// Version Information
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_MAJOR @STORM_CPP_VERSION_MAJOR@					// The major version of StoRM
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_MINOR @STORM_CPP_VERSION_MINOR@					// The minor version of StoRM
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_PATCH @STORM_CPP_VERSION_PATCH@					// The patch version of StoRM
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD @STORM_CPP_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD@ 	// How many commits passed since the tag was last set
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_HASH "@STORM_CPP_VERSION_HASH@" 					// The short hash of the git commit this build is bases on
#define STORM_CPP_VERSION_DIRTY @STORM_CPP_VERSION_DIRTY@ 					// 0 iff there no files were modified in the checkout, 1 else
