@ -59,16 +59,19 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & res : this - > regionResults ) {
out < < res . first . toString ( ) < < " : \t " < < res . second < < std : : endl ;
return out ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : ostream & RegionCheckResult < ValueType > : : writeCondensedToStream ( std : : ostream & out ) const {
double satPercent = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double > ( satFraction ) * 100.0 ;
double unsatPercent = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double > ( unsatFraction ) * 100.0 ;
auto oneHundred = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < typename storm : : storage : : ParameterRegion < ValueType > : : CoefficientType > ( 100.0 ) ;
auto one = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < typename storm : : storage : : ParameterRegion < ValueType > : : CoefficientType > ( 1.0 ) ;
out < < " Fraction of satisfied area: " < < ( satFraction * oneHundred ) < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Fraction of unsatisfied area: " < < ( unsatFraction * oneHundred ) < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Unknown fraction: " < < ( ( one - satFraction - unsatFraction ) * oneHundred ) < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Total Number of regions: " < < regionResults . size ( ) < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Fraction of satisfied area: " < < satPercent < < " % " < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Fraction of unsatisfied area: " < < unsatPercent < < " % " < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Unknown fraction: " < < ( 100.0 - satPercent - unsatPercent ) < < " % " < < std : : endl ;
out < < " Total number of regions: " < < regionResults . size ( ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : map < storm : : modelchecker : : RegionResult , uint_fast64_t > counters ;
for ( auto const & res : this - > regionResults ) {
+ + counters [ res . second ] ;
@ -76,11 +79,13 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & counter : counters ) {
out < < std : : setw ( 28 ) < < counter . first < < " : " < < counter . second < < std : : endl ;
return out ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : ostream & RegionCheckResult < ValueType > : : writeIllustrationToStream ( std : : ostream & out ) const {
STORM_LOG_WARN ( " Writing illustration of region check result to a stream is not implemented. " ) ;
return out ;
template < typename ValueType >