<HTML> <BODY> <H2>Overview</H2> This directory has examples of <code>tbb::flow</code>. <H2>Directories</H2> <DL> <DT><A HREF="dining_philosophers/index.html">dining_philosophers</A> <DD>An implementation of dining philosophers in graph using the reserving join node. <DT><A HREF="binpack/index.html">binpack</A> <DD>A solution to the binpacking problem using a queue_node, a buffer_node and function_nodes. <DT><A HREF="logic_sim/index.html">logic_sim</A> <DD>A simplistic example of a collection of digital logic gates that can be easily composed into larger circuits. </DL> <HR> <A HREF="../index.html">Up to parent directory</A> <p></p> Copyright © 2005-2013 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. <P></P> Intel is a registered trademark or trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. <p></p> * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. </BODY> </HTML>