This directory contains common code that is used in the Intel&reg; Threading Building Blocks examples.

This code is not intended to be used directly.  It is incorporated automatically by the examples that need it.

<DT><A HREF="gui">gui</A>
<DD>GUI code for examples that have graphical user interfaces.  Currently supports:
    <LI>GDI+*, DirectDraw*, Direct2D* (Windows* systems)
    <LI>OpenGL* (Mac OS* X systems)
    <LI>X window (Linux* or Mac OS* X systems)
    See the examples that use the GUI
    (<A HREF=../parallel_for/tachyon/index.html>tachyon</A> and <A HREF=../parallel_for/seismic/index.html>seismic</A>)
    for more details.
<DT><A HREF="utility">utility</A>
<DD>common driver code for examples.

<A HREF="../index.html">Up to parent directory</A>
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