    Copyright 2005-2013 Intel Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

    This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.

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#ifndef __TBB_concurrent_queue_H
#define __TBB_concurrent_queue_H

#include "internal/_concurrent_queue_impl.h"

namespace tbb {

namespace strict_ppl {

//! A high-performance thread-safe non-blocking concurrent queue.
/** Multiple threads may each push and pop concurrently.
    Assignment construction is not allowed.
    @ingroup containers */
template<typename T, typename A = cache_aligned_allocator<T> > 
class concurrent_queue: public internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3<T> {
    template<typename Container, typename Value> friend class internal::concurrent_queue_iterator;

    //! Allocator type
    typedef typename A::template rebind<char>::other page_allocator_type;
    page_allocator_type my_allocator;

    //! Allocates a block of size n (bytes)
    /*override*/ virtual void *allocate_block( size_t n ) {
        void *b = reinterpret_cast<void*>(my_allocator.allocate( n ));
        if( !b )
        return b;

    //! Deallocates block created by allocate_block.
    /*override*/ virtual void deallocate_block( void *b, size_t n ) {
        my_allocator.deallocate( reinterpret_cast<char*>(b), n );

    //! Element type in the queue.
    typedef T value_type;

    //! Reference type
    typedef T& reference;

    //! Const reference type
    typedef const T& const_reference;

    //! Integral type for representing size of the queue.
    typedef size_t size_type;

    //! Difference type for iterator
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;

    //! Allocator type
    typedef A allocator_type;

    //! Construct empty queue
    explicit concurrent_queue(const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) : 
        my_allocator( a )

    //! [begin,end) constructor
    template<typename InputIterator>
    concurrent_queue( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) :
        my_allocator( a )
        for( ; begin != end; ++begin )
    //! Copy constructor
    concurrent_queue( const concurrent_queue& src, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) : 
        internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3<T>(), my_allocator( a )
        this->assign( src );
    //! Destroy queue

    //! Enqueue an item at tail of queue.
    void push( const T& source ) {
        this->internal_push( &source );

    //! Attempt to dequeue an item from head of queue.
    /** Does not wait for item to become available.
        Returns true if successful; false otherwise. */
    bool try_pop( T& result ) {
        return this->internal_try_pop( &result );

    //! Return the number of items in the queue; thread unsafe
    size_type unsafe_size() const {return this->internal_size();}

    //! Equivalent to size()==0.
    bool empty() const {return this->internal_empty();}

    //! Clear the queue. not thread-safe.
    void clear() ;

    //! Return allocator object
    allocator_type get_allocator() const { return this->my_allocator; }

    typedef internal::concurrent_queue_iterator<concurrent_queue,T> iterator;
    typedef internal::concurrent_queue_iterator<concurrent_queue,const T> const_iterator;

    // The iterators are intended only for debugging.  They are slow and not thread safe.
    iterator unsafe_begin() {return iterator(*this);}
    iterator unsafe_end() {return iterator();}
    const_iterator unsafe_begin() const {return const_iterator(*this);}
    const_iterator unsafe_end() const {return const_iterator();}
} ;

template<typename T, class A>
concurrent_queue<T,A>::~concurrent_queue() {

template<typename T, class A>
void concurrent_queue<T,A>::clear() {
    while( !empty() ) {
        T value;

} // namespace strict_ppl
//! A high-performance thread-safe blocking concurrent bounded queue.
/** This is the pre-PPL TBB concurrent queue which supports boundedness and blocking semantics.
    Note that method names agree with the PPL-style concurrent queue.
    Multiple threads may each push and pop concurrently.
    Assignment construction is not allowed.
    @ingroup containers */
template<typename T, class A = cache_aligned_allocator<T> >
class concurrent_bounded_queue: public internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3 {
    template<typename Container, typename Value> friend class internal::concurrent_queue_iterator;

    //! Allocator type
    typedef typename A::template rebind<char>::other page_allocator_type;
    page_allocator_type my_allocator;

    typedef typename concurrent_queue_base_v3::padded_page<T> padded_page;
    //! Class used to ensure exception-safety of method "pop" 
    class destroyer: internal::no_copy {
        T& my_value;
        destroyer( T& value ) : my_value(value) {}
        ~destroyer() {my_value.~T();}          

    T& get_ref( page& p, size_t index ) {
        __TBB_ASSERT( index<items_per_page, NULL );
        return (&static_cast<padded_page*>(static_cast<void*>(&p))->last)[index];

    /*override*/ virtual void copy_item( page& dst, size_t index, const void* src ) {
        new( &get_ref(dst,index) ) T(*static_cast<const T*>(src)); 

    /*override*/ virtual void copy_page_item( page& dst, size_t dindex, const page& src, size_t sindex ) {
        new( &get_ref(dst,dindex) ) T( get_ref( const_cast<page&>(src), sindex ) );

    /*override*/ virtual void assign_and_destroy_item( void* dst, page& src, size_t index ) {
        T& from = get_ref(src,index);
        destroyer d(from);
        *static_cast<T*>(dst) = from;

    /*override*/ virtual page *allocate_page() {
        size_t n = sizeof(padded_page) + (items_per_page-1)*sizeof(T);
        page *p = reinterpret_cast<page*>(my_allocator.allocate( n ));
        if( !p )
        return p;

    /*override*/ virtual void deallocate_page( page *p ) {
        size_t n = sizeof(padded_page) + (items_per_page-1)*sizeof(T);
        my_allocator.deallocate( reinterpret_cast<char*>(p), n );

    //! Element type in the queue.
    typedef T value_type;

    //! Allocator type
    typedef A allocator_type;

    //! Reference type
    typedef T& reference;

    //! Const reference type
    typedef const T& const_reference;

    //! Integral type for representing size of the queue.
    /** Note that the size_type is a signed integral type.
        This is because the size can be negative if there are pending pops without corresponding pushes. */
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t size_type;

    //! Difference type for iterator
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;

    //! Construct empty queue
    explicit concurrent_bounded_queue(const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) : 
        concurrent_queue_base_v3( sizeof(T) ), my_allocator( a )

    //! Copy constructor
    concurrent_bounded_queue( const concurrent_bounded_queue& src, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) : 
        concurrent_queue_base_v3( sizeof(T) ), my_allocator( a )
        assign( src );

    //! [begin,end) constructor
    template<typename InputIterator>
    concurrent_bounded_queue( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const allocator_type& a = allocator_type()) :
        concurrent_queue_base_v3( sizeof(T) ), my_allocator( a )
        for( ; begin != end; ++begin )

    //! Destroy queue

    //! Enqueue an item at tail of queue.
    void push( const T& source ) {
        internal_push( &source );

    //! Dequeue item from head of queue.
    /** Block until an item becomes available, and then dequeue it. */
    void pop( T& destination ) {
        internal_pop( &destination );

    //! Abort all pending queue operations
    void abort() {

    //! Enqueue an item at tail of queue if queue is not already full.
    /** Does not wait for queue to become not full.
        Returns true if item is pushed; false if queue was already full. */
    bool try_push( const T& source ) {
        return internal_push_if_not_full( &source );

    //! Attempt to dequeue an item from head of queue.
    /** Does not wait for item to become available.
        Returns true if successful; false otherwise. */
    bool try_pop( T& destination ) {
        return internal_pop_if_present( &destination );

    //! Return number of pushes minus number of pops.
    /** Note that the result can be negative if there are pops waiting for the 
        corresponding pushes.  The result can also exceed capacity() if there 
        are push operations in flight. */
    size_type size() const {return internal_size();}

    //! Equivalent to size()<=0.
    bool empty() const {return internal_empty();}

    //! Maximum number of allowed elements
    size_type capacity() const {
        return my_capacity;

    //! Set the capacity
    /** Setting the capacity to 0 causes subsequent try_push operations to always fail,
        and subsequent push operations to block forever. */
    void set_capacity( size_type new_capacity ) {
        internal_set_capacity( new_capacity, sizeof(T) );

    //! return allocator object
    allocator_type get_allocator() const { return this->my_allocator; }

    //! clear the queue. not thread-safe.
    void clear() ;

    typedef internal::concurrent_queue_iterator<concurrent_bounded_queue,T> iterator;
    typedef internal::concurrent_queue_iterator<concurrent_bounded_queue,const T> const_iterator;

    // The iterators are intended only for debugging.  They are slow and not thread safe.
    iterator unsafe_begin() {return iterator(*this);}
    iterator unsafe_end() {return iterator();}
    const_iterator unsafe_begin() const {return const_iterator(*this);}
    const_iterator unsafe_end() const {return const_iterator();}


template<typename T, class A>
concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>::~concurrent_bounded_queue() {

template<typename T, class A>
void concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>::clear() {
    while( !empty() ) {
        T value;

namespace deprecated {

//! A high-performance thread-safe blocking concurrent bounded queue.
/** This is the pre-PPL TBB concurrent queue which support boundedness and blocking semantics.
    Note that method names agree with the PPL-style concurrent queue.
    Multiple threads may each push and pop concurrently.
    Assignment construction is not allowed.
    @ingroup containers */
template<typename T, class A = cache_aligned_allocator<T> > 
class concurrent_queue: public concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A> {
    template<typename Container, typename Value> friend class internal::concurrent_queue_iterator;

    //! Construct empty queue
    explicit concurrent_queue(const A& a = A()) : 
        concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>( a )

    //! Copy constructor
    concurrent_queue( const concurrent_queue& src, const A& a = A()) : 
        concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>( src, a )

    //! [begin,end) constructor
    template<typename InputIterator>
    concurrent_queue( InputIterator b /*begin*/, InputIterator e /*end*/, const A& a = A()) :
        concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>( b, e, a )

    //! Enqueue an item at tail of queue if queue is not already full.
    /** Does not wait for queue to become not full.
        Returns true if item is pushed; false if queue was already full. */
    bool push_if_not_full( const T& source ) {
        return this->try_push( source );

    //! Attempt to dequeue an item from head of queue.
    /** Does not wait for item to become available.
        Returns true if successful; false otherwise. 
        @deprecated Use try_pop()
    bool pop_if_present( T& destination ) {
        return this->try_pop( destination );

    typedef typename concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename concurrent_bounded_queue<T,A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
    // The iterators are intended only for debugging.  They are slow and not thread safe.
    iterator begin() {return this->unsafe_begin();}
    iterator end() {return this->unsafe_end();}
    const_iterator begin() const {return this->unsafe_begin();}
    const_iterator end() const {return this->unsafe_end();}


using deprecated::concurrent_queue;
using strict_ppl::concurrent_queue;    

} // namespace tbb

#endif /* __TBB_concurrent_queue_H */