#include <memory> #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> // enable debugging code in spp_bitset.h #define SPP_TEST 1 #include <sparsepp/spp_timer.h> #include <sparsepp/spp_memory.h> #include <sparsepp/spp_bitset.h> using namespace std; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------- template <size_t N> class TestBitset { public: typedef spp::spp_bitset<N> BS; TestBitset() {} void test_set(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs, bs2; printf("testing set on spp_bitset<%zu> , num_iter=%6zu -> ", N, num_iter); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { bs.reset(); bs2.reset(); size_t start = rand() % N; size_t to = start + rand() % (N - start); bs.set(start, to); bs2.set_naive(start, to); bool same = bs == bs2; if (!same) ++num_errors; assert(same); } printf("num_errors = %zu\n", num_errors); } void test_reset(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs, bs2; printf("testing reset on spp_bitset<%zu>, num_iter=%6zu -> ", N, num_iter); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { bs.set(); bs2.set(); size_t start = rand() % N; size_t to = start + rand() % (N - start); bs.reset(start, to); bs2.reset_naive(start, to); bool same = bs == bs2; if (!same) ++num_errors; assert(same); } printf("num_errors = %zu\n", num_errors); } void test_all(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs; printf("testing all() on spp_bitset<%zu>, num_iter=%6zu -> ", N, num_iter); for (size_t i=0; i<4 * N; ++i) { bs.set(rand() % N); if (i > 2 * N) { for (size_t j=0; j<num_iter; ++j) { size_t start = rand() % N; size_t to = start + rand() % (N - start); bool same = bs.all(start, to) == bs.all_naive(start, to); if (!same) ++num_errors; assert(same); } size_t start = 0, start_naive = 1; bs.all(start); bs.all_naive(start_naive); bool same = (start == start_naive); if (!same) ++num_errors; assert(same); } } printf("num_errors = %zu\n", num_errors); } void test_any(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs; printf("testing any() on spp_bitset<%zu>, num_iter=%6zu -> ", N, num_iter); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { bs.set(rand() % N); for (size_t j=0; j<100; ++j) { size_t start = rand() % N; size_t to = start + rand() % (N - start); bool same = bs.any(start, to) == bs.any_naive(start, to); if (!same) ++num_errors; assert(same); } } printf("num_errors = %zu\n", num_errors); } void test_longest(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs, bs2; assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N); bs.set(0); assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N-1); bs.set(10); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, 8) == 11); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, 6) == 6); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, N-2) == 1); assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N-11); if (N > 1000) { bs.set(1000); size_t longest = bs.longest_zero_sequence(); assert(longest == 1000-11 || longest == N-1001); if (!(longest == 1000-11 || longest == N-1001)) ++num_errors; } spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_lz; spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_lz_slow; float lz_time(0), lz_time_slow(0); printf("testing longest_zero_sequence() , num_iter=%6zu -> ", num_iter); srand(1); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { bs.reset(); for (size_t j=0; j<N; ++j) { bs.set(rand() % N); timer_lz.snap(); size_t lz1 = bs.longest_zero_sequence(); lz_time += timer_lz.get_delta(); timer_lz_slow.snap(); size_t lz2 = bs.longest_zero_sequence_naive(); lz_time_slow += timer_lz_slow.get_delta(); num_errors += (lz1 != lz2); assert(!num_errors); } } printf("num_errors = %zu, time=%7.1f, slow_time=%7.1f\n", num_errors, lz_time, lz_time_slow); } void test_longest2(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; BS bs, bs2; assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N); bs.set(0); assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N-1); bs.set(10); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, 8) == 11); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, 6) == 6); assert(bs.find_next_n(3, N-2) == 1); assert(bs.longest_zero_sequence() == N-11); if (N > 1000) { bs.set(1000); size_t longest = bs.longest_zero_sequence(); assert(longest == 1000-11 || longest == N-1001); if (!(longest == 1000-11 || longest == N-1001)) ++num_errors; } spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_lz; spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_lz_slow; float lz_time(0), lz_time_slow(0); printf("testing longest_zero_sequence2() , num_iter=%6zu -> ", num_iter); srand(1); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { bs.reset(); for (size_t j=0; j<N; ++j) { bs.set(rand() % N); size_t start_pos1 = 0, start_pos2 = 0; timer_lz.snap(); size_t lz1 = bs.longest_zero_sequence(64, start_pos1); lz_time += timer_lz.get_delta(); timer_lz_slow.snap(); size_t lz2 = bs.longest_zero_sequence_naive(64, start_pos2); lz_time_slow += timer_lz_slow.get_delta(); assert(start_pos1 == start_pos2); num_errors += (lz1 != lz2) || (start_pos1 != start_pos2); assert(!num_errors); } } printf("num_errors = %zu, time=%7.1f, slow_time=%7.1f\n", num_errors, lz_time, lz_time_slow); } void test_ctz(size_t num_iter) { size_t num_errors = 0; spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_ctz; spp::Timer<std::milli> timer_ctz_slow; float ctz_time(0), ctz_time_slow(0); printf("testing count_trailing_zeroes() , num_iter=%6zu -> ", num_iter); for (size_t i=0; i<num_iter; ++i) { size_t v = rand() ^ (rand() << 16); timer_ctz.snap(); uint32_t ctz1 = spp::count_trailing_zeroes(v); ctz_time += timer_ctz.get_delta(); timer_ctz_slow.snap(); size_t ctz2 = spp::count_trailing_zeroes_naive(v); ctz_time_slow += timer_ctz_slow.get_delta(); num_errors += (ctz1 != ctz2); assert(!num_errors); } printf("num_errors = %zu, time=%7.1f, slow_time=%7.1f\n", num_errors, ctz_time, ctz_time_slow); } void run() { test_ctz(10000); test_all(10000); test_any(1000); test_set(1000); test_reset(1000); test_longest(200); test_longest2(200); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------- int main() { TestBitset<1024> test_bitset_1024; test_bitset_1024.run(); TestBitset<4096> test_bitset_4096; test_bitset_4096.run(); //TestBitset<8192> test_bitset_8192; //test_bitset_8192.run(); }