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Improved elimination of solutions in which the target states are not even reachable.

Former-commit-id: f3d917ef7b
dehnert 11 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 57


@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ namespace storm {
static std::pair<GRBenv*, GRBmodel*> createGurobiEnvironmentAndModel() {
GRBenv* env = nullptr;
int error = GRBloadenv(&env, "storm_gurobi.log");
int error = GRBloadenv(&env, "");
if (error || env == NULL) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not initialize Gurobi (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not initialize Gurobi (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";


@ -129,16 +129,7 @@ namespace storm {
relevancyInformation.relevantLabels = remainingLabels;
// std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> guaranteedLabels = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSets(labeledMdp, psiStates, relevancyInformation.relevantLabels);
// for (auto state : relevancyInformation.relevantStates) {
// std::cout << "state " << state << " ##########################################################" << std::endl;
// for (auto label : guaranteedLabels[state]) {
// std::cout << label << ", ";
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
// }
std::cout << "Found " << relevancyInformation.relevantLabels.size() << " relevant and " << relevancyInformation.knownLabels.size() << " known labels.";
std::cout << "Found " << relevancyInformation.relevantLabels.size() << " relevant and " << relevancyInformation.knownLabels.size() << " known labels." << std::endl;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << relevancyInformation.relevantLabels.size() << " relevant and " << relevancyInformation.knownLabels.size() << " known labels.");
return relevancyInformation;
@ -952,7 +943,7 @@ namespace storm {
return getUsedLabelSet(context, solver.get_model(), variableInformation);
static void analyzeBadSolution(z3::context& context, z3::solver& solver, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& subMdp, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& originalMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& commandSet, VariableInformation& variableInformation, RelevancyInformation const& relevancyInformation) {
static void analyzeBadSolution(z3::context& context, z3::solver& solver, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& subMdp, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& originalMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& commandSet, VariableInformation& variableInformation, RelevancyInformation const& relevancyInformation) {
storm::storage::BitVector reachableStates(subMdp.getNumberOfStates());
// Initialize the stack for the DFS.
@ -1004,18 +995,35 @@ namespace storm {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Target must be unreachable for this analysis.";
storm::storage::BitVector statesThatCanReachTargetStates = storm::utility::graph::performProbGreater0E(subMdp, subMdp.getBackwardTransitions(), phiStates, psiStates);
std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> guaranteedLabelSets = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSets(originalMdp, statesThatCanReachTargetStates, relevancyInformation.relevantLabels);
std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> const& choiceLabeling = originalMdp.getChoiceLabeling();
std::set<uint_fast64_t> cutLabels;
std::set<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> cutLabels;
uint_fast64_t numberOfBorderStates = 0;
for (auto state : reachableStates) {
bool isBorderState = false;
for (auto currentChoice : {
if (!storm::utility::set::isSubsetOf(choiceLabeling[currentChoice], commandSet)) {
isBorderState = true;
std::set<uint_fast64_t> currentLabelSet;
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
if (commandSet.find(label) == commandSet.end()) {
std::set<uint_fast64_t> notTakenImpliedChoices;
std::set_difference(guaranteedLabelSets[state].begin(), guaranteedLabelSets[state].end(), commandSet.begin(), commandSet.end(), std::inserter(notTakenImpliedChoices, notTakenImpliedChoices.begin()));
currentLabelSet.insert(notTakenImpliedChoices.begin(), notTakenImpliedChoices.end());
if (isBorderState) {
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
@ -1024,12 +1032,18 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto label : unknownReachableLabels) {
for (auto cutLabel : cutLabels) {
for (auto const& cutLabelSet : cutLabels) {
z3::expr cube = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto cutLabel : cutLabelSet) {
cube = cube &&;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting reachability implications.");
// std::cout << "reachability implications:" << std::endl;
// for (auto e : formulae) {
// std::cout << e << ", ";
// }
@ -1142,24 +1156,25 @@ namespace storm {
maximalReachabilityProbability = std::max(maximalReachabilityProbability, result[state]);
if (maximalReachabilityProbability <= probabilityThreshold) {
if (maximalReachabilityProbability < probabilityThreshold) {
if (maximalReachabilityProbability == 0) {
// If there was no target state reachable, analyze the solution and guide the solver into the
// right direction.
analyzeBadSolution(context, solver, subMdp, labeledMdp, psiStates, commandSet, variableInformation, relevancyInformation);
analyzeBadSolution(context, solver, subMdp, labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, commandSet, variableInformation, relevancyInformation);
} else {
// In case we have not yet exceeded the given threshold, we have to rule out the current solution.
ruleOutSolution(context, solver, commandSet, variableInformation);
// In case we have not yet exceeded the given threshold, we have to rule out the current solution.
ruleOutSolution(context, solver, commandSet, variableInformation);
} else {
done = true;
endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(endTime - iterationTimer).count() > 5) {
std::cout << "Checked " << iterations << " models in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "s (out of which " << zeroProbabilityCount << " could not reach the target states). Current command set size is " << commandSet.size() << std::endl;
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(endTime - iterationTimer).count() >= 5) {
std::cout << "Checked " << iterations << " models in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "s (out of which " << zeroProbabilityCount << " could not reach the target states). Current command set size is " << commandSet.size() << "." << std::endl;
iterationTimer = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
} while (!done);
