I have a problem and I think I know how to fix it. How can I communicate my ideas to the &XercesCName; team?
To maximize the probability that your ideas will grab the attention of one of the &XercesCName; developers who knows about the area of the parser you're concerned with, you should follow these steps:
svn diff file
for each file you have changed.
Keep in mind the coding guidelines for &XercesCName; as
described below.
What are the release policies for &XercesCName;?
The informal release policies for &XercesCName; are (using a versioning of version.release.modification):
The specific source and binary compatibility objectives for these release policies and the corresponding allowed source changes are:
What are the coding conventions for &XercesCName;?
As with any coding effort, there are always arguments over what coding conventions to use. Everyone thinks that they have the best style which leads to the entire source tree looking different. This causes consternation as well as eye fatigue on subsequent developers that need to maintain the code. Therefore, we are going to make an attempt at defining some basic coding conventions for &XercesCName;. When committing files or providing patches please keep them in mind:
catch(const OutOfMemoryException&)
so the OutOfMemory condition does not get absorbed.