TimQu 3e1532760e replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
src replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
CMakeLists.txt replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Cholesky replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
CholmodSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Core replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Dense replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Eigen replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Eigenvalues replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Geometry replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Householder replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
IterativeLinearSolvers replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Jacobi replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
LU replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
MetisSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
OrderingMethods replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
PaStiXSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
PardisoSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
QR replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
QtAlignedMalloc replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SPQRSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SVD replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
Sparse replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SparseCholesky replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SparseCore replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SparseLU replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SparseQR replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
StdDeque replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
StdList replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
StdVector replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
SuperLUSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago
UmfPackSupport replaced EIGEN with STORMEIGEN and Eigen/ with StormEigen/ 8 years ago