@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
# include "src/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
# include "src/solver/SmtSolver.h"
# include "src/storage/jani/AutomatonComposition.h"
# include "src/storage/jani/ParallelComposition.h"
# include "src/models/sparse/Dtmc.h"
# include "src/models/sparse/StandardRewardModel.h"
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ namespace storm {
# include "resources/3rdparty/sparsepp/sparsepp.h"
# include "src/builder/jit/StateSet.h"
# include "src/builder/jit/JitModelBuilderInterface.h"
# include "src/builder/jit/StateBehaviour.h"
# include "src/builder/jit/ModelComponentsBuilder.h"
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ namespace storm {
std : : ostream & operator < < ( std : : ostream & out , StateType const & state ) {
out < < " < " ;
{ % for variable in stateVariables . boolean % } out < < " {$variable.name}= " < < state . { $ variable . name } < < " , " ;
{ % for variable in stateVariables . boolean % } out < < " {$variable.name}= " < < std : : boolalpha < < st ate . { $ variable . name } < < " , " ;
{ % endfor % }
{ % for variable in stateVariables . boundedInteger % } out < < " {$variable.name}= " < < state . { $ variable . name } < < " , " ;
{ % endfor % }
@ -127,39 +130,40 @@ namespace storm {
namespace builder {
namespace jit {
static bool model_is_deterministic ( ) {
bool model_is_deterministic ( ) {
return { $ deterministic_model } ;
static bool model_is_discrete_time ( ) {
bool model_is_discrete_time ( ) {
return { $ discrete_time_model } ;
class StateSet {
public :
StateType const & peek ( ) const {
return storage . front ( ) ;
StateType get ( ) {
StateType result = std : : move ( storage . front ( ) ) ;
storage . pop ( ) ;
return result ;
void add ( StateType const & state ) {
storage . push ( state ) ;
{ % for edge in nonsynch_edges % } static bool edge_enabled_ { $ edge . name } ( StateType const & state ) {
if ( { $ edge . guard } ) {
return true ;
bool empty ( ) const {
return storage . empty ( ) ;
return false ;
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % }
void destination_perform_level_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( int_fast64_t level , StateType & state ) {
{ % for level in destination . levels % } if ( level = = { $ level . index } ) {
{ % for assignment in level . nonTransientAssignments % } state . { $ assignment . variable } = { $ assignment . value } ;
{ % endfor % }
private :
std : : queue < StateType > storage ;
} ;
{ % endfor % }
void destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( StateType & state ) {
{ % for level in destination . levels % }
{ % for assignment in level . nonTransientAssignments % } state . { $ assignment . variable } = { $ assignment . value } ;
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % for edge in nonSynchronizingEdges % } static bool edge_enabled_ { $ edge . name } ( StateType const & state ) {
{ % for edge in synch_e dges % } static bool edge_enabled_ { $ edge . name } ( StateType const & state ) {
if ( { $ edge . guard } ) {
return true ;
@ -167,14 +171,14 @@ namespace storm {
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % }
static void destination_perform_level_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( int_fast64_t level , StateType & state ) {
void destination_perform_level_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( int_fast64_t level , StateType & state ) {
{ % for level in destination . levels % } if ( level = = { $ level . index } ) {
{ % for assignment in level . nonTransientAssignments % } state . { $ assignment . variable } = { $ assignment . value } ; { % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
static void destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( StateType & state ) {
void destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( StateType & state ) {
{ % for level in destination . levels % }
{ % for assignment in level . nonTransientAssignments % } state . { $ assignment . variable } = { $ assignment . value } ;
{ % endfor % }
@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ namespace storm {
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
typedef void ( * DestinationLevelFunctionPtr ) ( int_fast64_t , StateType & ) ;
typedef void ( * DestinationFunctionPtr ) ( StateType & ) ;
@ -276,7 +281,13 @@ namespace storm {
{ % endfor % }
initialStates . push_back ( state ) ;
} { % endfor % }
{ % for edge in nonSynchronizingEdges % } {
{ % for edge in nonsynch_edges % } {
edge_ { $ edge . name } = Edge ( & edge_enabled_ { $ edge . name } ) ;
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % } edge_ { $ edge . name } . addDestination ( { $ destination . lowestLevel } , { $ destination . highestLevel } , { $ destination . value } , & destination_perform_level_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } , & destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ) ;
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % for edge in synch_edges % } {
edge_ { $ edge . name } = Edge ( & edge_enabled_ { $ edge . name } ) ;
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % } edge_ { $ edge . name } . addDestination ( { $ destination . lowestLevel } , { $ destination . highestLevel } , { $ destination . value } , & destination_perform_level_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } , & destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ) ;
{ % endfor % }
@ -306,6 +317,7 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & stateEntry : stateIds ) {
auto const & state = stateEntry . first ;
std : : cout < < state < < std : : endl ;
{ % for label in labels % } if ( { $ label . predicate } ) {
this - > modelComponentsBuilder . addLabel ( stateEntry . second , { $ loop . index } - 1 ) ;
@ -331,7 +343,7 @@ namespace storm {
void explore ( StateType const & initialState ) {
StateSet statesToExplore ;
StateSet < StateType > statesToExplore ;
getOrAddIndex ( initialState , statesToExplore ) ;
StateBehaviour < IndexType , ValueType > behaviour ;
@ -345,7 +357,8 @@ namespace storm {
# endif
behaviour . setExpanded ( ) ;
exploreNonSynchronizingEdges ( currentState , currentIndex , behaviour , statesToExplore ) ;
exploreNonSynchronizingEdges ( currentState , behaviour , statesToExplore ) ;
exploreSynchronizingEdges ( currentState , behaviour , statesToExplore ) ;
this - > addStateBehaviour ( currentIndex , behaviour ) ;
@ -361,28 +374,32 @@ namespace storm {
return false ;
void exploreNonSynchronizingEdges ( StateType const & state , IndexType const & currentIndex , StateBehaviour < IndexType , ValueType > & behaviour , StateSet & statesToExplore ) {
{ % for edge in nonSynchronizingEdges % } {
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % } {
if ( { $ edge . guard } ) {
Choice < IndexType , ValueType > & choice = behaviour . addChoice ( ) ;
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % } {
void exploreNonSynchronizingEdges ( StateType const & state , StateBehaviour < IndexType , ValueType > & behaviour , StateSet < StateType > & statesToExplore ) {
{ % for edge in nonsynch_edges % } {
if ( { $ edge . guard } ) {
Choice < IndexType , ValueType > & choice = behaviour . addChoice ( ) ;
{ % for destination in edge . destinations % } {
StateType targetState ( state ) ;
destination_perform_ { $ edge . name } _ { $ destination . name } ( targetState ) ;
//for (auto const& destination : edge_{$edge.name}) {
IndexType targetStateIndex = getOrAddIndex ( targetState , statesToExplore ) ;
choice . add ( targetStateIndex , { $ destination . value } ) ;
} { % endfor % }
IndexType targetStateIndex = getOrAddIndex ( targetState , statesToExplore ) ;
choice . add ( targetStateIndex , { $ destination . value } ) ;
} { % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endfor % }
IndexType getOrAddIndex ( StateType const & state , StateSet & statesToExplore ) {
{ % for vector in synch_vectors % } { $ vector . functions }
{ % endfor % }
void exploreSynchronizingEdges ( StateType const & state , StateBehaviour < IndexType , ValueType > & behaviour , StateSet < StateType > & statesToExplore ) {
{ % for vector in synch_vectors % } {
exploreSynchronizationVector_ { $ vector . index } ( state , behaviour , statesToExplore ) ;
{ % endfor % }
IndexType getOrAddIndex ( StateType const & state , StateSet < StateType > & statesToExplore ) {
auto it = stateIds . find ( state ) ;
if ( it ! = stateIds . end ( ) ) {
return it - > second ;
@ -423,7 +440,9 @@ namespace storm {
std : : vector < StateType > initialStates ;
std : : vector < IndexType > deadlockStates ;
{ % for edge in nonSynchronizingEdges % } Edge edge_ { $ edge . name } ;
{ % for edge in nonsynch_edges % } Edge edge_ { $ edge . name } ;
{ % endfor % }
{ % for edge in synch_edges % } Edge edge_ { $ edge . name } ;
{ % endfor % }
} ;
@ -437,8 +456,7 @@ namespace storm {
modelData [ " stateVariables " ] = generateStateVariables ( ) ;
cpptempl : : data_list initialStates = generateInitialStates ( ) ;
modelData [ " initialStates " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( initialStates ) ;
cpptempl : : data_list nonSynchronizingEdges = generateNonSynchronizingEdges ( ) ;
modelData [ " nonSynchronizingEdges " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( nonSynchronizingEdges ) ;
generateEdges ( modelData ) ;
cpptempl : : data_list labels = generateLabels ( ) ;
modelData [ " labels " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( labels ) ;
cpptempl : : data_list terminalExpressions = generateTerminalExpressions ( ) ;
@ -678,21 +696,220 @@ namespace storm {
return terminalExpressions ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
cpptempl : : data_map ExplicitJitJaniModelBuilder < ValueType , RewardModelType > : : generateSynchronizationVector ( storm : : jani : : ParallelComposition const & parallelComposition , storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector const & synchronizationVector , uint64_t synchronizationVectorIndex ) {
std : : stringstream vectorSource ;
uint64_t numberOfActionInputs = synchronizationVector . getNumberOfActionInputs ( ) ;
vectorSource < < " void performSynchronizedDestinations_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (StateType const& state, StateBehaviour<IndexType, ValueType>& behaviour, StateSet<StateType>& statesToExplore, " ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " Destination const& destination " < < index < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " Choice<IndexType, ValueType>& choice) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " StateType targetState(state); " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " destination " < < index < < " .perform(targetState); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " IndexType targetStateIndex = getOrAddIndex(targetState, statesToExplore); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " choice.add(targetStateIndex, " ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " destination " < < index < < " .value() " ;
if ( index + 1 < numberOfActionInputs ) {
vectorSource < < " * " ;
vectorSource < < " ); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " void performSynchronizedDestinations_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (StateType const& state, StateBehaviour<IndexType, ValueType>& behaviour, StateSet<StateType>& statesToExplore, " ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " Edge const& edge " < < index < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " Choice<IndexType, ValueType>& choice) { " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " for (auto const& destination " < < index < < " : edge " < < index < < " ) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " performSynchronizedDestinations_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (state, behaviour, statesToExplore, " ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " destination " < < index < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " choice); " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t index = 0 ; index < numberOfActionInputs ; + + index ) {
vectorSource < < " void performSynchronizedEdges_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " _ " < < index < < " (StateType const& state, std::vector<std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Edge const>>> const& edges, StateBehaviour<IndexType, ValueType>& behaviour, StateSet<StateType>& statesToExplore " ;
if ( index > 0 ) {
vectorSource < < " , " ;
for ( uint64_t innerIndex = 0 ; innerIndex < index ; + + innerIndex ) {
vectorSource < < " Edge const& edge " < < innerIndex ;
if ( innerIndex + 1 < index ) {
vectorSource < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " ) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " for (auto const& edge " < < index < < " : edges[ " < < index < < " ]) { " < < std : : endl ;
if ( index + 1 < numberOfActionInputs ) {
vectorSource < < " performSynchronizedEdges_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " _ " < < ( index + 1 ) < < " (state, edges, behaviour, statesToExplore, " ;
for ( uint64_t innerIndex = 0 ; innerIndex < = index ; + + innerIndex ) {
vectorSource < < " edge " < < innerIndex ;
if ( innerIndex + 1 < = index ) {
vectorSource < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " ); " < < std : : endl ;
} else {
vectorSource < < " Choice<IndexType, ValueType>& choice = behaviour.addChoice(); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " performSynchronizedDestinations_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (state, behaviour, statesToExplore, " ;
for ( uint64_t innerIndex = 0 ; innerIndex < = index ; + + innerIndex ) {
vectorSource < < " edge " < < innerIndex < < " , " ;
vectorSource < < " choice); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " void get_edges_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (StateType const& state, std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Edge const>>& edges, uint64_t position) { " < < std : : endl ;
uint64_t position = 0 ;
uint64_t participatingPosition = 0 ;
std : : cout < < " synch vector " < < synchronizationVector < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto const & inputActionName : synchronizationVector . getInput ( ) ) {
if ( ! storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector : : isNoActionInput ( inputActionName ) ) {
vectorSource < < " if (position == " < < participatingPosition < < " ) { " < < std : : endl ;
storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton = model . getAutomaton ( parallelComposition . getSubcomposition ( position ) . asAutomatonComposition ( ) . getAutomatonName ( ) ) ;
uint64_t actionIndex = model . getActionIndex ( inputActionName ) ;
uint64_t edgeIndex = 0 ;
for ( auto const & edge : automaton . getEdges ( ) ) {
std : : cout < < " [ " < < automaton . getName ( ) < < " ], edge " < < edgeIndex < < " with guard " < < edge . getGuard ( ) < < " has action " < < model . getAction ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) ) . getName ( ) < < " [ " < < edge . getActionIndex ( ) < < " ] " < < std : : endl ;
if ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) = = actionIndex ) {
std : : string edgeName = automaton . getName ( ) + " _ " + std : : to_string ( edgeIndex ) ;
vectorSource < < " if (edge_enabled_ " < < edgeName < < " (state)) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " edges.emplace_back(edge_ " < < edgeName < < " ); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
+ + edgeIndex ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
+ + participatingPosition ;
+ + position ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " void exploreSynchronizationVector_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (StateType const& state, StateBehaviour<IndexType, ValueType>& behaviour, StateSet<StateType>& statesToExplore) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " std::vector<std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Edge const>>> edges( " < < synchronizationVector . getNumberOfActionInputs ( ) < < " ); " < < std : : endl ;
participatingPosition = 0 ;
for ( auto const & input : synchronizationVector . getInput ( ) ) {
if ( ! storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector : : isNoActionInput ( input ) ) {
vectorSource < < " get_edges_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " (state, edges[ " < < participatingPosition < < " ], " < < participatingPosition < < " ); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " if (edges[ " < < participatingPosition < < " ].empty()) { " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " return; " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " }; " < < std : : endl ;
+ + participatingPosition ;
vectorSource < < " performSynchronizedEdges_ " < < synchronizationVectorIndex < < " _0(state, edges, behaviour, statesToExplore); " < < std : : endl ;
vectorSource < < " } " < < std : : endl ;
cpptempl : : data_map vector ;
vector [ " functions " ] = vectorSource . str ( ) ;
vector [ " index " ] = asString ( synchronizationVectorIndex ) ;
return vector ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
cpptempl : : data_list ExplicitJitJaniModelBuilder < ValueType , RewardModelType > : : generateNonSynchronizingEdges ( ) {
cpptempl : : data_list edges ;
for ( auto const & automaton : this - > model . getAutomata ( ) ) {
void ExplicitJitJaniModelBuilder < ValueType , RewardModelType > : : generateEdges ( cpptempl : : data_map & modelData ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( model . hasStandardCompliantComposition ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : WrongFormatException , " Model builder only supports non-nested parallel compositions. " ) ;
cpptempl : : data_list nonSynchronizingEdges ;
cpptempl : : data_list synchronizingEdges ;
cpptempl : : data_list vectors ;
storm : : jani : : Composition const & topLevelComposition = model . getSystemComposition ( ) ;
if ( topLevelComposition . isAutomatonComposition ( ) ) {
storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton = model . getAutomaton ( topLevelComposition . asAutomatonComposition ( ) . getAutomatonName ( ) ) ;
uint64_t edgeIndex = 0 ;
for ( auto const & edge : automaton . getEdges ( ) ) {
if ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) = = storm : : jani : : Model : : SILENT_ACTION_INDEX ) {
edges . push_back ( generateEdge ( automaton , edgeIndex , edge ) ) ;
nonSynchronizingEdges . push_back ( generateEdge ( automaton , edgeIndex , edge ) ) ;
+ + edgeIndex ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( topLevelComposition . isParallelComposition ( ) , " Expected parallel composition. " ) ;
storm : : jani : : ParallelComposition const & parallelComposition = topLevelComposition . asParallelComposition ( ) ;
for ( auto const & composition : parallelComposition . getSubcompositions ( ) ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( composition - > isAutomatonComposition ( ) , " Expected flat parallel composition. " ) ;
std : : vector < std : : set < uint64_t > > synchronizingActions ( parallelComposition . getNumberOfSubcompositions ( ) ) ;
uint64_t synchronizationVectorIndex = 0 ;
for ( auto const & synchronizationVector : parallelComposition . getSynchronizationVectors ( ) ) {
// If the synchronization vector has at most one action input, there is no synchronization going on.
if ( synchronizationVector . getNumberOfActionInputs ( ) < = 1 ) {
continue ;
bool createVector = true ;
uint64_t position = 0 ;
for ( auto const & inputActionName : synchronizationVector . getInput ( ) ) {
if ( ! storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector : : isNoActionInput ( inputActionName ) ) {
uint64_t actionIndex = model . getActionIndex ( inputActionName ) ;
synchronizingActions [ position ] . insert ( actionIndex ) ;
storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton = model . getAutomaton ( parallelComposition . getSubcomposition ( position ) . asAutomatonComposition ( ) . getAutomatonName ( ) ) ;
bool hasParticipatingEdge = false ;
for ( auto const & edge : automaton . getEdges ( ) ) {
if ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) = = actionIndex ) {
hasParticipatingEdge = true ;
break ;
if ( ! hasParticipatingEdge ) {
createVector = false ;
+ + position ;
if ( createVector ) {
cpptempl : : data_map vector = generateSynchronizationVector ( parallelComposition , synchronizationVector , synchronizationVectorIndex ) ;
vectors . push_back ( vector ) ;
+ + synchronizationVectorIndex ;
uint64_t position = 0 ;
for ( auto const & composition : parallelComposition . getSubcompositions ( ) ) {
storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton = model . getAutomaton ( composition - > asAutomatonComposition ( ) . getAutomatonName ( ) ) ;
// Add all edges with an action index that is not mentioned in any synchronization vector as
// non-synchronizing edges.
uint64_t edgeIndex = 0 ;
for ( auto const & edge : automaton . getEdges ( ) ) {
if ( synchronizingActions [ position ] . find ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) ) ! = synchronizingActions [ position ] . end ( ) ) {
synchronizingEdges . push_back ( generateEdge ( automaton , edgeIndex , edge ) ) ;
} else {
nonSynchronizingEdges . push_back ( generateEdge ( automaton , edgeIndex , edge ) ) ;
+ + edgeIndex ;
+ + position ;
return edges ;
modelData [ " nonsynch_edges " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( nonSynchronizingEdges ) ;
modelData [ " synch_edges " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( synchronizingEdges ) ;
modelData [ " synch_vectors " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( vectors ) ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
@ -720,8 +937,13 @@ namespace storm {
destinationData [ " name " ] = asString ( destinationIndex ) ;
destinationData [ " levels " ] = cpptempl : : make_data ( levels ) ;
destinationData [ " value " ] = expressionTranslator . translate ( shiftVariablesWrtLowerBound ( destination . getProbability ( ) ) , storm : : expressions : : ToCppTranslationOptions ( " state. " , " double " ) ) ;
destinationData [ " lowestLevel " ] = asString ( destination . getOrderedAssignments ( ) . getLowestLevel ( ) ) ;
destinationData [ " highestLevel " ] = asString ( destination . getOrderedAssignments ( ) . getHighestLevel ( ) ) ;
if ( destination . getOrderedAssignments ( ) . empty ( ) ) {
destinationData [ " lowestLevel " ] = " 0 " ;
destinationData [ " highestLevel " ] = " 0 " ;
} else {
destinationData [ " lowestLevel " ] = asString ( destination . getOrderedAssignments ( ) . getLowestLevel ( ) ) ;
destinationData [ " highestLevel " ] = asString ( destination . getOrderedAssignments ( ) . getHighestLevel ( ) ) ;
return destinationData ;