This is the complete list of members for XMLBigInteger, including all inherited members.
compareValues(const XMLBigInteger *const lValue, const XMLBigInteger *const rValue, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XMLBigInteger | static |
compareValues(const XMLCh *const lString, const int &lSign, const XMLCh *const rString, const int &rSign, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XMLBigInteger | static |
divide(const unsigned int byteToShift) | XMLBigInteger | |
getCanonicalRepresentation(const XMLCh *const rawData, MemoryManager *const memMgr=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager, bool isNonPositiveInteger=false) | XMLBigInteger | static |
getRawData() const | XMLBigInteger | |
getSign() const | XMLBigInteger | |
getTotalDigit() const | XMLBigInteger | |
intValue() const | XMLBigInteger | |
multiply(const unsigned int byteToShift) | XMLBigInteger | |
operator delete(void *p) | XMemory | |
operator delete(void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr) | XMemory | |
operator delete(void *p, void *ptr) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr) | XMemory | |
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr) | XMemory | |
operator==(const XMLBigInteger &toCompare) const | XMLBigInteger | |
parseBigInteger(const XMLCh *const toConvert, XMLCh *const retBuffer, int &signValue, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XMLBigInteger | static |
XMemory() | XMemory | protected |
XMLBigInteger(const XMLCh *const strValue, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) | XMLBigInteger | |
XMLBigInteger(const XMLBigInteger &toCopy) | XMLBigInteger | |
~XMLBigInteger() | XMLBigInteger |