@ -354,12 +354,11 @@ namespace storm {
template < storm : : dd : : DdType Type , typename ValueType >
struct ComposerResult {
ComposerResult ( storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & transitions , storm : : dd : : A dd< Type , ValueType > const & stateActionDd , uint64_t numberOfNondeterminismVariables = 0 ) : transitions ( transitions ) , stateActionDd ( stateActionDd ) , numberOfNondeterminismVariables ( numberOfNondeterminismVariables ) {
ComposerResult ( storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & transitions , storm : : dd : : B dd< Type > const & illegalFragment , uint64_t numberOfNondeterminismVariables = 0 ) : transitions ( transitions ) , numberOfNondeterminismVariables ( numberOfNondeterminismVariables ) {
// Intentionally left empty.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > transitions ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > stateActionDd ;
uint64_t numberOfNondeterminismVariables ;
} ;
@ -494,7 +493,8 @@ namespace storm {
ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > compose ( ) override {
AutomatonDd globalAutomaton = boost : : any_cast < AutomatonDd > ( this - > model . getSystemComposition ( ) . accept ( * this , boost : : none ) ) ;
return buildSystem ( this - > model , globalAutomaton , this - > variables ) ;
// FIXME: use correct illegal fragment.
return buildSystem ( this - > model , globalAutomaton , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) , this - > variables ) ;
boost : : any visit ( storm : : jani : : AutomatonComposition const & composition , boost : : any const & data ) override {
@ -600,14 +600,14 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
std : : pair < uint64_t , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > combineEdgesByNondeterministicChoice ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > & edges , CompositionVariables < Type , ValueType > const & variables ) {
std : : pair < uint64_t , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > combineEdgesByNondeterministicChoice ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > & edges ) {
// Complete all edges by adding the missing global variable identities.
for ( auto & edge : edges ) {
edge . transitions * = computeMissingGlobalVariableIdentities ( edge , variables ) ;
edge . transitions * = computeMissingGlobalVariableIdentities ( edge , this - > variables ) ;
// Sum all guards, so we can read off the maximal number of nondeterministic choices in any given state.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > sumOfGuards = variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > sumOfGuards = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
for ( auto const & edge : edges ) {
sumOfGuards + = edge . guard ;
@ -616,22 +616,22 @@ namespace storm {
// Depending on the maximal number of nondeterminstic choices, we need to use some variables to encode the nondeterminism.
if ( maxChoices = = 0 ) {
return std : : make_pair ( 0 , variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
return std : : make_pair ( 0 , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
} else if ( maxChoices = = 1 ) {
return std : : make_pair ( 0 , combineEdgesBySummation ( edges , variables ) ) ;
return std : : make_pair ( 0 , combineEdgesBySummation ( edges , this - > variables ) ) ;
} else {
// Calculate number of required variables to encode the nondeterminism.
uint_fast64_t numberOfBinaryVariables = static_cast < uint_fast64_t > ( std : : ceil ( storm : : utility : : math : : log2 ( maxChoices ) ) ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > allEdges = variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > allEdges = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > equalsNumberOfChoicesDd ;
std : : vector < storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > choiceDds ( maxChoices , variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > > remainingDds ( maxChoices , variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > choiceDds ( maxChoices , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > > remainingDds ( maxChoices , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
for ( uint_fast64_t currentChoices = 1 ; currentChoices < = maxChoices ; + + currentChoices ) {
// Determine the set of states with exactly currentChoices choices.
equalsNumberOfChoicesDd = sumOfGuards . equals ( variables . manager - > getConstant ( static_cast < double > ( currentChoices ) ) ) ;
equalsNumberOfChoicesDd = sumOfGuards . equals ( this - > variables . manager - > getConstant ( static_cast < double > ( currentChoices ) ) ) ;
// If there is no such state, continue with the next possible number of choices.
if ( equalsNumberOfChoicesDd . isZero ( ) ) {
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Reset the previously used intermediate storage.
for ( uint_fast64_t j = 0 ; j < currentChoices ; + + j ) {
choiceDds [ j ] = variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
choiceDds [ j ] = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
remainingDds [ j ] = equalsNumberOfChoicesDd ;
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Add the meta variables that encode the nondeterminisim to the different choices.
for ( uint_fast64_t j = 0 ; j < currentChoices ; + + j ) {
allEdges + = encodeIndex ( j , 0 , numberOfBinaryVariables , variables ) * choiceDds [ j ] ;
allEdges + = encodeIndex ( j , 0 , numberOfBinaryVariables , this - > variables ) * choiceDds [ j ] ;
// Delete currentChoices out of overlapping DD
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ namespace storm {
// were used.
uint64_t highestNumberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = 0 ;
for ( auto & action : automatonDd . actionIndexToEdges ) {
std : : pair < uint64_t , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > usedVariablesAndDd = combineEdgesByNondeterministicChoice ( action . second , this - > variables ) ;
std : : pair < uint64_t , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > usedVariablesAndDd = combineEdgesByNondeterministicChoice ( action . second ) ;
actionIndexToUsedVariablesAndDd . emplace ( action . first , usedVariablesAndDd ) ;
highestNumberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = std : : max ( highestNumberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables , usedVariablesAndDd . first ) ;
@ -888,11 +888,11 @@ namespace storm {
// Intentionally left empty.
uint64_t getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) {
uint64_t getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) const {
return localNondeterminismVariables . first ;
uint64_t getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) {
uint64_t getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) const {
return localNondeterminismVariables . second ;
@ -916,12 +916,35 @@ namespace storm {
// This structure represents a subcomponent of a composition.
struct AutomatonDd {
AutomatonDd ( storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identity ) : identity ( identity ) {
AutomatonDd ( storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identity ) : actionIndexToAction ( ) , identity ( identity ) , localNondeterminismVariables ( std : : make_pair < uint64_t , uint64_t > ( 0 , 0 ) ) {
// Intentionally left empty.
uint64_t getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) const {
return localNondeterminismVariables . first ;
void setLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( uint64_t newValue ) {
localNondeterminismVariables . first = newValue ;
uint64_t getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) const {
return localNondeterminismVariables . second ;
void setHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( uint64_t newValue ) {
localNondeterminismVariables . second = newValue ;
// A mapping from action indices to the action DDs.
std : : map < uint64_t , ActionDd > actionIndexToAction ;
// The identity of the automaton's variables.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > identity ;
// The local nondeterminism variables used by this action DD, given as the lowest
std : : pair < uint64_t , uint64_t > localNondeterminismVariables ;
} ;
CombinedEdgesSystemComposer ( storm : : jani : : Model const & model , CompositionVariables < Type , ValueType > const & variables ) : SystemComposer < Type , ValueType > ( model , variables ) {
@ -935,7 +958,7 @@ namespace storm {
AutomatonDd globalAutomaton = boost : : any_cast < AutomatonDd > ( this - > model . getSystemComposition ( ) . accept ( * this , actionIndexToLocalNondeterminismVariableOffset ) ) ;
return buildSystem ( globalAutomaton ) ;
return buildSystemFromAutomaton ( globalAutomaton ) ;
boost : : any visit ( storm : : jani : : AutomatonComposition const & composition , boost : : any const & data ) override {
@ -1009,12 +1032,14 @@ namespace storm {
AutomatonDd composeInParallel ( AutomatonDd const & automaton1 , AutomatonDd const & automaton2 , std : : set < uint64_t > const & synchronizingActionIndices ) {
AutomatonDd result ( automaton1 ) ;
// Treat all actions of the first automaton.
for ( auto const & action1 : automaton1 . actionIndexToAction ) {
// If we need to synchronize over this action index, we try to do so now.
if ( synchronizingActionIndices . find ( action1 . first ) ! = synchronizingActionIndices . end ( ) ) {
auto action2It = automaton2 . actionIndexToAction . find ( action1 . first ) ;
if ( action2It ! = automaton2 . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] = combineSynchronizingActions ( action1 . second , action2It - > second ) ;
std : : cout < < " synchonizing: " < < result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
} else {
// If we don't synchronize over this action, we need to construct the interleaving.
@ -1023,79 +1048,35 @@ namespace storm {
auto action2It = automaton2 . actionIndexToAction . find ( action1 . first ) ;
if ( action2It ! = automaton2 . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] = combineUnsynchronizedActions ( action1 . second , action2It - > second , automaton1 . identity , automaton2 . identity ) ;
std : : cout < < " not-synchonizing (1): index " < < action1 . first < < " , " < < result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
} else {
// If only the first automaton has this action, we only need to apply the identity of the
// second automaton.
result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] = ActionDd ( action1 . second . guard , action1 . second . transitions * automaton2 . identity , action1 . localNondeterminismVariables , action1 . variableToWritingFragment , action1 . illegalFragment ) ;
result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] = ActionDd ( action1 . second . guard , action1 . second . transitions * automaton2 . identity , action1 . second . localNondeterminismVariables , action1 . second . variableToWritingFragment , action1 . second . illegalFragment ) ;
std : : cout < < " not-synchonizing (2): index " < < action1 . first < < " , " < < result . actionIndexToAction [ action1 . first ] . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
// Combine the tau action.
uint_fast64_t numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = right . independentAction . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables ;
left . independentAction = DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : combineUnsynchronizedActions ( generationInfo , left . independentAction , right . independentAction , left . identity , right . identity ) ;
numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = std : : max ( numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables , left . independentAction . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables ) ;
// Create an empty action for the case where one of the modules does not have a certain action.
typename DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : ActionDecisionDiagram emptyAction ( * generationInfo . manager ) ;
// Treat all non-tau actions of the left module.
for ( auto & action : left . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap ) {
// If we need to synchronize over this action index, we try to do so now.
if ( synchronizationActionIndices . find ( action . first ) ! = synchronizationActionIndices . end ( ) ) {
// If we are to synchronize over an action that does not exist in the second module, the result
// is that the synchronization is the empty action.
if ( ! right . hasSynchronizingAction ( action . first ) ) {
action . second = emptyAction ;
} else {
// Otherwise, the actions of the modules are synchronized.
action . second = DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : combineSynchronizingActions ( generationInfo , action . second , right . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ action . first ] ) ;
} else {
// If we don't synchronize over this action, we need to construct the interleaving.
// If both modules contain the action, we need to mutually multiply the other identity.
if ( right . hasSynchronizingAction ( action . first ) ) {
action . second = DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : combineUnsynchronizedActions ( generationInfo , action . second , right . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ action . first ] , left . identity , right . identity ) ;
} else {
// If only the first module has this action, we need to use a dummy action decision diagram
// for the second module.
action . second = DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : combineUnsynchronizedActions ( generationInfo , action . second , emptyAction , left . identity , right . identity ) ;
numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = std : : max ( numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables , action . second . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables ) ;
// Treat all non-tau actions of the right module.
for ( auto const & actionIndex : right . getSynchronizingActionIndices ( ) ) {
// Here, we only need to treat actions that the first module does not have, because we have handled
// this case earlier.
if ( ! left . hasSynchronizingAction ( actionIndex ) ) {
if ( synchronizationActionIndices . find ( actionIndex ) ! = synchronizationActionIndices . end ( ) ) {
// If we are to synchronize over this action that does not exist in the first module, the
// result is that the synchronization is the empty action.
left . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ actionIndex ] = emptyAction ;
} else {
// If only the second module has this action, we need to use a dummy action decision diagram
// for the first module.
left . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ actionIndex ] = DdPrismModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : combineUnsynchronizedActions ( generationInfo , emptyAction , right . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ actionIndex ] , left . identity , right . identity ) ;
// Treat the actions of the second automaton.
for ( auto const & action2 : automaton2 . actionIndexToAction ) {
// Here, we only need to treat actions that the first automaton does not have, because we have handled
// this case earlier. Likewise, we have to consider non-synchronizing actions only.
if ( automaton1 . actionIndexToAction . find ( action2 . first ) = = automaton1 . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
if ( synchronizingActionIndices . find ( action2 . first ) = = synchronizingActionIndices . end ( ) ) {
// If only the second automaton has this action, we only need to apply the identity of the
// first automaton.
result . actionIndexToAction [ action2 . first ] = ActionDd ( action2 . second . guard , action2 . second . transitions * automaton1 . identity , action2 . second . localNondeterminismVariables , action2 . second . variableToWritingFragment , action2 . second . illegalFragment ) ;
std : : cout < < " not-synchonizing (3): index " < < action2 . first < < " , " < < result . actionIndexToAction [ action2 . first ] . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = std : : max ( numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables , left . synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap [ actionIndex ] . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables ) ;
result . setLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( std : : max ( result . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , action2 . second . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) ) ;
result . setHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( std : : max ( result . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , action2 . second . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) ) ;
// Combine identity matrices.
left . identity = left . identity * right . identity ;
result . identity = automaton1 . identity * automaton2 . identity ;
// Keep track of the number of nondeterminism variables used.
left . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables = std : : max ( left . numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables , numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables ) ;
return result ;
ActionDd combineSynchronizingActions ( ActionDd action1 , ActionDd action2 ) {
@ -1125,11 +1106,11 @@ namespace storm {
return ActionDd ( action1 . guard * action2 . guard , action1 . transitions * action2 . transitions , std : : make_pair ( std : : min ( action1 . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , action2 . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) , std : : max ( action1 . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , action2 . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) ) , globalVariableToWritingFragment , illegalFragment ) ;
ActionDd combineUnsynchronizedActions ( ActionDd action1 , ActionDd action2 , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identityDd 1 , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identityDd 2 ) {
ActionDd combineUnsynchronizedActions ( ActionDd action1 , ActionDd action2 , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identity1 , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & identity2 ) {
// First extend the action DDs by the other identities.
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Multiplying identities to combine unsynchronized actions. " ) ;
action1 . transitionsDd = action1 . transitionsDd * identityDd 2 ;
action2 . transitionsDd = action2 . transitionsDd * identityDd 1 ;
action1 . transitions = action1 . transitions * identity2 ;
action2 . transitions = action2 . transitions * identity1 ;
// Then combine the extended action DDs.
return combineUnsynchronizedActions ( action1 , action2 ) ;
@ -1334,6 +1315,7 @@ namespace storm {
std : : cout < < " combining edges to action yields " < < allTransitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
return ActionDd ( allGuards . template toAdd < ValueType > ( ) , allTransitions , std : : make_pair < uint64_t , uint64_t > ( 0 , 0 ) , globalVariableToWritingFragment , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
@ -1473,17 +1455,55 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton = this - > model . getAutomaton ( automatonName ) ;
for ( auto const & action : this - > model . getActions ( ) ) {
uint64_t actionIndex = this - > model . getActionIndex ( action . getName ( ) ) ;
result . actionIndexToAction [ actionIndex ] = buildActionDdForActionIndex ( automaton , actionIndex , actionIndexToLocalNondeterminismVariableOffset . at ( actionIndex ) ) ;
ActionDd actionDd = buildActionDdForActionIndex ( automaton , actionIndex , actionIndexToLocalNondeterminismVariableOffset . at ( actionIndex ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " action DD for action " < < action . getName ( ) < < " ( " < < actionIndex < < " ) has " < < actionDd . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " nnz " < < std : : endl ;
result . actionIndexToAction [ actionIndex ] = actionDd ;
result . setLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( std : : max ( result . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , actionDd . getLowestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) ) ;
result . setHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( std : : max ( result . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) , actionDd . getHighestLocalNondeterminismVariable ( ) ) ) ;
return result ;
ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > buildSystem ( AutomatonDd & automatonDd ) {
// FIXME: do the real thing.
return ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > ( this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , 0 ) ;
void addMissingGlobalVariableIdentities ( ActionDd & action ) {
// Build a DD that we can multiply to the transitions and adds all missing global variable identities that way.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > missingIdentities = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddOne < ValueType > ( ) ;
for ( auto const & variable : this - > variables . allGlobalVariables ) {
auto it = action . variableToWritingFragment . find ( variable ) ;
if ( it ! = action . variableToWritingFragment . end ( ) ) {
missingIdentities * = ( it - > second ) . ite ( this - > variables . manager - > template getAddOne < ValueType > ( ) , this - > variables . variableToIdentityMap . at ( variable ) ) ;
} else {
missingIdentities * = this - > variables . variableToIdentityMap . at ( variable ) ;
action . transitions * = missingIdentities ;
ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > buildSystemFromAutomaton ( AutomatonDd & automaton ) {
// If the model is an MDP, we need to encode the nondeterminism using additional variables.
if ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MDP ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidArgumentException , " Illegal model type. " ) ;
} else if ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : DTMC | | this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : CTMC ) {
// Simply add all actions, but make sure to include the missing global variable identities.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > result = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > illegalFragment = this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ;
for ( auto & action : automaton . actionIndexToAction ) {
illegalFragment | = action . second . illegalFragment ;
std : : cout < < " adding " < < action . second . transitions . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < std : : endl ;
addMissingGlobalVariableIdentities ( action . second ) ;
result + = action . second . transitions ;
std : : cout < < " result, nnz: " < < result . getNonZeroCount ( ) < < " , nodes: " < < result . getNodeCount ( ) < < std : : endl ;
result . exportToDot ( " trans.dot " ) ;
return ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > ( result , illegalFragment , 0 ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidArgumentException , " Illegal model type. " ) ;
} ;
template < storm : : dd : : DdType Type , typename ValueType >
@ -1564,7 +1584,7 @@ namespace storm {
void postprocessSystem ( storm : : jani : : Model const & model , ComposerResult < Type , ValueType > & system , CompositionVariables < Type , ValueType > const & variables , typename DdJaniModelBuilder < Type , ValueType > : : Options const & options ) {
// For DTMCs, we normalize each row to 1 (to account for non-determinism).
if ( model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : DTMC ) {
system . transitions = system . transitions / system . stateActionDd ;
system . transitions = system . transitions / system . transitions . sumAbstract ( variables . columnMetaVariables ) ;
// If we were asked to treat some states as terminal states, we cut away their transitions now.
@ -1678,7 +1698,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Cut transitions to reachable states.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > reachableStatesAdd = modelComponents . reachableStates . template toAdd < ValueType > ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionMatrix = system . transitions * reachableStatesAdd ;
system . stateActionDd * = reachableStatesAdd ;
// Fix deadlocks if existing.
fixDeadlocks ( this - > model - > getModelType ( ) , modelComponents . transitionMatrix , transitionMatrixBdd , modelComponents . reachableStates , variables ) ;