@ -56,7 +56,13 @@ namespace storm {
bool SparseParametricDtmcSimplifier < SparseModelType > : : simplifyForBoundedUntilProbabilities ( storm : : logic : : ProbabilityOperatorFormula const & formula ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . hasLowerBound ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Lower step bounds are not supported. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . hasUpperBound ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a bounded until formula with an upper bound. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . hasIntegerUpperBound ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a bounded until formula with an integral upper bound. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . isStepBounded ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a bounded until formula with step bounds. " ) ;
uint_fast64_t upperStepBound = formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getUpperBound ( ) . evaluateAsInt ( ) ;
if ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . isUpperBoundStrict ( ) ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( upperStepBound > 0 , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a strict upper bound that is greater than zero. " ) ;
- - upperStepBound ;
// Get the prob0, target, and the maybeStates
storm : : modelchecker : : SparsePropositionalModelChecker < SparseModelType > propositionalChecker ( this - > originalModel ) ;
@ -66,12 +72,11 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : storage : : BitVector phiStates = std : : move ( propositionalChecker . check ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector psiStates = std : : move ( propositionalChecker . check ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector probGreater0States = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProbGreater0 ( this - > originalModel . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , phiStates , psiStates , true , formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getUpperBound ( ) . evaluateAsInt ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector probGreater0States = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProbGreater0 ( this - > originalModel . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , phiStates , psiStates , true , upperStepBound ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector prob0States = ~ probGreater0States ;
// Only consider the maybestates that are reachable from one initial probGreater0 state within the given amount of steps and without hopping over a target state
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableGreater0States = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( this - > originalModel . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > originalModel . getInitialStates ( ) & probGreater0States , probGreater0States , psiStates , true , formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getUpperBound ( ) . evaluateAsInt ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableGreater0States = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( this - > originalModel . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > originalModel . getInitialStates ( ) & probGreater0States , probGreater0States , psiStates , true , upperStepBound ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector maybeStates = reachableGreater0States & ~ psiStates ;
// obtain the resulting subsystem
@ -82,8 +87,8 @@ namespace storm {
// obtain the simplified formula for the simplified model
auto labelFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : AtomicLabelFormula const > ( " target " ) ;
auto boundedUntilFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BoundedUntilFormula const > ( storm : : logic : : Formula : : getTrueFormula ( ) , labelFormula , boost : : none , storm : : logic : : ) ;
this - > simplifiedFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : ProbabilityOperatorFormula const > ( eventually Formula, formula . getOperatorInformation ( ) ) ;
auto boundedUntilFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BoundedUntilFormula const > ( storm : : logic : : Formula : : getTrueFormula ( ) , labelFormula , boost : : none , storm : : logic : : TimeBound ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . isUpperBoundStrict ( ) , formula . getSubformula ( ) . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getUpperBound ( ) ) , storm : : logic : : TimeBoundType : : Steps ) ;
this - > simplifiedFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : ProbabilityOperatorFormula const > ( boundedUntil Formula, formula . getOperatorInformation ( ) ) ;
return true ;
@ -128,8 +133,30 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename SparseModelType >
bool SparseParametricDtmcSimplifier < SparseModelType > : : simplifyForCumulativeRewards ( storm : : logic : : RewardOperatorFormula const & formula ) {
// If this method was not overriden by any subclass, simplification is not possible
return false ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) . isStepBounded ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a cumulative reward formula with step bounds. " ) ;
typename SparseModelType : : RewardModelType const & originalRewardModel = formula . hasRewardModelName ( ) ? this - > originalModel . getRewardModel ( formula . getRewardModelName ( ) ) : this - > originalModel . getUniqueRewardModel ( ) ;
uint_fast64_t stepBound = formula . getSubformula ( ) . asCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) . getBound ( ) . evaluateAsInt ( ) ;
if ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) . isBoundStrict ( ) ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( stepBound > 0 , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Expected a strict upper bound that is greater than zero. " ) ;
- - stepBound ;
// Get the states with non-zero reward
storm : : storage : : BitVector maybeStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProbGreater0 ( this - > originalModel . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( this - > originalModel . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) , ~ originalRewardModel . getStatesWithZeroReward ( this - > originalModel . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) , true , stepBound ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector zeroRewardStates = ~ maybeStates ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector noStates ( this - > originalModel . getNumberOfStates ( ) , false ) ;
// obtain the resulting subsystem
std : : vector < std : : string > rewardModelNameAsVector ( 1 , formula . hasRewardModelName ( ) ? formula . getRewardModelName ( ) : this - > originalModel . getRewardModels ( ) . begin ( ) - > first ) ;
storm : : transformer : : GoalStateMerger < SparseModelType > goalStateMerger ( this - > originalModel ) ;
this - > simplifiedModel = goalStateMerger . mergeTargetAndSinkStates ( maybeStates , noStates , zeroRewardStates , rewardModelNameAsVector ) ;
// obtain the simplified formula for the simplified model
this - > simplifiedFormula = formula . asSharedPointer ( ) ;
return true ;
template class SparseParametricDtmcSimplifier < storm : : models : : sparse : : Dtmc < storm : : RationalFunction > > ;