
This changelog lists only the most important changes. Smaller (bug)fixes as well as non-mature features are not part of the changelog.
The releases of major and minor versions contain an overview of changes since the last major/minor update.

Version 1.3.x

### Version 1.3.1 (under development)
- Added support for multi-dimensional quantile queries
- Allow to quickly check a benchmark from the [Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set]( using the --qvbs option.
- Added script resources/examples/ to download the QVBS.
- If an option is unknown, Storm now prints a hint to similar option names.
- Allow bounded types for constants in JANI.
- Fixed sparse bisimulation of MDPs (which failed if all non-absorbing states in the quotient are initial)
- Fixed linking with Mathsat on macOS

### Version 1.3.0 (2018/12)
- Slightly improved scheduler extraction
- Environments are now part of the c++ API
- Heavily extended JANI support, in particular:
	 * arrays, functions, state-exit-rewards (all engines)
	 * indexed assignments, complex reward expressions (sparse engine)
	 * several jani-related bug fixes
- New binary `storm-conv` that handles conversions between model files
- New binary `storm-pomdp` that handles the translation of POMDPs to pMCs.
- Maximal progress assumption is now applied while building Markov Automata (sparse engine).
- Improved Unif+ implementation for Markov Automata, significantly reduced memory consumption.
- Added support for expected time properties for discrete time models
- Bug fix in the parser for DRN (MDPs and MAs might have been affected).
- `storm-gspn`: Improved .pnpro parser
- `storm-gspn`: Added support for single/infinite/k-server semantics for GSPNs given in the .pnpro format
- `storm-gspn`: Added option to set a global capacity for all places
- `storm-gspn`: Added option to include a set of standard properties when converting GSPNs to jani
- `storm-pars`: Added possibility to compute the extremal value within a given region using parameter lifting
- `storm-dft`: DFT translation to GSPN supports Don't Care propagation
- `storm-dft`: Support DFT analysis via transformation from DFT to GSPN to JANI
- `storm-dft`: Added SMT encoding for DFTs
- `storm-dft`: Improved Galileo and JSON parser
- Several bug fixes
- Storm uses the `master14` branch of carl from now on

### Comparison with Version 1.2.0 (details see below)
- Heavily extended JANI-support
- New binary `storm-conv` that handles conversion between model files
- New binary `storm-pomdp` that  handles the translation of POMDPs to pMCs.
- `storm-gspn` improved
- Sound value iteration

Version 1.2.x

### Version 1.2.3 (2018/07)
- Fix in version parsing

### Version 1.2.2 (2018/07)
- Sound value iteration (SVI) for DTMCs and MDPs
- Topological solver for linear equation systems and MinMax equation systems (enabled by default)
- Added support for expected total rewards in the sparse engine
- By default, iteration-based solvers are no longer aborted after a given number of steps.
- Improved export for jani models
- A fix in parsing jani properties
- Several extensions to high-level counterexamples
- `storm-parsers` extracted to reduce linking time
- `storm-counterexamples` extracted to reduce linking time
- `storm-dft`: improvements in Galileo parser
- `storm-dft`: test cases for DFT analysis
- Improved Storm installation
- Several bug fixes

### Version 1.2.1 (2018/02)
- Multi-dimensional reward bounded reachability properties for DTMCs.
- `storm-dft`: transformation of DFTs to GSPNs
- Several bug fixes

### Version 1.2.0 (2017/12)
- C++ api changes: Building model takes `BuilderOptions` instead of extended list of Booleans, does not depend on settings anymore.
- `storm-cli-utilities` now contains cli related stuff, instead of `storm-lib`
- Symbolic (MT/BDD) bisimulation
- Fixed issue related to variable names that can not be used in Exprtk.
- DRN parser improved
- LP-based MDP model checking
- Sound (interval) value iteration
- Support for Multi-objective multi-dimensional reward bounded reachability properties for MDPs.
- RationalSearch method to solve equation systems exactly
- WalkerChae method for solving linear equation systems with guaranteed convergence
- Performance improvements for sparse model building
- Performance improvements for conditional properties on MDPs
- Automatically convert MA without probabilistic states into CTMC
- Fixed implemention of Fox and Glynn' algorithm
- `storm-pars`: support for welldefinedness constraints in mdps.
- `storm-dft`: split DFT settings into IO settings and fault tree settings
- `storm-dft`: removed obsolete explicit model builder for DFTs
- Features for developers:
	* Solvers can now expose requirements
	* unbounded reachability and reachability rewards now correctly respect solver requirements
	* Environment variables (such as the solver precisions) can now be handled more flexible
	* changes to Matrix-Vector operation interfaces, in particular fixed some issues with the use Intel TBB

Version 1.1.x

### Version 1.1.0 (2017/8)
- Support for long-run average rewards on MDPs and Markov automata using a value-iteration based approach.
- Storm can now check MDPs and Markov Automata (i.e. MinMax equation systems) via Linear Programming.
- Parametric model checking is now handled in a separated library/executable called `storm-pars`.
- Wellformedness constraints on PMCs:
    * include constraints from rewards
    * are in smtlib2
    * fixed
    * computation of only constraints without doing model checking is now supported
- Fix for nested formulae
- JANI: Explicit engine supports custom model compositions.
- Support for parsing/building models given in the explicit input format of IMCA.
- Storm now overwrites files if asked to write files to a specific location.
- Changes in build process to accommodate for changes in carl. Also, more robust against issues with carl.
- `USE_POPCNT` removed in favor of `FORCE_POPCNT`. The popcnt instruction is used if available due to `march=native`, unless portable is set.
  Then, using `FORCE_POPCNT` enables the use of the SSE 4.2 instruction

Version 1.0.x

### Version 1.0.1 (2017/4)
- Multi-objective model checking support now fully included
- Several improvements in parameter lifting
- Several improvements in JANI parsing
- Properties can contain model variables
- Support for rational numbers/functions in decision diagrams via sylvan
- Elimination-based solvers (exact solution) for models stored as decision diagrams
- Export of version and configuration to cmake
- Improved building process

### Version 1.0.0 (2017/3)
Start of this changelog