/* Copyright 2005-2013 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ #ifndef __TBB_spin_mutex_H #define __TBB_spin_mutex_H #include <cstddef> #include <new> #include "aligned_space.h" #include "tbb_stddef.h" #include "tbb_machine.h" #include "tbb_profiling.h" namespace tbb { //! A lock that occupies a single byte. /** A spin_mutex is a spin mutex that fits in a single byte. It should be used only for locking short critical sections (typically less than 20 instructions) when fairness is not an issue. If zero-initialized, the mutex is considered unheld. @ingroup synchronization */ class spin_mutex { //! 0 if lock is released, 1 if lock is acquired. __TBB_atomic_flag flag; public: //! Construct unacquired lock. /** Equivalent to zero-initialization of *this. */ spin_mutex() : flag(0) { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS internal_construct(); #endif } //! Represents acquisition of a mutex. class scoped_lock : internal::no_copy { private: //! Points to currently held mutex, or NULL if no lock is held. spin_mutex* my_mutex; //! Value to store into spin_mutex::flag to unlock the mutex. /** This variable is no longer used. Instead, 0 and 1 are used to represent that the lock is free and acquired, respectively. We keep the member variable here to ensure backward compatibility */ __TBB_Flag my_unlock_value; //! Like acquire, but with ITT instrumentation. void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD internal_acquire( spin_mutex& m ); //! Like try_acquire, but with ITT instrumentation. bool __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD internal_try_acquire( spin_mutex& m ); //! Like release, but with ITT instrumentation. void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD internal_release(); friend class spin_mutex; public: //! Construct without acquiring a mutex. scoped_lock() : my_mutex(NULL), my_unlock_value(0) {} //! Construct and acquire lock on a mutex. scoped_lock( spin_mutex& m ) : my_unlock_value(0) { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT my_mutex=NULL; internal_acquire(m); #else __TBB_LockByte(m.flag); my_mutex=&m; #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT*/ } //! Acquire lock. void acquire( spin_mutex& m ) { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT internal_acquire(m); #else __TBB_LockByte(m.flag); my_mutex = &m; #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT*/ } //! Try acquiring lock (non-blocking) /** Return true if lock acquired; false otherwise. */ bool try_acquire( spin_mutex& m ) { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT return internal_try_acquire(m); #else bool result = __TBB_TryLockByte(m.flag); if( result ) my_mutex = &m; return result; #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT*/ } //! Release lock void release() { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT internal_release(); #else __TBB_UnlockByte(my_mutex->flag, 0); my_mutex = NULL; #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT */ } //! Destroy lock. If holding a lock, releases the lock first. ~scoped_lock() { if( my_mutex ) { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT internal_release(); #else __TBB_UnlockByte(my_mutex->flag, 0); #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS||TBB_USE_ASSERT */ } } }; void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD internal_construct(); // Mutex traits static const bool is_rw_mutex = false; static const bool is_recursive_mutex = false; static const bool is_fair_mutex = false; // ISO C++0x compatibility methods //! Acquire lock void lock() { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS aligned_space<scoped_lock,1> tmp; new(tmp.begin()) scoped_lock(*this); #else __TBB_LockByte(flag); #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS*/ } //! Try acquiring lock (non-blocking) /** Return true if lock acquired; false otherwise. */ bool try_lock() { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS aligned_space<scoped_lock,1> tmp; return (new(tmp.begin()) scoped_lock)->internal_try_acquire(*this); #else return __TBB_TryLockByte(flag); #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS*/ } //! Release lock void unlock() { #if TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS aligned_space<scoped_lock,1> tmp; scoped_lock& s = *tmp.begin(); s.my_mutex = this; s.internal_release(); #else __TBB_store_with_release(flag, 0); #endif /* TBB_USE_THREADING_TOOLS */ } friend class scoped_lock; }; __TBB_DEFINE_PROFILING_SET_NAME(spin_mutex) } // namespace tbb #endif /* __TBB_spin_mutex_H */