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WIP created ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest.cpp for testing the generation of shielding files for SMGs
WIP created ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest.cpp for testing the generation of shielding files for SMGs
1 changed files with 137 additions and 0 deletions
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#include <io/file.h>
#include "test/storm_gtest.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include "storm/api/builder.h"
#include "storm-parsers/api/model_descriptions.h"
#include "storm/api/properties.h"
#include "storm-parsers/api/properties.h"
#include "storm/models/sparse/Smg.h"
#include "storm/modelchecker/rpatl/SparseSmgRpatlModelChecker.h"
#include "storm/modelchecker/results/QuantitativeCheckResult.h"
#include "storm/modelchecker/results/QualitativeCheckResult.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/MinMaxSolverEnvironment.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/TopologicalSolverEnvironment.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/MultiplierEnvironment.h"
#include "storm/settings/modules/CoreSettings.h"
#include "storm/logic/Formulas.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/UncheckedRequirementException.h"
namespace { |
class DoubleViEnvironment { |
public: |
typedef double ValueType; |
static storm::Environment createEnvironment() { |
storm::Environment env; |
env.solver().minMax().setMethod(storm::solver::MinMaxMethod::ValueIteration); |
env.solver().minMax().setPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<storm::RationalNumber>(1e-8)); |
return env; |
} |
}; |
template<typename TestType> |
class ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest : public ::testing::Test { |
public: |
typedef typename TestType::ValueType ValueType; |
ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest() : _environment(TestType::createEnvironment()) {} |
storm::Environment const& env() const { return _environment; } |
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Smg<ValueType>>, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>>> buildModelFormulas(std::string const& pathToPrismFile, std::string const& formulasAsString, std::string const& constantDefinitionString = "") const { |
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Smg<ValueType>>, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>>> result; |
storm::prism::Program program = storm::api::parseProgram(pathToPrismFile); |
program = storm::utility::prism::preprocess(program, constantDefinitionString); |
result.second = storm::api::extractFormulasFromProperties(storm::api::parsePropertiesForPrismProgram(formulasAsString, program)); |
result.first = storm::api::buildSparseModel<ValueType>(program, result.second)->template as<storm::models::sparse::Smg<ValueType>>(); |
return result; |
} |
std::vector<storm::modelchecker::CheckTask<storm::logic::Formula, ValueType>> getTasks(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>> const& formulas) const { |
std::vector<storm::modelchecker::CheckTask<storm::logic::Formula, ValueType>> result; |
for (auto const& f : formulas) { |
result.emplace_back(*f); |
} |
return result; |
} |
ValueType parseNumber(std::string const& input) const { return storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(input);} |
private: |
storm::Environment _environment; |
}; |
typedef ::testing::Types< |
DoubleViEnvironment |
> TestingTypes; |
TYPED_TEST_SUITE(ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest, TestingTypes,); |
TYPED_TEST(ShieldGenerationSmgRpatlModelCheckerTest, RightDecision) { |
typedef typename TestFixture::ValueType ValueType; |
// testing that no shield is created
std::string formulasString = "<<hiker>> Pmax=? [ F <=3 \"target\" ]"; |
// testing create shielding expressions
formulasString += "; <preSafetyShieldLambda1, PreSafety, lambda=0.9> <<hiker>> Pmax=? [ F <=3 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <postSafetyShieldGamma1, PostSafety, gamma=0.9> <<hiker>> Pmax=? [ F <=3 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <preSafetyShieldLambda2, PreSafety, lambda=0.5> <<hiker>> Pmax=? [ F <=5 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <postSafetyShieldGamma2, PostSafety, gamma=0.5> <<hiker>> Pmax=? [ F <=5 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <preSafetyShieldLambda3, PreSafety, lambda=0> <<hiker, native>> Pmax=? [ F <=3 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <postSafetyShieldGamma3, PostSafety, gamma=0> <<hiker, native>> Pmax=? [ F <=3 \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <preSafetyShieldLambda4, PreSafety, lambda=0.9> <<hiker>> Pmin=? [ F \"target\" ]"; |
formulasString += "; <postSafetyShieldGamma4, PostSafety, gamma=0.9> <<hiker>> Pmin=? [ F \"target\" ]"; |
auto modelFormulas = this->buildModelFormulas(STORM_TEST_RESOURCES_DIR "/smg/rightDecision.nm", formulasString); |
auto smg = std::move(modelFormulas.first); |
auto tasks = this->getTasks(modelFormulas.second); |
EXPECT_EQ(11ul, smg->getNumberOfStates()); |
EXPECT_EQ(15ul, smg->getNumberOfTransitions()); |
ASSERT_EQ(smg->getType(), storm::models::ModelType::Smg); |
EXPECT_EQ(14ull, smg->getNumberOfChoices()); |
//std::unique_ptr<storm::modelchecker::CheckResult> result;
storm::modelchecker::SparseSmgRpatlModelChecker<storm::models::sparse::Smg<ValueType>> checker(*smg); |
// first result must not be a shielding result
auto result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[0]); |
EXPECT_FALSE( tasks[1].isShieldingTask()); |
// shielding results
storm::logic::ShieldingType type = storm::logic::ShieldingType::PreSafety; |
std::string filename = "preSafetyShieldLambda1"; |
storm::logic::ShieldComparison comparison = storm::logic::ShieldComparison::Relative; |
double value = 0.9; |
auto preSafetyShieldingExpression = std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::ShieldExpression>(new storm::logic::ShieldExpression(type, filename, comparison, value)); |
tasks[1].setShieldingExpression(preSafetyShieldingExpression); |
EXPECT_TRUE(tasks[1].isShieldingTask()); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[1]); |
filename += ".shield"; |
std::ifstream resultFile(filename); |
std::stringstream resultBuffer; |
resultBuffer << resultFile.rdbuf(); |
std::string resultString = resultBuffer.str(); |
std::cout << resultString << std::endl; |
std::remove(filename.c_str()); |
//TODO: EXPECT_EQUAL: string from solution and string from comparison-file
// TODO: build back the values, e.g. we do not need a method for computing string-shields
// - testfiles for comparison, make an folder for that and name it like the test case names
// - this also would work fine fith mdps, so finish this example, add it to mdp folder
// - then we can go to solve examples, we have to integrate a lot of examples...
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[2]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[3]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[4]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[5]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[6]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[7]); |
result = checker.check(this->env(), tasks[8]); |
} |
// TODO: create more test cases (files)
} |
Reference in new issue