// Module: LOG4CPLUS // File: configurator.cxx // Created: 3/2003 // Author: Tad E. Smith // // // Copyright 2003-2010 Tad E. Smith // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if defined (_WIN32) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include namespace log4cplus { void initializeLog4cplus(); namespace { static tchar const DELIM_START[] = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("${"); static tchar const DELIM_STOP[] = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("}"); static std::size_t const DELIM_START_LEN = 2; static std::size_t const DELIM_STOP_LEN = 1; /** * Perform variable substitution in string val from * environment variables. * *

The variable substitution delimeters are ${ and }. * *

For example, if the System properties contains "key=value", then * the call *

     * string s;
     * substEnvironVars(s, "Value of key is ${key}.");
* * will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". * *

If no value could be found for the specified key, then * substitution defaults to the empty string. * *

For example, if there is no environment variable "inexistentKey", * then the call * *

     * string s;
     * substEnvironVars(s, "Value of inexistentKey is [${inexistentKey}]");
* will set s to "Value of inexistentKey is []" * * @param val The string on which variable substitution is performed. * @param dest The result. */ static bool substVars (tstring & dest, const tstring & val, helpers::Properties const & props, helpers::LogLog& loglog, unsigned flags) { tstring::size_type i = 0; tstring::size_type var_start, var_end; tstring pattern (val); tstring key; tstring replacement; bool changed = false; bool const empty_vars = !! (flags & PropertyConfigurator::fAllowEmptyVars); bool const shadow_env = !! (flags & PropertyConfigurator::fShadowEnvironment); bool const rec_exp = !! (flags & PropertyConfigurator::fRecursiveExpansion); while (true) { // Find opening paren of variable substitution. var_start = pattern.find(DELIM_START, i); if (var_start == tstring::npos) { dest = pattern; return changed; } // Find closing paren of variable substitution. var_end = pattern.find(DELIM_STOP, var_start); if (var_end == tstring::npos) { tostringstream buffer; buffer << '"' << pattern << "\" has no closing brace. " << "Opening brace at position " << var_start << "."; loglog.error(buffer.str()); dest = val; return false; } key.assign (pattern, var_start + DELIM_START_LEN, var_end - (var_start + DELIM_START_LEN)); replacement.clear (); if (shadow_env) replacement = props.getProperty (key); if (! shadow_env || (! empty_vars && replacement.empty ())) internal::get_env_var (replacement, key); if (empty_vars || ! replacement.empty ()) { // Substitute the variable with its value in place. pattern.replace (var_start, var_end - var_start + DELIM_STOP_LEN, replacement); changed = true; if (rec_exp) // Retry expansion on the same spot. continue; else // Move beyond the just substituted part. i = var_start + replacement.size (); } else // Nothing has been subtituted, just move beyond the // unexpanded variable. i = var_end + DELIM_STOP_LEN; } // end while loop } // end substVars() //! Translates encoding in ProtpertyConfigurator::PCFlags //! to helpers::Properties::PFlags static unsigned pcflag_to_pflags_encoding (unsigned pcflags) { switch (pcflags & (PropertyConfigurator::fEncodingMask << PropertyConfigurator::fEncodingShift)) { #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF8_FACET) && defined (UNICODE) case PropertyConfigurator::fUTF8: return helpers::Properties::fUTF8; #endif #if (defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF16_FACET) || defined (WIN32)) \ && defined (UNICODE) case PropertyConfigurator::fUTF16: return helpers::Properties::fUTF16; #endif #if defined (LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_CODECVT_UTF32_FACET) && defined (UNICODE) case PropertyConfigurator::fUTF32: return helpers::Properties::fUTF32; #endif case PropertyConfigurator::fUnspecEncoding:; default: return 0; } } } // namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PropertyConfigurator ctor and dtor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PropertyConfigurator::PropertyConfigurator(const tstring& propertyFile, Hierarchy& hier, unsigned f) : h(hier) , propertyFilename(propertyFile) , properties(propertyFile, pcflag_to_pflags_encoding (f)) , flags (f) { init(); } PropertyConfigurator::PropertyConfigurator(const helpers::Properties& props, Hierarchy& hier, unsigned f) : h(hier) , propertyFilename( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("UNAVAILABLE") ) , properties( props ) , flags (f) { init(); } PropertyConfigurator::PropertyConfigurator(tistream& propertyStream, Hierarchy& hier, unsigned f) : h(hier) , propertyFilename( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("UNAVAILABLE") ) , properties(propertyStream) , flags (f) { init(); } void PropertyConfigurator::init() { replaceEnvironVariables(); properties = properties.getPropertySubset( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("log4cplus.") ); } PropertyConfigurator::~PropertyConfigurator() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PropertyConfigurator static methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PropertyConfigurator::doConfigure(const tstring& file, Hierarchy& h, unsigned flags) { PropertyConfigurator tmp(file, h, flags); tmp.configure(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PropertyConfigurator public methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PropertyConfigurator::configure() { // Configure log4cplus internals. bool internal_debugging = false; if (properties.getBool (internal_debugging, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("configDebug"))) helpers::getLogLog ().setInternalDebugging (internal_debugging); bool quiet_mode = false; if (properties.getBool (quiet_mode, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("quietMode"))) helpers::getLogLog ().setQuietMode (quiet_mode); bool disable_override = false; if (properties.getBool (disable_override, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("disableOverride"))) initializeLog4cplus(); configureAppenders(); configureLoggers(); configureAdditivity(); if (disable_override) h.disable (Hierarchy::DISABLE_OVERRIDE); // Erase the appenders so that we are not artificially keeping them "alive". appenders.clear (); } helpers::Properties const & PropertyConfigurator::getProperties () const { return properties; } log4cplus::tstring const & PropertyConfigurator::getPropertyFilename () const { return propertyFilename; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PropertyConfigurator protected methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PropertyConfigurator::reconfigure() { properties = helpers::Properties(propertyFilename); init(); configure(); } void PropertyConfigurator::replaceEnvironVariables() { tstring val, subKey, subVal; std::vector keys; bool const rec_exp = !! (flags & PropertyConfigurator::fRecursiveExpansion); bool changed; do { changed = false; properties.propertyNames().swap (keys); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { tstring const & key = *it; val = properties.getProperty(key); subKey.clear (); if (substVars(subKey, key, properties, helpers::getLogLog(), flags)) { properties.removeProperty(key); properties.setProperty(subKey, val); changed = true; } subVal.clear (); if (substVars(subVal, val, properties, helpers::getLogLog(), flags)) { properties.setProperty(subKey, subVal); changed = true; } } } while (changed && rec_exp); } void PropertyConfigurator::configureLoggers() { if(properties.exists( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("rootLogger") )) { Logger root = h.getRoot(); configureLogger(root, properties.getProperty(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("rootLogger"))); } helpers::Properties loggerProperties = properties.getPropertySubset(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("logger.")); std::vector loggers = loggerProperties.propertyNames(); for(std::vector::iterator it=loggers.begin(); it!=loggers.end(); ++it) { Logger log = getLogger(*it); configureLogger(log, loggerProperties.getProperty(*it)); } } void PropertyConfigurator::configureLogger(Logger logger, const tstring& config) { // Remove all spaces from config tstring configString; std::remove_copy_if(config.begin(), config.end(), std::back_inserter (configString), std::bind1st(std::equal_to(), LOG4CPLUS_TEXT(' '))); // "Tokenize" configString std::vector tokens; helpers::tokenize(configString, LOG4CPLUS_TEXT(','), std::back_insert_iterator >(tokens)); if (tokens.empty ()) { helpers::getLogLog().error( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("PropertyConfigurator::configureLogger()") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("- Invalid config string(Logger = ") + logger.getName() + LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("): \"") + config + LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("\"")); return; } // Set the loglevel tstring const & loglevel = tokens[0]; if (loglevel != LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("INHERITED")) logger.setLogLevel( getLogLevelManager().fromString(loglevel) ); else logger.setLogLevel (NOT_SET_LOG_LEVEL); // Remove all existing appenders first so that we do not duplicate output. logger.removeAllAppenders (); // Set the Appenders for(std::vector::size_type j=1; jsecond); } } void PropertyConfigurator::configureAppenders() { helpers::Properties appenderProperties = properties.getPropertySubset(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("appender.")); std::vector appendersProps = appenderProperties.propertyNames(); tstring factoryName; for(std::vector::iterator it=appendersProps.begin(); it != appendersProps.end(); ++it) { if( it->find( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT('.') ) == tstring::npos ) { factoryName = appenderProperties.getProperty(*it); spi::AppenderFactory* factory = spi::getAppenderFactoryRegistry().get(factoryName); if (! factory) { tstring err = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("PropertyConfigurator::configureAppenders()") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("- Cannot find AppenderFactory: "); helpers::getLogLog().error(err + factoryName); continue; } helpers::Properties props_subset = appenderProperties.getPropertySubset((*it) + LOG4CPLUS_TEXT(".")); try { SharedAppenderPtr appender = factory->createObject(props_subset); if (! appender) { tstring err = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("PropertyConfigurator::") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("configureAppenders()") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("- Failed to create appender: "); helpers::getLogLog().error(err + *it); } else { appender->setName(*it); appenders[*it] = appender; } } catch(std::exception const & e) { tstring err = LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("PropertyConfigurator::") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("configureAppenders()") LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("- Error while creating Appender: "); helpers::getLogLog().error(err + LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING(e.what())); } } } // end for loop } void PropertyConfigurator::configureAdditivity() { helpers::Properties additivityProperties = properties.getPropertySubset(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("additivity.")); std::vector additivitysProps = additivityProperties.propertyNames(); for(std::vector::const_iterator it = additivitysProps.begin(); it != additivitysProps.end(); ++it) { Logger logger = getLogger(*it); bool additivity; if (additivityProperties.getBool (additivity, *it)) logger.setAdditivity (additivity); } } Logger PropertyConfigurator::getLogger(const tstring& name) { return h.getInstance(name); } void PropertyConfigurator::addAppender(Logger &logger, SharedAppenderPtr& appender) { logger.addAppender(appender); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BasicConfigurator ctor and dtor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// log4cplus::tstring DISABLE_OVERRIDE_KEY ( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT ("log4cplus.disableOverride")); BasicConfigurator::BasicConfigurator(Hierarchy& hier, bool logToStdErr) : PropertyConfigurator( LOG4CPLUS_TEXT(""), hier ) { properties.setProperty(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("rootLogger"), LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("DEBUG, STDOUT")); properties.setProperty(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("appender.STDOUT"), LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("log4cplus::ConsoleAppender")); properties.setProperty(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("appender.STDOUT.logToStdErr"), logToStdErr ? LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("1") : LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("0")); } BasicConfigurator::~BasicConfigurator() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BasicConfigurator static methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BasicConfigurator::doConfigure(Hierarchy& h, bool logToStdErr) { BasicConfigurator tmp(h, logToStdErr); tmp.configure(); } #if !defined(LOG4CPLUS_SINGLE_THREADED) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ConfigurationWatchDogThread implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfigurationWatchDogThread : public thread::AbstractThread, public PropertyConfigurator { public: ConfigurationWatchDogThread(const tstring& file, unsigned int millis) : PropertyConfigurator(file) , waitMillis(millis < 1000 ? 1000 : millis) , shouldTerminate(false) , lock(NULL) { lastFileInfo.mtime = helpers::Time::gettimeofday (); lastFileInfo.size = 0; lastFileInfo.is_link = false; updateLastModInfo(); } virtual ~ConfigurationWatchDogThread () { } void terminate () { shouldTerminate.signal (); join (); } protected: virtual void run(); virtual Logger getLogger(const tstring& name); virtual void addAppender(Logger &logger, SharedAppenderPtr& appender); bool checkForFileModification(); void updateLastModInfo(); private: ConfigurationWatchDogThread (ConfigurationWatchDogThread const &); ConfigurationWatchDogThread & operator = ( ConfigurationWatchDogThread const &); unsigned int const waitMillis; thread::ManualResetEvent shouldTerminate; helpers::FileInfo lastFileInfo; HierarchyLocker* lock; }; void ConfigurationWatchDogThread::run() { while (! shouldTerminate.timed_wait (waitMillis)) { bool modified = checkForFileModification(); if(modified) { // Lock the Hierarchy HierarchyLocker theLock(h); lock = &theLock; // reconfigure the Hierarchy theLock.resetConfiguration(); reconfigure(); updateLastModInfo(); // release the lock lock = NULL; } } } Logger ConfigurationWatchDogThread::getLogger(const tstring& name) { if(lock) return lock->getInstance(name); else return PropertyConfigurator::getLogger(name); } void ConfigurationWatchDogThread::addAppender(Logger& logger, SharedAppenderPtr& appender) { if(lock) lock->addAppender(logger, appender); else PropertyConfigurator::addAppender(logger, appender); } bool ConfigurationWatchDogThread::checkForFileModification() { helpers::FileInfo fi; if (helpers::getFileInfo (&fi, propertyFilename) != 0) return false; bool modified = fi.mtime > lastFileInfo.mtime || fi.size != lastFileInfo.size; #if defined(LOG4CPLUS_HAVE_LSTAT) if (!modified && fi.is_link) { struct stat fileStatus; if (lstat(LOG4CPLUS_TSTRING_TO_STRING(propertyFilename).c_str(), &fileStatus) == -1) return false; helpers::Time linkModTime(fileStatus.st_mtime); modified = (linkModTime > fi.mtime); } #endif return modified; } void ConfigurationWatchDogThread::updateLastModInfo() { helpers::FileInfo fi; if (helpers::getFileInfo (&fi, propertyFilename) == 0) lastFileInfo = fi; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PropertyConfiguratorWatchDog ctor and dtor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ConfigureAndWatchThread::ConfigureAndWatchThread(const tstring& file, unsigned int millis) : watchDogThread(0) { watchDogThread = new ConfigurationWatchDogThread(file, millis); watchDogThread->addReference (); watchDogThread->configure(); watchDogThread->start(); } ConfigureAndWatchThread::~ConfigureAndWatchThread() { if (watchDogThread) { watchDogThread->terminate(); watchDogThread->removeReference (); } } #endif } // namespace log4cplus