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Fixed a bug in the option system and MILP-based cex generator. Now everything should work for the demo. :)

Former-commit-id: 3676ec7023
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 41
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 8


@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally, determine the set of labels that are known to be taken.
result.knownLabels = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSet(labeledMdp, psiStates, result.allRelevantLabels);
std::cout << "Found " << result.allRelevantLabels.size() << " relevant labels and " << result.knownLabels.size() << " known labels." << std::endl;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.allRelevantLabels.size() << " relevant labels and " << result.knownLabels.size() << " known labels.");
return result;
@ -948,7 +947,7 @@ namespace storm {
if ((strictBound && maximalReachabilityProbability < probabilityThreshold) || (!strictBound && maximalReachabilityProbability <= probabilityThreshold)) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Given probability threshold " << probabilityThreshold << " can not be " << (strictBound ? "achieved" : "exceeded") << " in model with maximal reachability probability of " << maximalReachabilityProbability << ".";
std::cout << "Maximal reachability in model determined to be " << maximalReachabilityProbability << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Maximal reachability in model is " << maximalReachabilityProbability << "." << std::endl << std::endl;
// (2) Identify relevant and problematic states.
@ -987,19 +986,21 @@ namespace storm {
* @param formulaPtr A pointer to a safety formula. The outermost operator must be a probabilistic bound operator with a strict upper bound. The nested
* formula can be either an unbounded until formula or an eventually formula.
static void computeCounterexample(storm::prism::Program const& program, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& labeledMdp, std::shared_ptr<storm::properties::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double>> const & formulaPtr) {
std::cout << std::endl << "Generating minimal label counterexample for formula " << formulaPtr->toString() << std::endl;
static void computeCounterexample(storm::prism::Program const& program, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& labeledMdp, std::shared_ptr<storm::properties::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double>> const& formula) {
std::cout << std::endl << "Generating minimal label counterexample for formula " << formula->toString() << std::endl;
// First, we need to check whether the current formula is an Until-Formula.
auto probBoundFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double>>(formulaPtr);
if (probBoundFormula == nullptr) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::properties::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double>> probBoundFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double>>(formula);
if (probBoundFormula.get() == nullptr) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.";
// Check whether we were given an upper bound, because counterexample generation is limited to this case.
if (probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() != storm::properties::ComparisonType::LESS && probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() != storm::properties::ComparisonType::LESS_EQUAL) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.";
bool strictBound = !(probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() == storm::properties::ComparisonType::LESS);
bool strictBound = probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() == storm::properties::ComparisonType::LESS;
// Now derive the probability threshold we need to exceed as well as the phi and psi states. Simultaneously, check whether the formula is of a valid shape.
double bound = probBoundFormula->getBound();
@ -1007,22 +1008,22 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector phiStates;
storm::storage::BitVector psiStates;
storm::modelchecker::prctl::SparseMdpPrctlModelChecker<T> modelchecker(labeledMdp);
try {
auto untilFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::Until<double>>(pathFormula);
std::shared_ptr<storm::properties::prctl::Until<double>> untilFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::Until<double>>(pathFormula);
if(untilFormula.get() != nullptr) {
phiStates = untilFormula->getLeft()->check(modelchecker);
psiStates = untilFormula->getRight()->check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const&) {
} if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::Eventually<double>>(pathFormula).get() != nullptr) {
// If the nested formula was not an until formula, it remains to check whether it's an eventually formula.
try {
auto eventuallyFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::Eventually<double>>(pathFormula);
phiStates = storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp.getNumberOfStates(), true);
psiStates = eventuallyFormula->getChild()->check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const&) {
// If the nested formula is neither an until nor a finally formula, we throw an exception.
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Formula nested inside probability bound operator must be an until or eventually formula for counterexample generation.";
std::shared_ptr<storm::properties::prctl::Eventually<double>> eventuallyFormula = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<storm::properties::prctl::Eventually<double>>(pathFormula);
phiStates = storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp.getNumberOfStates(), true);
psiStates = eventuallyFormula->getChild()->check(modelchecker);
} else {
// If the nested formula is neither an until nor a finally formula, we throw an exception.
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Formula nested inside probability bound operator must be an until or eventually formula for counterexample generation.";
// Delegate the actual computation work to the function of equal name.


@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ namespace storm {
if ((strictBound && maximalReachabilityProbability < probabilityThreshold) || (!strictBound && maximalReachabilityProbability <= probabilityThreshold)) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Given probability threshold " << probabilityThreshold << " can not be " << (strictBound ? "achieved" : "exceeded") << " in model with maximal reachability probability of " << maximalReachabilityProbability << ".";
std::cout << "Maximal reachability in model determined to be " << maximalReachabilityProbability << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Maximal reachability in model determined is " << maximalReachabilityProbability << "." << std::endl;
// (2) Identify all states and commands that are relevant, because only these need to be considered later.


@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ namespace storm {
return t;
template <>
std::string ArgumentBase::convertFromString(std::string const& valueAsString, bool& conversionSuccessful) {
conversionSuccessful = true;
return valueAsString;
template <>
bool ArgumentBase::convertFromString<bool>(std::string const& s, bool& ok) {
static const std::string lowerTrueString = "true";


@ -302,7 +302,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Now set the provided argument values one by one.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < argumentCache.size(); ++i) {
ArgumentBase& argument = option->getArgument(i);
bool conversionOk = argument.setFromStringValue(argumentCache[i]);
STORM_LOG_THROW(conversionOk, storm::exceptions::OptionParserException, "Conversion of value of argument '" << argument.getName() << "' to its type failed.");
// In case there are optional arguments that were not set, we set them to their default value.


@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ namespace storm {
CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::CounterexampleGeneratorSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager, moduleName) {
std::vector<std::string> techniques = {"maxsat", "milp"};
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, minimalCommandSetOptionName, true, "Computes a counterexample for the given model in terms of a minimal command set. Note that this requires the model to be given in a symbolic format.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file containing the properties for which counterexamples are to be generated.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build())
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used to derive the counterexample. Available are {milp, maxsat}").setDefaultValueString("maxsat").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(techniques)).build()).build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, encodeReachabilityOptionName, true, "Sets whether to encode reachability for MAXSAT-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, schedulerCutsOptionName, true, "Sets whether to add the scheduler cuts for MILP-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
@ -24,9 +23,6 @@ namespace storm {
return this->getOption(minimalCommandSetOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet();
std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::minimalCommandSetPropertyFilename() const {
return this->getOption(minimalCommandSetOptionName).getArgumentByName("filename").getValueAsString();
bool CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::isUseMilpBasedMinimalCommandSetGenerationSet() const {
return this->getOption(minimalCommandSetOptionName).getArgumentByName("method").getValueAsString() == "milp";


@ -26,14 +26,6 @@ namespace storm {
bool isMinimalCommandGenerationSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the properties for which a minimal command set
* counterexample is to be generated if the option to generate such a counterexample was set.
* @return The name of the file that contains the properties.
std::string minimalCommandSetPropertyFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the MILP-based technique is to be used to generate a minimal command set
* counterexample.
