#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "stdafx.h"

#include "cpptempl.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

namespace cpptempl
	// Data classes

	// data_map
	data_ptr& data_map::operator [](const std::string& key) {
		return data[key];
	bool data_map::empty() {
		return data.empty();
	bool data_map::has(const std::string& key) {
		return data.find(key) != data.end();

	// data_ptr
    data_ptr::data_ptr(DataValue* data) : ptr(data) {}
    data_ptr::data_ptr(DataList* data) : ptr(data) {}
    data_ptr::data_ptr(DataMap* data) : ptr(data) {}
	inline void data_ptr::operator = (const data_ptr& data) {
		ptr = data.ptr;

	void data_ptr::operator = (const std::string& data) {
		ptr.reset(new DataValue(data));

	void data_ptr::operator = (const data_map& data) {
		ptr.reset(new DataMap(data));

	void data_ptr::push_back(const data_ptr& data) {
		if (!ptr) {
			ptr.reset(new DataList(data_list()));
		data_list& list = ptr->getlist();

	// base data
    std::string Data::getvalue()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a value") ;

	data_list& Data::getlist()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a list") ;
	data_map& Data::getmap()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a dictionary") ;
	// data value
    std::string DataValue::getvalue()
		return m_value ;
	bool DataValue::empty()
		return m_value.empty();
	// data list
	data_list& DataList::getlist()
		return m_items ;

	bool DataList::empty()
		return m_items.empty();
	// data map
	data_map& DataMap:: getmap()
		return m_items ;
	bool DataMap::empty()
		return m_items.empty();
	// parse_val
	data_ptr parse_val(std::string key, data_map &data)
		// quoted string
		if (key[0] == '\"')
			return make_data(boost::trim_copy_if(key, boost::is_any_of("\""))) ;
		// check for dotted notation, i.e [foo.bar]
		size_t index = key.find(".") ;
		if (index == std::string::npos)
			if (!data.has(key))
				return make_data("{$" + key + "}") ;
			return data[key] ;

        std::string sub_key = key.substr(0, index) ;
		if (!data.has(sub_key))
			return make_data("{$" + key + "}") ;
		data_ptr item = data[sub_key] ;
		return parse_val(key.substr(index+1), item->getmap()) ;

	// Token classes

	// defaults, overridden by subclasses with children
	void Token::set_children( token_vector & )
		throw TemplateException("This token type cannot have children") ;

	token_vector & Token::get_children()
		throw TemplateException("This token type cannot have children") ;

	// TokenText
	TokenType TokenText::gettype()
		return TOKEN_TYPE_TEXT ;

	void TokenText::gettext( std::ostream &stream, data_map & )
		stream << m_text ;

	// TokenVar
	TokenType TokenVar::gettype()
		return TOKEN_TYPE_VAR ;

	void TokenVar::gettext( std::ostream &stream, data_map &data )
		stream << parse_val(m_key, data)->getvalue() ;

	// TokenFor
	TokenFor::TokenFor(std::string expr)
		std::vector<std::string> elements ;
		boost::split(elements, expr, boost::is_space()) ;
		if (elements.size() != 4u)
			throw TemplateException("Invalid syntax in for statement") ;
		m_val = elements[1] ;
		m_key = elements[3] ;

	TokenType TokenFor::gettype()
		return TOKEN_TYPE_FOR ;

	void TokenFor::gettext( std::ostream &stream, data_map &data )
		data_ptr value = parse_val(m_key, data) ;
		data_list &items = value->getlist() ;
		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < items.size() ; ++i)
			data_map loop ;
			loop["index"] = make_data(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i+1)) ;
			loop["index0"] = make_data(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i)) ;
			data["loop"] = make_data(loop);
			data[m_val] = items[i] ;
			for(size_t j = 0 ; j < m_children.size() ; ++j)
				m_children[j]->gettext(stream, data) ;

	void TokenFor::set_children( token_vector &children )
		m_children.assign(children.begin(), children.end()) ;

	token_vector & TokenFor::get_children()
		return m_children;

	// TokenIf
	TokenType TokenIf::gettype()
		return TOKEN_TYPE_IF ;

	void TokenIf::gettext( std::ostream &stream, data_map &data )
		if (is_true(m_expr, data))
			for(size_t j = 0 ; j < m_children.size() ; ++j)
				m_children[j]->gettext(stream, data) ;

	bool TokenIf::is_true( std::string expr, data_map &data )
		std::vector<std::string> elements ;
		boost::split(elements, expr, boost::is_space()) ;

		if (elements[1] == "not")
			return parse_val(elements[2], data)->empty() ;
		if (elements.size() == 2)
			return ! parse_val(elements[1], data)->empty() ;
		data_ptr lhs = parse_val(elements[1], data) ;
		data_ptr rhs = parse_val(elements[3], data) ;
		if (elements[2] == "==")
			return lhs->getvalue() == rhs->getvalue() ;
		return lhs->getvalue() != rhs->getvalue() ;

	void TokenIf::set_children( token_vector &children )
		m_children.assign(children.begin(), children.end()) ;

	token_vector & TokenIf::get_children()
		return m_children;

	// TokenEnd
	TokenType TokenEnd::gettype()
		return m_type == "endfor" ? TOKEN_TYPE_ENDFOR : TOKEN_TYPE_ENDIF ;

	void TokenEnd::gettext( std::ostream &, data_map &)
		throw TemplateException("End-of-control statements have no associated text") ;

	// gettext
	// generic helper for getting text from tokens.

    std::string gettext(token_ptr token, data_map &data)
		std::ostringstream stream ;
		token->gettext(stream, data) ;
		return stream.str() ;
	// parse_tree
	// recursively parses list of tokens into a tree
	void parse_tree(token_vector &tokens, token_vector &tree, TokenType until)
		while(! tokens.empty())
			// 'pops' first item off list
			token_ptr token = tokens[0] ;
			tokens.erase(tokens.begin()) ;

			if (token->gettype() == TOKEN_TYPE_FOR)
				token_vector children ;
				parse_tree(tokens, children, TOKEN_TYPE_ENDFOR) ;
				token->set_children(children) ;
			else if (token->gettype() == TOKEN_TYPE_IF)
				token_vector children ;
				parse_tree(tokens, children, TOKEN_TYPE_ENDIF) ;
				token->set_children(children) ;
			else if (token->gettype() == until)
				return ;
			tree.push_back(token) ;
	// tokenize
	// parses a template into tokens (text, for, if, variable)
	token_vector & tokenize(std::string text, token_vector &tokens)
		while(! text.empty())
			size_t pos = text.find("{") ;
			if (pos == std::string::npos)
				if (! text.empty())
					tokens.push_back(token_ptr(new TokenText(text))) ;
				return tokens ;
            std::string pre_text = text.substr(0, pos) ;
			if (! pre_text.empty())
				tokens.push_back(token_ptr(new TokenText(pre_text))) ;
			text = text.substr(pos+1) ;
			if (text.empty())
				tokens.push_back(token_ptr(new TokenText("{"))) ;
				return tokens ;

			// variable
			if (text[0] == '$')
				pos = text.find("}") ;
				if (pos != std::string::npos)
					tokens.push_back(token_ptr (new TokenVar(text.substr(1, pos-1)))) ;
					text = text.substr(pos+1) ;
			// control statement
			else if (text[0] == '%')
				pos = text.find("}") ;
				if (pos != std::string::npos)
                    std::string expression = boost::trim_copy(text.substr(1, pos-2)) ;
					text = text.substr(pos+1) ;
					if (boost::starts_with(expression, "for"))
						tokens.push_back(token_ptr (new TokenFor(expression))) ;
					else if (boost::starts_with(expression, "if"))
						tokens.push_back(token_ptr (new TokenIf(expression))) ;
						tokens.push_back(token_ptr (new TokenEnd(boost::trim_copy(expression)))) ;
				tokens.push_back(token_ptr(new TokenText("{"))) ;
		return tokens ;

	* parse
	*  1. tokenizes template
	*  2. parses tokens into tree
	*  3. resolves template
	*  4. returns converted text
    std::string parse(std::string templ_text, data_map &data)
		std::ostringstream stream ;
		parse(stream, templ_text, data) ;
		return stream.str() ;
	void parse(std::ostream &stream, std::string templ_text, data_map &data)
		token_vector tokens ;
		tokenize(templ_text, tokens) ;
		token_vector tree ;
		parse_tree(tokens, tree) ;

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < tree.size() ; ++i)
			// Recursively calls gettext on each node in the tree.
			// gettext returns the appropriate text for that node.
			// for text, itself;
			// for variable, substitution;
			// for control statement, recursively gets kids
			tree[i]->gettext(stream, data) ;