition matrix
// Take all states indicated by the vector as well as one additional state s_b as target of
// all transitions that target a state that is not kept.
uint_fast64_t const newStateCount = subSysStates.getNumberOfSetBits() + 1;
// The number of transitions of the new Dtmc is the number of transitions transfered
// from the old one plus one transition for each state to s_b.
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<T> newMatBuilder(newStateCount,newStateCount,subSysTransitionCount + newStateCount);
// Now fill the matrix.
newRow = 0;
T rest = utility::constantZero<T>();
for(uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < origMat.getRowCount(); ++row) {
// Transfer transitions
for(auto& entry : origMat.getRow(row)) {
if(subSysStates.get(entry.getColumn())) {
newMatBuilder.addNextValue(newRow, stateMapping[entry.getColumn()], entry.getValue());
} else {
rest += entry.getValue();
// Insert the transition taking care of the remaining outgoing probability.
newMatBuilder.addNextValue(newRow, newStateCount - 1, rest);
rest = storm::utility::constantZero<T>();
// Insert last transition: self loop on s_b
newMatBuilder.addNextValue(newStateCount - 1, newStateCount - 1, storm::utility::constantOne<T>());
// 3. Take care of the labeling.
storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling newLabeling = storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling(this->getStateLabeling(), subSysStates);
if(!newLabeling.containsAtomicProposition("s_b")) {
newLabeling.addAtomicPropositionToState("s_b", newStateCount - 1);
// 4. Handle the optionals
boost::optional<std::vector<T>> newStateRewards;
if(this->hasStateRewards()) {
// Get the rewards and move the needed values to the front.
std::vector<T> newRewards(this->getStateRewardVector());
storm::utility::vector::selectVectorValues(newRewards, subSysStates, newRewards);
// Throw away all values after the last state and set the reward for s_b to 0.
newRewards[newStateCount - 1] = (T) 0;
newStateRewards = newRewards;
boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> newTransitionRewards;
if(this->hasTransitionRewards()) {
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<T> newTransRewardsBuilder(newStateCount, subSysTransitionCount + newStateCount);
// Copy the rewards for the kept states
newRow = 0;
for(uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < this->getTransitionRewardMatrix().getRowCount(); ++row) {
// Transfer transition rewards
for(auto& entry : this->getTransitionRewardMatrix().getRow(row)) {
if(subSysStates.get(entry.getColumn())) {
newTransRewardsBuilder.addNextValue(newRow, stateMapping[entry.getColumn()], entry.getValue());
// Insert the reward (e.g. 0) for the transition taking care of the remaining outgoing probability.
newTransRewardsBuilder.addNextValue(newRow, newStateCount - 1, storm::utility::constantZero<T>());
newTransitionRewards =;
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> newChoiceLabels;
if(this->hasChoiceLabeling()) {
// Get the choice label sets and move the needed values to the front.
std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>> newChoice(this->getChoiceLabeling());
storm::utility::vector::selectVectorValues(newChoice, subSysStates, this->getChoiceLabeling());
// Throw away all values after the last state and set the choice label set for s_b as empty.
newChoice[newStateCount - 1] = boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>();
newChoiceLabels = newChoice;
// 5. Make Dtmc from its parts and return it
return storm::models::Dtmc<T>(, newLabeling, newStateRewards, std::move(newTransitionRewards), newChoiceLabels);
virtual std::shared_ptr<AbstractModel<T>> applyScheduler(storm::storage::Scheduler const& scheduler) const override {
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> newTransitionMatrix = storm::utility::matrix::applyScheduler(this->getTransitionMatrix(), scheduler);
return std::shared_ptr<AbstractModel<T>>(new Dtmc(newTransitionMatrix, this->getStateLabeling(), this->hasStateRewards() ? this->getStateRewardVector() : boost::optional<std::vector<T>>(), this->hasTransitionRewards() ? this->getTransitionRewardMatrix() : boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>>(), this->hasChoiceLabeling() ? this->getChoiceLabeling() : boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>>()));
void dumpToExplicitFormat(std::string const& traFilename, std::string const& labFilename) const {
std::ofstream transStream(traFilename);
transStream << "dtmc" << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < this->getNumberOfStates(); ++stateIndex) {
for (auto const& element : this->getTransitionMatrix().getRow(stateIndex)) {
transStream << stateIndex << " " << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl;
std::ofstream labStream(labFilename);
labStream << "#DECLARATION" << std::endl;
for (auto const& label : this->getStateLabeling().getAtomicPropositions()) {
labStream << label << " ";
labStream << std::endl;
labStream << "#END" << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < this->getNumberOfStates(); ++stateIndex) {
std::set<std::string> labels = this->getLabelsForState(stateIndex);
if (!labels.empty()) {
labStream << stateIndex << " ";
for (auto const& label : labels) {
labStream << label << " ";
labStream << std::endl;
* @brief Perform some sanity checks.
* Checks probability matrix if all rows sum up to one.
bool checkValidityOfProbabilityMatrix() {
if (this->getTransitionMatrix().getRowCount() != this->getTransitionMatrix().getColumnCount()) {
// not square
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Probability matrix is not square.");
return false;
storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<T> comparator;
for (uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < this->getTransitionMatrix().getRowCount(); ++row) {
T sum = this->getTransitionMatrix().getRowSum(row);
// If the sum is not a constant, for example for parametric models, we cannot check whether the sum is one
// or not.
if (!comparator.isConstant(sum)) {
if (!comparator.isOne(sum)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace models
} // namespace storm
#endif /* STORM_MODELS_DTMC_H_ */