//thus we add Prob(Eventually statesInThisBscc) * lraForThisBscc to the result vector
//the reachability probabilities will be zero in other BSCCs, thus we can set the left operand of the until formula to statesNotInBsccs as an optimization
//FIXME: This doesn't work for MDP. Simple counterexample, an MPD with precisely two MECs, both with LRA of 1. Max Reach Prob for both is 1 from the initial state
// Then this approach would yield an LRA value of 2 for the initial state, which is incorrect.
//for all states not in any mec set the result to the minimal/maximal value of the reachable MECs
//there might be a more efficient way to do this...
//calculate what result values the reachable states in MECs have
// //the LRA value of a MEC contributes to the LRA value of a state with the probability of reaching that MEC from that state
// //thus we add Min/MaxProb(Eventually statesInThisBscc) * lraForThisBscc to the result vector
// //the reachability probabilities will be zero in other MECs, thus we can set the left operand of the until formula to statesNotInMecs as an optimization