From b2b692b8aeafe5914997c34fba3aae670c4d1928 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dehnert <>
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2017 10:50:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] extended JANI next-state generator to be able to deal with
 custom system compositions

 .../generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.cpp      | 499 ++++++++++--------
 src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.h  |  45 +-
 src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.cpp   |  50 +-
 src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.h     |   8 +-
 4 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.cpp b/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.cpp
index 9ff5974c3..fbcf93c0a 100644
--- a/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.cpp
@@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ namespace storm {
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
         JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::JaniNextStateGenerator(storm::jani::Model const& model, NextStateGeneratorOptions const& options, bool) : NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>(model.getExpressionManager(), options), model(model), rewardVariables(), hasStateActionRewards(false) {
-            STORM_LOG_THROW(model.hasStandardComposition(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "The explicit next-state generator currently does not support custom system compositions.");
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.hasNonGlobalTransientVariable(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "The explicit next-state generator currently does not support automata-local transient variables.");
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.usesAssignmentLevels(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "The explicit next-state generator currently does not support assignment levels.");
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->options.isBuildChoiceLabelsSet(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "JANI next-state generator cannot generate choice labels.");
-            STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.reusesActionsInComposition(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "The jit JANI model builder currently does not support reusing actions in parallel composition");
             // Lift the transient edge destinations. We can do so, as we know that there are no assignment levels (because that's not supported anyway).
             if (this->model.hasTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments()) {
@@ -47,9 +44,12 @@ namespace storm {
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->model.hasTransientEdgeDestinationAssignments(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "The explicit next-state generator currently does not support transient edge destination assignments.");
-            // Only after checking validity of the program, we initialize the variable information.
+            // Create all synchronization-related information, e.g. the automata that are put in parallel.
+            this->createSynchronizationInformation();
+            // Now we are ready to initialize the variable information.
-            this->variableInformation = VariableInformation(model);
+            this->variableInformation = VariableInformation(model, this->parallelAutomata);
             // Create a proper evalator.
             this->evaluator = std::make_unique<storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<ValueType>>(model.getManager());
@@ -92,11 +92,6 @@ namespace storm {
             // If there are terminal states we need to handle, we now need to translate all labels to expressions.
             if (this->options.hasTerminalStates()) {
-                std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> composedAutomata;
-                for (auto const& automaton : this->model.getAutomata()) {
-                    composedAutomata.emplace_back(automaton);
-                }
                 for (auto const& expressionOrLabelAndBool : this->options.getTerminalStates()) {
                     if (expressionOrLabelAndBool.first.isExpression()) {
                         this->terminalStates.push_back(std::make_pair(expressionOrLabelAndBool.first.getExpression(), expressionOrLabelAndBool.second));
@@ -110,7 +105,7 @@ namespace storm {
                             STORM_LOG_THROW(variable.isBooleanVariable(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "Terminal states refer to non-boolean variable '" << expressionOrLabelAndBool.first.getLabel() << "'.");
                             STORM_LOG_THROW(variable.isTransient(), storm::exceptions::InvalidSettingsException, "Terminal states refer to non-transient variable '" << expressionOrLabelAndBool.first.getLabel() << "'.");
-                            this->terminalStates.push_back(std::make_pair(this->model.getLabelExpression(variable.asBooleanVariable(), composedAutomata), expressionOrLabelAndBool.second));
+                            this->terminalStates.push_back(std::make_pair(this->model.getLabelExpression(variable.asBooleanVariable(), this->parallelAutomata), expressionOrLabelAndBool.second));
@@ -177,15 +172,11 @@ namespace storm {
             storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory factory;
             std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::SmtSolver> solver = factory.create(model.getExpressionManager());
-            std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> allAutomata;
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
-                allAutomata.push_back(automaton);
-            }
-            std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> rangeExpressions = model.getAllRangeExpressions(allAutomata);
+            std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> rangeExpressions = model.getAllRangeExpressions(this->parallelAutomata);
             for (auto const& expression : rangeExpressions) {
-            solver->add(model.getInitialStatesExpression(allAutomata));
+            solver->add(model.getInitialStatesExpression(this->parallelAutomata));
             // Proceed as long as the solver can still enumerate initial states.
             std::vector<StateType> initialStateIndices;
@@ -213,9 +204,10 @@ namespace storm {
                 // Gather iterators to the initial locations of all the automata.
                 std::vector<std::set<uint64_t>::const_iterator> initialLocationsIts;
                 std::vector<std::set<uint64_t>::const_iterator> initialLocationsItes;
-                for (auto const& automaton : allAutomata) {
-                    initialLocationsIts.push_back(automaton.get().getInitialLocationIndices().cbegin());
-                    initialLocationsItes.push_back(automaton.get().getInitialLocationIndices().cend());
+                for (auto const& automatonRef : this->parallelAutomata) {
+                    auto const& automaton = automatonRef.get();
+                    initialLocationsIts.push_back(automaton.getInitialLocationIndices().cbegin());
+                    initialLocationsItes.push_back(automaton.getInitialLocationIndices().cend());
                 storm::utility::combinatorics::forEach(initialLocationsIts, initialLocationsItes, [this,&initialState] (uint64_t index, uint64_t value) { setLocation(initialState, this->variableInformation.locationVariables[index], value); }, [&stateToIdCallback,&initialStateIndices,&initialState] () {
                     // Register initial state.
@@ -287,7 +279,8 @@ namespace storm {
             // need the state rewards then.
             std::vector<ValueType> stateRewards(this->rewardVariables.size(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
             uint64_t automatonIndex = 0;
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
+            for (auto const& automatonRef : this->parallelAutomata) {
+                auto const& automaton = automatonRef.get();
                 uint64_t currentLocationIndex = locations[automatonIndex];
                 storm::jani::Location const& location = automaton.getLocation(currentLocationIndex);
                 auto valueIt = stateRewards.begin();
@@ -307,12 +300,7 @@ namespace storm {
             // Get all choices for the state.
-            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allChoices = getSilentActionChoices(locations, *this->state, stateToIdCallback);
-            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allLabeledChoices = getNonsilentActionChoices(locations, *this->state, stateToIdCallback);
-            for (auto& choice : allLabeledChoices) {
-                allChoices.push_back(std::move(choice));
-            }
+            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allChoices = getActionChoices(locations, *this->state, stateToIdCallback);
             std::size_t totalNumberOfChoices = allChoices.size();
             // If there is not a single choice, we return immediately, because the state has no behavior (other than
@@ -370,239 +358,235 @@ namespace storm {
             return result;
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
-        std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::getSilentActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
-            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> result;
+        Choice<ValueType> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::expandNonSynchronizingEdge(storm::jani::Edge const& edge, uint64_t outputActionIndex, uint64_t automatonIndex, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
+            // Determine the exit rate if it's a Markovian edge.
+            boost::optional<ValueType> exitRate = boost::none;
+            if (edge.hasRate()) {
+                exitRate = this->evaluator->asRational(edge.getRate());
+            }
-            // Iterate over all automata.
-            uint64_t automatonIndex = 0;
+            Choice<ValueType> choice(edge.getActionIndex(), static_cast<bool>(exitRate));
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
-                uint64_t location = locations[automatonIndex];
+            // Iterate over all updates of the current command.
+            ValueType probabilitySum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
+            for (auto const& destination : edge.getDestinations()) {
+                ValueType probability = this->evaluator->asRational(destination.getProbability());
-                // Iterate over all edges from the source location.
-                for (auto const& edge : automaton.getEdgesFromLocation(location)) {
-                    // Skip the edge if it is labeled with a non-silent action.
-                    if (edge.getActionIndex() != storm::jani::Model::SILENT_ACTION_INDEX) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
+                if (probability != storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
+                    // Obtain target state index and add it to the list of known states. If it has not yet been
+                    // seen, we also add it to the set of states that have yet to be explored.
+                    auto newState = applyUpdate(state, destination, this->variableInformation.locationVariables[automatonIndex]);
-                    // Skip the command, if it is not enabled.
-                    if (!this->evaluator->asBool(edge.getGuard())) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
+                    StateType stateIndex = stateToIdCallback(applyUpdate(state, destination, this->variableInformation.locationVariables[automatonIndex]));
-                    // Determine the exit rate if it's a Markovian edge.
-                    boost::optional<ValueType> exitRate = boost::none;
-                    if (edge.hasRate()) {
-                        exitRate = this->evaluator->asRational(edge.getRate());
-                    }
+                    // Update the choice by adding the probability/target state to it.
+                    probability = exitRate ? exitRate.get() * probability : probability;
+                    choice.addProbability(stateIndex, probability);
-                    result.push_back(Choice<ValueType>(edge.getActionIndex(), static_cast<bool>(exitRate)));
-                    Choice<ValueType>& choice = result.back();
+                    if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
+                        probabilitySum += probability;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Create the state-action reward for the newly created choice.
+            performTransientAssignments(edge.getAssignments().getTransientAssignments(), [&choice] (ValueType const& value) { choice.addReward(value); } );
+            if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
+                // Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution.
+                STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->isDiscreteTimeModel() || this->comparator.isOne(probabilitySum), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Probabilities do not sum to one for edge (actually sum to " << probabilitySum << ").");
+            }
+            return choice;
+        }
+        template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
+        std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::expandSynchronizingEdgeCombination(AutomataEdgeSets const& edgeCombination, uint64_t outputActionIndex, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
+            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> result;
+            if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
+                // Check whether a global variable is written multiple times in any combination.
+                checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(edgeCombination);
+            }
+            std::vector<EdgeSet::const_iterator> iteratorList(edgeCombination.size());
+            // Initialize the list of iterators.
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeCombination.size(); ++i) {
+                iteratorList[i] = edgeCombination[i].second.cbegin();
+            }
+            // As long as there is one feasible combination of commands, keep on expanding it.
+            bool done = false;
+            while (!done) {
+                boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>* currentTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
+                boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>* newTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
+                std::vector<ValueType> stateActionRewards(rewardVariables.size(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
+                currentTargetStates->emplace(state, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
+                for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < iteratorList.size(); ++i) {
+                    storm::jani::Edge const& edge = **iteratorList[i];
-                    // Iterate over all updates of the current command.
-                    ValueType probabilitySum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
                     for (auto const& destination : edge.getDestinations()) {
-                        ValueType probability = this->evaluator->asRational(destination.getProbability());
-                        if (probability != storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
-                            // Obtain target state index and add it to the list of known states. If it has not yet been
-                            // seen, we also add it to the set of states that have yet to be explored.
-                            StateType stateIndex = stateToIdCallback(applyUpdate(state, destination, this->variableInformation.locationVariables[automatonIndex]));
-                            // Update the choice by adding the probability/target state to it.
-                            probability = exitRate ? exitRate.get() * probability : probability;
-                            choice.addProbability(stateIndex, probability);
+                        for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : *currentTargetStates) {
+                            // Compute the new state under the current update and add it to the set of new target states.
+                            CompressedState newTargetState = applyUpdate(stateProbabilityPair.first, destination, this->variableInformation.locationVariables[edgeCombination[i].first]);
-                            if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
-                                probabilitySum += probability;
+                            // If the new state was already found as a successor state, update the probability
+                            // and otherwise insert it.
+                            ValueType probability = stateProbabilityPair.second * this->evaluator->asRational(destination.getProbability());
+                            if (edge.hasRate()) {
+                                probability *= this->evaluator->asRational(edge.getRate());
+                            }
+                            if (probability != storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
+                                auto targetStateIt = newTargetStates->find(newTargetState);
+                                if (targetStateIt != newTargetStates->end()) {
+                                    targetStateIt->second += probability;
+                                } else {
+                                    newTargetStates->emplace(newTargetState, probability);
+                                }
+                        // Create the state-action reward for the newly created choice.
+                        auto valueIt = stateActionRewards.begin();
+                        performTransientAssignments(edge.getAssignments().getTransientAssignments(), [&valueIt] (ValueType const& value) { *valueIt += value; ++valueIt; } );
-                    // Create the state-action reward for the newly created choice.
-                    performTransientAssignments(edge.getAssignments().getTransientAssignments(), [&choice] (ValueType const& value) { choice.addReward(value); } );
+                    // If there is one more command to come, shift the target states one time step back.
+                    if (i < iteratorList.size() - 1) {
+                        delete currentTargetStates;
+                        currentTargetStates = newTargetStates;
+                        newTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
+                    }
+                }
+                // At this point, we applied all commands of the current command combination and newTargetStates
+                // contains all target states and their respective probabilities. That means we are now ready to
+                // add the choice to the list of transitions.
+                result.emplace_back(outputActionIndex);
+                // Now create the actual distribution.
+                Choice<ValueType>& choice = result.back();
+                // Add the rewards to the choice.
+                choice.addRewards(std::move(stateActionRewards));
+                // Add the probabilities/rates to the newly created choice.
+                ValueType probabilitySum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
+                for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : *newTargetStates) {
+                    StateType actualIndex = stateToIdCallback(stateProbabilityPair.first);
+                    choice.addProbability(actualIndex, stateProbabilityPair.second);
                     if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
-                        // Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution.
-                        STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->isDiscreteTimeModel() || this->comparator.isOne(probabilitySum), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Probabilities do not sum to one for edge (actually sum to " << probabilitySum << ").");
+                        probabilitySum += stateProbabilityPair.second;
-                ++automatonIndex;
+                if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
+                    // Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution.
+                    STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->isDiscreteTimeModel() || !this->comparator.isConstant(probabilitySum) || this->comparator.isOne(probabilitySum), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Sum of update probabilities do not sum to one for some command (actually sum to " << probabilitySum << ").");
+                }
+                // Dispose of the temporary maps.
+                delete currentTargetStates;
+                delete newTargetStates;
+                // Now, check whether there is one more command combination to consider.
+                bool movedIterator = false;
+                for (uint64_t j = 0; !movedIterator && j < iteratorList.size(); ++j) {
+                    ++iteratorList[j];
+                    if (iteratorList[j] != edgeCombination[j].second.end()) {
+                        movedIterator = true;
+                    } else {
+                        // Reset the iterator to the beginning of the list.
+                        iteratorList[j] = edgeCombination[j].second.begin();
+                    }
+                }
+                done = !movedIterator;
             return result;
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
-        std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::getNonsilentActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
+        std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::getActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
             std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> result;
-            for (uint64_t actionIndex : model.getNonsilentActionIndices()) {
-                std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> enabledEdges = getEnabledEdges(locations, actionIndex);
-                // Only process this action, if there is at least one feasible solution.
-                if (!enabledEdges.empty()) {
-                    if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
-                        // Check whether a global variable is written multiple times in any combination.
-                        checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(enabledEdges);
+            for (auto const& outputAndEdges : edges) {
+                auto const& edges = outputAndEdges.second;
+                if (edges.size() == 1) {
+                    // If the synch consists of just one element, it's non-synchronizing.
+                    auto const& nonsychingEdges = edges.front();
+                    uint64_t automatonIndex = nonsychingEdges.first;
+                    auto edgesIt = nonsychingEdges.second.find(locations[automatonIndex]);
+                    if (edgesIt != nonsychingEdges.second.end()) {
+                        for (auto const& edge : edgesIt->second) {
+                            if (!this->evaluator->asBool(edge->getGuard())) {
+                                continue;
+                            }
+                            Choice<ValueType> choice = expandNonSynchronizingEdge(*edge, outputAndEdges.first ? outputAndEdges.first.get() : edge->getActionIndex(), automatonIndex, state, stateToIdCallback);
+                            result.emplace_back(std::move(choice));
+                        }
+                } else {
+                    // If the element has more than one set of edges, we need to perform a synchronization.
+                    STORM_LOG_ASSERT(outputAndEdges.first, "Need output action index for synchronization.");
-                    std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>::const_iterator> iteratorList(enabledEdges.size());
-                    // Initialize the list of iterators.
-                    for (size_t i = 0; i < enabledEdges.size(); ++i) {
-                        iteratorList[i] = enabledEdges[i].cbegin();
-                    }
+                    AutomataEdgeSets automataEdgeSets;
+                    uint64_t outputActionIndex = outputAndEdges.first.get();
-                    // As long as there is one feasible combination of commands, keep on expanding it.
-                    bool done = false;
-                    while (!done) {
-                        boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>* currentTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
-                        boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>* newTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
-                        std::vector<ValueType> stateActionRewards(rewardVariables.size(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
+                    bool productiveCombination = true;
+                    for (auto const& automatonAndEdges : outputAndEdges.second) {
+                        uint64_t automatonIndex = automatonAndEdges.first;
+                        EdgeSet enabledEdgesOfAutomaton;
-                        currentTargetStates->emplace(state, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
-                        auto locationVariableIt = this->variableInformation.locationVariables.cbegin();
-                        for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < iteratorList.size(); ++i) {
-                            storm::jani::Edge const& edge = **iteratorList[i];
-                            for (auto const& destination : edge.getDestinations()) {
-                                for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : *currentTargetStates) {
-                                    // Compute the new state under the current update and add it to the set of new target states.
-                                    CompressedState newTargetState = applyUpdate(stateProbabilityPair.first, destination, *locationVariableIt);
-                                    // If the new state was already found as a successor state, update the probability
-                                    // and otherwise insert it.
-                                    ValueType probability = stateProbabilityPair.second * this->evaluator->asRational(destination.getProbability());
-                                    if (edge.hasRate()) {
-                                        probability *= this->evaluator->asRational(edge.getRate());
-                                    }
-                                    if (probability != storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
-                                        auto targetStateIt = newTargetStates->find(newTargetState);
-                                        if (targetStateIt != newTargetStates->end()) {
-                                            targetStateIt->second += probability;
-                                        } else {
-                                            newTargetStates->emplace(newTargetState, probability);
-                                        }
-                                    }
+                        bool atLeastOneEdge = false;
+                        auto edgesIt = automatonAndEdges.second.find(locations[automatonIndex]);
+                        if (edgesIt != automatonAndEdges.second.end()) {
+                            for (auto const& edge : edgesIt->second) {
+                                if (!this->evaluator->asBool(edge->getGuard())) {
+                                    continue;
-                                // Create the state-action reward for the newly created choice.
-                                auto valueIt = stateActionRewards.begin();
-                                performTransientAssignments(edge.getAssignments().getTransientAssignments(), [&valueIt] (ValueType const& value) { *valueIt += value; ++valueIt; } );
-                            }
-                            // If there is one more command to come, shift the target states one time step back.
-                            if (i < iteratorList.size() - 1) {
-                                delete currentTargetStates;
-                                currentTargetStates = newTargetStates;
-                                newTargetStates = new boost::container::flat_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
-                            }
-                            ++locationVariableIt;
-                        }
-                        // At this point, we applied all commands of the current command combination and newTargetStates
-                        // contains all target states and their respective probabilities. That means we are now ready to
-                        // add the choice to the list of transitions.
-                        result.push_back(Choice<ValueType>(actionIndex));
-                        // Now create the actual distribution.
-                        Choice<ValueType>& choice = result.back();
-                        // Add the rewards to the choice.
-                        choice.addRewards(std::move(stateActionRewards));
-                        // Add the probabilities/rates to the newly created choice.
-                        ValueType probabilitySum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
-                        for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : *newTargetStates) {
-                            StateType actualIndex = stateToIdCallback(stateProbabilityPair.first);
-                            choice.addProbability(actualIndex, stateProbabilityPair.second);
-                            if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
-                                probabilitySum += stateProbabilityPair.second;
+                                atLeastOneEdge = true;
+                                enabledEdgesOfAutomaton.emplace_back(edge);
-                        if (this->options.isExplorationChecksSet()) {
-                            // Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution.
-                            STORM_LOG_THROW(!this->isDiscreteTimeModel() || !this->comparator.isConstant(probabilitySum) || this->comparator.isOne(probabilitySum), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Sum of update probabilities do not sum to one for some command (actually sum to " << probabilitySum << ").");
-                        }
-                        // Dispose of the temporary maps.
-                        delete currentTargetStates;
-                        delete newTargetStates;
-                        // Now, check whether there is one more command combination to consider.
-                        bool movedIterator = false;
-                        for (uint64_t j = 0; !movedIterator && j < iteratorList.size(); ++j) {
-                            ++iteratorList[j];
-                            if (iteratorList[j] != enabledEdges[j].end()) {
-                                movedIterator = true;
-                            } else {
-                                // Reset the iterator to the beginning of the list.
-                                iteratorList[j] = enabledEdges[j].begin();
-                            }
+                        // If there is no enabled edge of this automaton, the whole combination is not productive.
+                        if (!atLeastOneEdge) {
+                            productiveCombination = false;
+                            break;
-                        done = !movedIterator;
+                        automataEdgeSets.emplace_back(std::make_pair(automatonIndex, std::move(enabledEdgesOfAutomaton)));
-                }
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-        template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
-        std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::getEnabledEdges(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locationIndices, uint64_t actionIndex) {
-            std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> result;
-            // Iterate over all automata.
-            uint64_t automatonIndex = 0;
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
-                // If the automaton has no edge labeled with the given action, we can skip it.
-                if (!automaton.hasEdgeLabeledWithActionIndex(actionIndex)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                auto edges = automaton.getEdgesFromLocation(locationIndices[automatonIndex], actionIndex);
-                // If the automaton contains the action, but there is no edge available labeled with
-                // this action, we don't have any feasible command combinations.
-                if (edges.empty()) {
-                    return std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>>();
-                }
-                std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*> edgePointers;
-                for (auto const& edge : edges) {
-                    if (this->evaluator->asBool(edge.getGuard())) {
-                        edgePointers.push_back(&edge);
+                    if (productiveCombination) {
+                        std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> choices = expandSynchronizingEdgeCombination(automataEdgeSets, outputActionIndex, state, stateToIdCallback);
+                        for (auto const& choice : choices) {
+                            result.emplace_back(std::move(choice));
+                        }
-                }
-                // If there was no enabled edge although the automaton has some edge with the required action, we must
-                // not return anything.
-                if (edgePointers.empty()) {
-                    return std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>>();
-                }
-                result.emplace_back(std::move(edgePointers));
-                ++automatonIndex;
+                 }
             return result;
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
-        void JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> const& enabledEdges) const {
+        void JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(AutomataEdgeSets const& enabledEdges) const {
             std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint64_t> writtenGlobalVariables;
             for (auto edgeSetIt = enabledEdges.begin(), edgeSetIte = enabledEdges.end(); edgeSetIt != edgeSetIte; ++edgeSetIt) {
-                for (auto const& edge : *edgeSetIt) {
+                for (auto const& edge : edgeSetIt->second) {
                     for (auto const& globalVariable : edge->getWrittenGlobalVariables()) {
                         auto it = writtenGlobalVariables.find(globalVariable);
@@ -629,20 +613,13 @@ namespace storm {
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
         storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::label(storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<StateType> const& states, std::vector<StateType> const& initialStateIndices, std::vector<StateType> const& deadlockStateIndices) {
-            // Prepare a mapping from automata names to the location variables.
-            std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> composedAutomata;
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
-                composedAutomata.emplace_back(automaton);
-            }
             // As in JANI we can use transient boolean variable assignments in locations to identify states, we need to
             // create a list of boolean transient variables and the expressions that define them.
             std::unordered_map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> transientVariableToExpressionMap;
             for (auto const& variable : model.getGlobalVariables().getTransientVariables()) {
                 if (variable.isBooleanVariable()) {
                     if (this->options.isBuildAllLabelsSet() || this->options.getLabelNames().find(variable.getName()) != this->options.getLabelNames().end()) {
-                        transientVariableToExpressionMap[variable.getExpressionVariable()] = model.getLabelExpression(variable.asBooleanVariable(), composedAutomata);
+                        transientVariableToExpressionMap[variable.getExpressionVariable()] = model.getLabelExpression(variable.asBooleanVariable(), this->parallelAutomata);
@@ -691,7 +668,8 @@ namespace storm {
             // Then fill them.
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
+            for (auto const& automatonRef : this->parallelAutomata) {
+                auto const& automaton = automatonRef.get();
                 for (auto const& location : automaton.getLocations()) {
                     auto rewardVariableIt = rewardVariables.begin();
                     auto rewardVariableIte = rewardVariables.end();
@@ -731,6 +709,81 @@ namespace storm {
+        template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
+        void JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::createSynchronizationInformation() {
+            // Create synchronizing edges information.
+            storm::jani::Composition const& topLevelComposition = this->model.getSystemComposition();
+            if (topLevelComposition.isAutomatonComposition()) {
+                auto const& automaton = this->model.getAutomaton(topLevelComposition.asAutomatonComposition().getAutomatonName());
+                this->parallelAutomata.push_back(automaton);
+                LocationsAndEdges locationsAndEdges;
+                for (auto const& edge : automaton.getEdges()) {
+                    locationsAndEdges[edge.getSourceLocationIndex()].emplace_back(&edge);
+                }
+                AutomataAndEdges automataAndEdges;
+                automataAndEdges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(0, std::move(locationsAndEdges)));
+                this->edges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(boost::none, std::move(automataAndEdges)));
+            } else {
+                STORM_LOG_THROW(topLevelComposition.isParallelComposition(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Expected parallel composition.");
+                storm::jani::ParallelComposition const& parallelComposition = topLevelComposition.asParallelComposition();
+                uint64_t automatonIndex = 0;
+                for (auto const& composition : parallelComposition.getSubcompositions()) {
+                    STORM_LOG_THROW(composition->isAutomatonComposition(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Expected flat parallel composition.");
+                    this->parallelAutomata.push_back(this->model.getAutomaton(composition->asAutomatonComposition().getAutomatonName()));
+                    // Add edges with silent action.
+                    LocationsAndEdges locationsAndEdges;
+                    for (auto const& edge : parallelAutomata.back().get().getEdges()) {
+                        if (edge.getActionIndex() == storm::jani::Model::SILENT_ACTION_INDEX) {
+                            locationsAndEdges[edge.getSourceLocationIndex()].emplace_back(&edge);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!locationsAndEdges.empty()) {
+                        AutomataAndEdges automataAndEdges;
+                        automataAndEdges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(automatonIndex, std::move(locationsAndEdges)));
+                        this->edges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(boost::none, std::move(automataAndEdges)));
+                    }
+                    ++automatonIndex;
+                }
+                for (auto const& vector : parallelComposition.getSynchronizationVectors()) {
+                    uint64_t outputActionIndex = this->model.getActionIndex(vector.getOutput());
+                    AutomataAndEdges automataAndEdges;
+                    bool atLeastOneEdge = true;
+                    uint64_t automatonIndex = 0;
+                    for (auto const& element : vector.getInput()) {
+                        if (!storm::jani::SynchronizationVector::isNoActionInput(element)) {
+                            LocationsAndEdges locationsAndEdges;
+                            uint64_t actionIndex = this->model.getActionIndex(element);
+                            for (auto const& edge : parallelAutomata[automatonIndex].get().getEdges()) {
+                                if (edge.getActionIndex() == actionIndex) {
+                                    locationsAndEdges[edge.getSourceLocationIndex()].emplace_back(&edge);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (locationsAndEdges.empty()) {
+                                atLeastOneEdge = false;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            automataAndEdges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(automatonIndex, std::move(locationsAndEdges)));
+                        }
+                        ++automatonIndex;
+                    }
+                    if (atLeastOneEdge) {
+                        this->edges.emplace_back(std::make_pair(outputActionIndex, std::move(automataAndEdges)));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            STORM_LOG_TRACE("Number of synchronizations: " << this->edges.size() << ".");
+        }
         template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
         void JaniNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::checkValid() const {
             // If the program still contains undefined constants and we are not in a parametric setting, assemble an appropriate error message.
diff --git a/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.h b/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.h
index 2d15e887b..3fcfc2777 100644
--- a/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.h
+++ b/src/storm/generator/JaniNextStateGenerator.h
@@ -66,35 +66,33 @@ namespace storm {
             CompressedState applyUpdate(CompressedState const& state, storm::jani::EdgeDestination const& update, storm::generator::LocationVariableInformation const& locationVariable);
-             * Retrieves all choices labeled with the silent action possible from the given state.
+             * Retrieves all choices possible from the given state.
              * @param locations The current locations of all automata.
              * @param state The state for which to retrieve the silent choices.
-             * @return The silent action choices of the state.
+             * @return The action choices of the state.
-            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> getSilentActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback);
+            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> getActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback);
-             * Retrieves all choices labeled with some non-silent action possible from the given state.
-             *
-             * @param locations THe current locations of all automata.
-             * @param state The state for which to retrieve the non-silent choices.
-             * @return The non-silent action choices of the state.
+             * Retrieves the choice generated by the given edge.
-            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> getNonsilentActionChoices(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locations, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback);
+            Choice<ValueType> expandNonSynchronizingEdge(storm::jani::Edge const& edge, uint64_t outputActionIndex, uint64_t automatonIndex, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback);
-            /*!
-             * Retrieves a list of lists of edges such that the list at index i are all edges of automaton i enabled in 
-             * the current state. If the list is empty, it means there was at least one automaton containing edges with
-             * the desired action, but none of them were enabled.
-             */
-            std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> getEnabledEdges(std::vector<uint64_t> const& locationIndices, uint64_t actionIndex);
+            typedef std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*> EdgeSet;
+            typedef std::unordered_map<uint64_t, EdgeSet> LocationsAndEdges;
+            typedef std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, LocationsAndEdges>> AutomataAndEdges;
+            typedef std::pair<boost::optional<uint64_t>, AutomataAndEdges> OutputAndEdges;
+            typedef std::pair<uint64_t, EdgeSet> AutomatonAndEdgeSet;
+            typedef std::vector<AutomatonAndEdgeSet> AutomataEdgeSets;
+            std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> expandSynchronizingEdgeCombination(AutomataEdgeSets const& edgeCombination, uint64_t outputActionIndex, CompressedState const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback);
-             * Checks the list of enabled edges (obtained by a call to <code>getEnabledEdges</code>) for multiple
-             * synchronized writes to the same global variable.
+             * Checks the list of enabled edges for multiple synchronized writes to the same global variable.
-            void checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(std::vector<std::vector<storm::jani::Edge const*>> const& enabledEdges) const;
+            void checkGlobalVariableWritesValid(AutomataEdgeSets const& enabledEdges) const;
              * Treats the given transient assignments by calling the callback function whenever a transient assignment
@@ -107,6 +105,11 @@ namespace storm {
             void buildRewardModelInformation();
+            /*!
+             * Creates the internal information about synchronizing edges.
+             */
+            void createSynchronizationInformation();
              * Checks the underlying model for validity for this next-state generator.
@@ -115,6 +118,12 @@ namespace storm {
             /// The model used for the generation of next states.
             storm::jani::Model model;
+            /// The automata that are put into parallel by this generator.
+            std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> parallelAutomata;
+            /// The vector storing the edges that need to be explored (synchronously or asynchronously).
+            std::vector<OutputAndEdges> edges;
             /// The transient variables of reward models that need to be considered.
             std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> rewardVariables;
diff --git a/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.cpp b/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.cpp
index 2cfd5911c..e691300c6 100644
--- a/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.cpp
+++ b/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.cpp
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
 #include "storm/storage/jani/Model.h"
 #include "storm/storage/jani/Automaton.h"
+#include "storm/storage/jani/AutomatonComposition.h"
+#include "storm/storage/jani/ParallelComposition.h"
 #include "storm/storage/expressions/ExpressionManager.h"
 #include "storm/utility/macros.h"
 #include "storm/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
+#include "storm/exceptions/WrongFormatException.h"
 #include <cmath>
@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ namespace storm {
-        VariableInformation::VariableInformation(storm::jani::Model const& model) : totalBitOffset(0) {
+        VariableInformation::VariableInformation(storm::jani::Model const& model, std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> const& parallelAutomata) : totalBitOffset(0) {
             // Check that the model does not contain non-transient unbounded integer or non-transient real variables.
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.getGlobalVariables().containsNonTransientRealVariables(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot build model from JANI model that contains global non-transient real variables.");
             STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.getGlobalVariables().containsNonTransientUnboundedIntegerVariables(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot build model from JANI model that contains non-transient unbounded integer variables.");
@@ -79,29 +82,34 @@ namespace storm {
                     totalBitOffset += bitwidth;
-            for (auto const& automaton : model.getAutomata()) {
-                uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(automaton.getNumberOfLocations())));
-                locationVariables.emplace_back(automaton.getLocationExpressionVariable(), automaton.getNumberOfLocations() - 1, totalBitOffset, bitwidth);
-                totalBitOffset += bitwidth;
-                for (auto const& variable : automaton.getVariables().getBooleanVariables()) {
-                    if (!variable.isTransient()) {
-                        booleanVariables.emplace_back(variable.getExpressionVariable(), totalBitOffset);
-                        ++totalBitOffset;
-                    }
+            for (auto const& automatonRef : parallelAutomata) {
+                createVariablesForAutomaton(automatonRef.get());
+            }
+            sortVariables();
+        }
+        void VariableInformation::createVariablesForAutomaton(storm::jani::Automaton const& automaton) {
+            uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(automaton.getNumberOfLocations())));
+            locationVariables.emplace_back(automaton.getLocationExpressionVariable(), automaton.getNumberOfLocations() - 1, totalBitOffset, bitwidth);
+            totalBitOffset += bitwidth;
+            for (auto const& variable : automaton.getVariables().getBooleanVariables()) {
+                if (!variable.isTransient()) {
+                    booleanVariables.emplace_back(variable.getExpressionVariable(), totalBitOffset);
+                    ++totalBitOffset;
-                for (auto const& variable : automaton.getVariables().getBoundedIntegerVariables()) {
-                    if (!variable.isTransient()) {
-                        int_fast64_t lowerBound = variable.getLowerBound().evaluateAsInt();
-                        int_fast64_t upperBound = variable.getUpperBound().evaluateAsInt();
-                        uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(upperBound - lowerBound + 1)));
-                        integerVariables.emplace_back(variable.getExpressionVariable(), lowerBound, upperBound, totalBitOffset, bitwidth);
-                        totalBitOffset += bitwidth;
-                    }
+            }
+            for (auto const& variable : automaton.getVariables().getBoundedIntegerVariables()) {
+                if (!variable.isTransient()) {
+                    int_fast64_t lowerBound = variable.getLowerBound().evaluateAsInt();
+                    int_fast64_t upperBound = variable.getUpperBound().evaluateAsInt();
+                    uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(upperBound - lowerBound + 1)));
+                    integerVariables.emplace_back(variable.getExpressionVariable(), lowerBound, upperBound, totalBitOffset, bitwidth);
+                    totalBitOffset += bitwidth;
-            sortVariables();
         uint_fast64_t VariableInformation::getTotalBitOffset(bool roundTo64Bit) const {
diff --git a/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.h b/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.h
index 4f2d6f632..764881e80 100644
--- a/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.h
+++ b/src/storm/generator/VariableInformation.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace storm {
     namespace jani {
         class Model;
+        class Automaton;
     namespace generator {
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ namespace storm {
         // A structure storing information about the used variables of the program.
         struct VariableInformation {
             VariableInformation(storm::prism::Program const& program);
-            VariableInformation(storm::jani::Model const& model);
+            VariableInformation(storm::jani::Model const& model, std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::jani::Automaton const>> const& parallelAutomata);
             VariableInformation() = default;
             uint_fast64_t getTotalBitOffset(bool roundTo64Bit = false) const;
@@ -96,6 +97,11 @@ namespace storm {
              * Sorts the variables to establish a known ordering.
             void sortVariables();
+            /*!
+             * Creates all necessary variables for a JANI automaton.
+             */
+            void createVariablesForAutomaton(storm::jani::Automaton const& automaton);