69 lines
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alloy.mps Aluminium alloy blending
assign.mod Assignment problem
bpp.mod Bin packing problem
cal.mod Print an ASCII calendar of the given year
cf12a.mod Curve fitting problem
cf12b.mod Curve fitting problem
cflsq.mod Curve fitting problem by least squares
color.mod Graph coloring problem
cpp.mod Critical path problem
crypto.mod A crypto-arithmetic puzzle
dea.mod Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
diet.mod Stigler's nutrition model
dist.mod A product distribution model
egypt.mod A static model for fertilizer production
fctp.mod Fixed-charge transportation problem
food.mod Food manufacture model
food2.mod Food manufacture model
furnace.mps Electric-arc furnace steelmaking
gap.mod Generalized assignment problem
graceful.mod Graceful Tree Labeling Problem
graph.mod Graph visualization
hashi.mod A solver for the Japanese number-puzzle Hashiwokakero
huge.mod Arithmetic mean of a large number of integers
icecream.mps Ice cream blending
jssp.mod Job-shop scheduling problem
life_goe.mod Conway's Game of Life garden of eden checker
magic.mod Magic square
maxcut.mod Maximum cut problem
maxflow.mod Maximum flow problem
mfasp.mod Minimum feedback arc set problem
mfvsp.mod Minimum feedback vertex set problem
min01ks.mod Finding minimal equivalent 0-1 knapsack inequality
misp.mod Maximum independent set problem
money.mod A crypto-arithmetic puzzle
murtagh.mps Oil refinery model
mvcp.mod Minimum vertex cover problem
numbrix.mod Number placement puzzle
pbn/*.* Paint-by-numbers puzzle
pentomino.mod A geometric placement puzzle
plan.lp A simple LP problem (CPLEX LP format)
plan.mod A simple LP problem (MathProg format)
plan.mps A simple LP problem (MPS format)
planarity.mod Graph planarity testing
powpl25h.mod Power plant LP scheduler (25hrs for daylightsavings)
powplant.mod Power plant LP scheduler
prod.mod A multiperiod production model
qfit.mod Quadratic curve fitting solution
queens.mod A classic combinatorial optimization problem
sat.mod Satisfiability problem
shiftcov.mod Workforce shift coverage assignment problem
shikaku.mod A solver for the logic puzzle Shikaku
sorting.mod How to sort arrays in MathProg
spp.mod Shortest path problem
stigler.mod Original Stigler's 1939 diet problem
sudoku.mod Number placement puzzle
tas.mod Tail assignment problem
tiling.mod Rectifiable polyomino tilings generator
todd.mod A class of hard instances of 0-1 knapsack problems
toto.mod Covering code generator, especially for football pool
train.mod A model of railroad passenger car allocation
transp.mod A transportation problem
trick.mod A transportation design problem
tsp.mod Traveling salesman problem
wolfra6d.lp Neumann CA grid emulator generator
wolfra6d.mod Neumann CA grid emulator generator
xyacfs.mod Extended yet another curve fitting solution
yacfs.mod Yet another curve fitting solution
zebra.mod Who owns the zebra?