@ -128,6 +128,79 @@ namespace storm {
out < < " ___________________________________________________________________ " < < std : : endl ;
out < < " ___________________________________________________________________ " < < std : : endl ;
template < typename ValueType >
void PostScheduler < ValueType > : : printJsonToStream ( std : : ostream & out , std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : sparse : : Model < ValueType > > model , bool skipUniqueChoices ) const {
// STORM_LOG_THROW(model == nullptr || model->getNumberOfStates() == schedulerChoices.front().size(), storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException, "The given model is not compatible with this scheduler.");
// STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!(skipUniqueChoices && model == nullptr), "Can not skip unique choices if the model is not given.");
// storm::json<storm::RationalNumber> output;
// for (uint64_t state = 0; state < schedulerChoices.front().size(); ++state) {
// // Check whether the state is skipped
// if (skipUniqueChoices && model != nullptr && model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupSize(state) == 1) {
// continue;
// }
// for (uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < getNumberOfMemoryStates(); ++memoryState) {
// storm::json<storm::RationalNumber> stateChoicesJson;
// if (model && model->hasStateValuations()) {
// stateChoicesJson["s"] = model->getStateValuations().template toJson<storm::RationalNumber>(state);
// } else {
// stateChoicesJson["s"] = state;
// }
// if (!isMemorylessScheduler()) {
// stateChoicesJson["m"] = memoryState;
// }
// auto const &choice = schedulerChoices[memoryState][state];
// storm::json<storm::RationalNumber> choicesJson;
// for (auto const &choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceMap()) {
// uint64_t globalChoiceIndex = model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] ;//+ choiceProbPair.first;
// storm::json<storm::RationalNumber> choiceJson;
// if (model && model->hasChoiceOrigins() &&
// model->getChoiceOrigins()->getIdentifier(globalChoiceIndex) !=
// model->getChoiceOrigins()->getIdentifierForChoicesWithNoOrigin()) {
// choiceJson["origin"] = model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceAsJson(globalChoiceIndex);
// }
// if (model && model->hasChoiceLabeling()) {
// auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(globalChoiceIndex);
// choiceJson["labels"] = std::vector<std::string>(choiceLabels.begin(),
// choiceLabels.end());
// }
// choiceJson["index"] = globalChoiceIndex;
// choiceJson["prob"] = storm::utility::convertNumber<storm::RationalNumber>(
// std::get<1>(choiceProbPair));
// // Memory updates
// if(!isMemorylessScheduler()) {
// choiceJson["memory-updates"] = std::vector<storm::json<storm::RationalNumber>>();
// uint64_t row = model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state]; //+ std::get<0>(choiceProbPair);
// for (auto entryIt = model->getTransitionMatrix().getRow(row).begin(); entryIt < model->getTransitionMatrix().getRow(row).end(); ++entryIt) {
// storm::json<storm::RationalNumber> updateJson;
// // next model state
// if (model && model->hasStateValuations()) {
// updateJson["s'"] = model->getStateValuations().template toJson<storm::RationalNumber>(entryIt->getColumn());
// } else {
// updateJson["s'"] = entryIt->getColumn();
// }
// // next memory state
// updateJson["m'"] = this->memoryStructure->getSuccessorMemoryState(memoryState, entryIt - model->getTransitionMatrix().begin());
// choiceJson["memory-updates"].push_back(std::move(updateJson));
// }
// }
// choicesJson.push_back(std::move(choiceJson));
// }
// if (!choicesJson.is_null()) {
// stateChoicesJson["c"] = std::move(choicesJson);
// output.push_back(std::move(stateChoicesJson));
// }
// }
// }
// out << output.dump(4);
template class PostScheduler < double > ;
template class PostScheduler < double > ;
template class PostScheduler < storm : : RationalNumber > ;
template class PostScheduler < storm : : RationalNumber > ;