throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Cannot retrieve choices for state not contained in MEC.";
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Invalid call to MaximalEndComponent::getChoicesForState: cannot retrieve choices for state not contained in MEC.";
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Invalid call to MaximalEndComponent::getChoicesForState: cannot retrieve choices for state not contained in MEC.";
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Cannot delete choice for state not contained in MEC.";
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Invalid call to MaximalEndComponent::containsChoice: cannot obtain choices for state not contained in MEC.";
// The iterator used here should really be a const_iterator.
// However, gcc 4.8 (and assorted libraries) does not provide an erase(const_iterator) method for std::list but only an erase(iterator).
// This is in compliance with the c++11 draft N3337, which specifies the change from iterator to const_iterator only for "set, multiset, map [and] multimap".
// However, gcc 4.8 (and assorted libraries) does not provide an erase(const_iterator) method for std::list
// but only an erase(iterator). This is in compliance with the c++11 draft N3337, which specifies the change
// from iterator to const_iterator only for "set, multiset, map [and] multimap".
// FIXME: As soon as gcc provides an erase(const_iterator) method, change this iterator back to a const_iterator.
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException()<<"Scheduler does not define a choice for state "<<state;
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException()<<"Invalid call to PartialScheduler::getChoice: scheduler does not define a choice for state "<<state<<".";