# Nanotrav Version #0.12, Release date 2003/12/31 # ./nanotrav -p 1 -ordering dfs -autodyn -automethod sifting -reordering sifting -drop C880.blif # CUDD Version 2.4.2 BDD reordering with sifting: from 3974 to ... 2432 nodes in 0.039 sec BDD reordering with sifting: from 4893 to ... 3549 nodes in 0.044 sec BDD reordering with sifting: from 7133 to ... 6246 nodes in 0.072 sec BDD reordering with sifting: from 12522 to ... 6465 nodes in 0.113 sec Order before final reordering 86GAT(18) 85GAT(17) 90GAT(22) 89GAT(21) 88GAT(20) 87GAT(19) 1GAT(0) 51GAT(8) 75GAT(15) 26GAT(4) 268GAT(59) 36GAT(6) 29GAT(5) 80GAT(16) 59GAT(10) 42GAT(7) 156GAT(39) 17GAT(3) 74GAT(14) 55GAT(9) 8GAT(1) 219GAT(50) 210GAT(49) 91GAT(23) 101GAT(25) 138GAT(33) 96GAT(24) 171GAT(42) 152GAT(37) 146GAT(35) 116GAT(28) 189GAT(45) 149GAT(36) 121GAT(29) 195GAT(46) 153GAT(38) 126GAT(30) 261GAT(57) 201GAT(47) 143GAT(34) 111GAT(27) 183GAT(44) 130GAT(31) 135GAT(32) 106GAT(26) 177GAT(43) 165GAT(41) 207GAT(48) 159GAT(40) 228GAT(51) 237GAT(52) 246GAT(53) 73GAT(13) 72GAT(12) 68GAT(11) 13GAT(2) 260GAT(56) 267GAT(58) 259GAT(55) 255GAT(54) Number of inputs = 60 BDD reordering with sifting: from 6204 to ... 4623 nodes in 0.07 sec New order 135GAT(32) 207GAT(48) 130GAT(31) 86GAT(18) 85GAT(17) 89GAT(21) 90GAT(22) 88GAT(20) 87GAT(19) 1GAT(0) 51GAT(8) 26GAT(4) 268GAT(59) 29GAT(5) 80GAT(16) 59GAT(10) 42GAT(7) 75GAT(15) 156GAT(39) 36GAT(6) 17GAT(3) 74GAT(14) 55GAT(9) 8GAT(1) 210GAT(49) 91GAT(23) 138GAT(33) 165GAT(41) 96GAT(24) 159GAT(40) 101GAT(25) 171GAT(42) 152GAT(37) 149GAT(36) 146GAT(35) 116GAT(28) 189GAT(45) 121GAT(29) 195GAT(46) 153GAT(38) 143GAT(34) 126GAT(30) 201GAT(47) 261GAT(57) 111GAT(27) 106GAT(26) 183GAT(44) 177GAT(43) 219GAT(50) 246GAT(53) 237GAT(52) 228GAT(51) 73GAT(13) 72GAT(12) 68GAT(11) 13GAT(2) 260GAT(56) 267GAT(58) 259GAT(55) 255GAT(54) **** CUDD modifiable parameters **** Hard limit for cache size: 7645866 Cache hit threshold for resizing: 30% Garbage collection enabled: yes Limit for fast unique table growth: 4587520 Maximum number of variables sifted per reordering: 1000000 Maximum number of variable swaps per reordering: 1000000000 Maximum growth while sifting a variable: 1.2 Dynamic reordering of BDDs enabled: yes Default BDD reordering method: 4 Dynamic reordering of ZDDs enabled: no Default ZDD reordering method: 4 Realignment of ZDDs to BDDs enabled: no Realignment of BDDs to ZDDs enabled: no Dead nodes counted in triggering reordering: no Group checking criterion: 7 Recombination threshold: 0 Symmetry violation threshold: 10 Arc violation threshold: 10 GA population size: 0 Number of crossovers for GA: 0 Next reordering threshold: 9340 **** CUDD non-modifiable parameters **** Memory in use: 5611044 Peak number of nodes: 19418 Peak number of live nodes: 12568 Number of BDD variables: 60 Number of ZDD variables: 0 Number of cache entries: 65536 Number of cache look-ups: 59167 Number of cache hits: 28642 Number of cache insertions: 30604 Number of cache collisions: 2547 Number of cache deletions: 28057 Cache used slots = 18.04% (expected 0.00%) Soft limit for cache size: 62464 Number of buckets in unique table: 15616 Used buckets in unique table: 20.84% (expected 20.96%) Number of BDD and ADD nodes: 4671 Number of ZDD nodes: 0 Number of dead BDD and ADD nodes: 0 Number of dead ZDD nodes: 0 Total number of nodes allocated: 32671 Total number of nodes reclaimed: 1974 Garbage collections so far: 5 Time for garbage collection: 0.00 sec Reorderings so far: 5 Time for reordering: 0.34 sec Final size: 4623 total time = 0.36 sec Runtime Statistics ------------------ Machine name: jobim.colorado.edu User time 0.4 seconds System time 0.0 seconds Average resident text size = 0K Average resident data+stack size = 0K Maximum resident size = 0K Virtual text size = 131815K Virtual data size = 297K data size initialized = 25K data size uninitialized = 137K data size sbrk = 135K Virtual memory limit = 358400K (4194304K) Major page faults = 0 Minor page faults = 1778 Swaps = 0 Input blocks = 0 Output blocks = 0 Context switch (voluntary) = 1 Context switch (involuntary) = 6