@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ namespace storm {
// The meta variables used to encode the remaining nondeterminism.
std : : vector < storm : : expressions : : Variable > localNondeterminismVariables ;
// The meta variable used to distinguish Markovian from probabilistic choices in Markov automata.
storm : : expressions : : Variable markovNondeterminismVariable ;
// The meta variables used to encode the actions and nondeterminism.
std : : set < storm : : expressions : : Variable > allNondeterminismVariables ;
@ -238,6 +241,11 @@ namespace storm {
result . allNondeterminismVariables . insert ( variablePair . first ) ;
if ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MA ) {
result . markovNondeterminismVariable = result . manager - > addMetaVariable ( " markov " ) . first ;
result . allNondeterminismVariables . insert ( result . markovNondeterminismVariable ) ;
for ( auto const & automaton : this - > model . getAutomata ( ) ) {
// Start by creating a meta variable for the location of the automaton.
std : : pair < storm : : expressions : : Variable , storm : : expressions : : Variable > variablePair = result . manager - > addMetaVariable ( " l_ " + automaton . getName ( ) , 0 , automaton . getNumberOfLocations ( ) - 1 ) ;
@ -924,10 +932,13 @@ namespace storm {
public :
// This structure represents an edge.
struct EdgeDd {
EdgeDd ( storm : : dd : : Add < Type > const & guard = storm : : dd : : Add < Type > ( ) , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & transitions = storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > ( ) , std : : map < storm : : expressions : : Variable , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > const & transientEdgeAssignments = { } , std : : set < storm : : expressions : : Variable > const & writtenGlobalVariables = { } ) : guard ( guard ) , transitions ( transitions ) , transientEdgeAssignments ( transientEdgeAssignments ) , writtenGlobalVariables ( writtenGlobalVariables ) {
EdgeDd ( bool isMarkovian , storm : : dd : : Add < Type > const & guard = storm : : dd : : Add < Type > ( ) , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > const & transitions = storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > ( ) , std : : map < storm : : expressions : : Variable , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > const & transientEdgeAssignments = { } , std : : set < storm : : expressions : : Variable > const & writtenGlobalVariables = { } ) : isMarkovian ( isMarkovian ) , guard ( guard ) , transitions ( transitions ) , transientEdgeAssignments ( transientEdgeAssignments ) , writtenGlobalVariables ( writtenGlobalVariables ) {
// Intentionally left empty.
// A flag storing whether this edge is a Markovian one (i.e. one with a rate).
bool isMarkovian ;
// A DD that represents all states that have this edge enabled.
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > guard ;
@ -1137,28 +1148,41 @@ namespace storm {
for ( uint64_t synchVectorIndex = 0 ; synchVectorIndex < synchronizationVectors . size ( ) ; + + synchVectorIndex ) {
auto const & synchVector = synchronizationVectors [ synchVectorIndex ] ;
// Determine the indices of input (at the current automaton position) and the output.
uint64_t inputActionIndex = actionInformation . getActionIndex ( synchVector . getInput ( automatonIndex ) ) ;
actionsInSynch . insert ( inputActionIndex ) ;
// Either set the action (if it's the first of the ones to compose) or compose the actions directly.
if ( automatonIndex = = 0 ) {
// If the action cannot be found, the particular spot in the output will be left empty .
auto inputActionIt = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . find ( inputActionIndex ) ;
if ( inputActionIt ! = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = inputActionIt - > second ;
if ( synchVector . isNoActionInput ( synchVector . getInput ( automatonIndex ) ) ) {
if ( automatonIndex = = 0 ) {
// Create a new action that is the identity over the first automaton.
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = ActionDd ( this - > variables . manager - > template getAddOne < ValueType > ( ) , subautomaton . identity , { } , subautomaton . localNondeterminismVariables , { } , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
} else {
// If there is no action in the output spot, this means that some other subcomposition did
// not provide the action necessary for the synchronization vector to resolve .
if ( synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] ) {
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] . transitions * = subautomaton . identity ;
} else {
// If there is no action in the output spot, this means that some other subcomposition did
// not provide the action necessary for the synchronization vector to resolve.
if ( synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] ) {
// Determine the indices of input (at the current automaton position) and the output.
uint64_t inputActionIndex = actionInformation . getActionIndex ( synchVector . getInput ( automatonIndex ) ) ;
actionsInSynch . insert ( inputActionIndex ) ;
// Either set the action (if it's the first of the ones to compose) or compose the actions directly.
if ( automatonIndex = = 0 ) {
// If the action cannot be found, the particular spot in the output will be left empty.
auto inputActionIt = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . find ( inputActionIndex ) ;
if ( inputActionIt ! = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = combineSynchronizingActions ( synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] . get ( ) , inputActionIt - > second ) ;
} else {
// If the current subcomposition does not provide the required action for the synchronization
// vector, we clear the action.
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = boost : : none ;
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = inputActionIt - > second ;
} else {
// If there is no action in the output spot, this means that some other subcomposition did
// not provide the action necessary for the synchronization vector to resolve.
if ( synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] ) {
auto inputActionIt = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . find ( inputActionIndex ) ;
if ( inputActionIt ! = subautomaton . actionIndexToAction . end ( ) ) {
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = combineSynchronizingActions ( synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] . get ( ) , inputActionIt - > second ) ;
} else {
// If the current subcomposition does not provide the required action for the synchronization
// vector, we clear the action.
synchronizationVectorActions [ synchVectorIndex ] = boost : : none ;
@ -1436,8 +1460,17 @@ namespace storm {
// If the edge has a rate, we multiply it to the DD.
bool isMarkovian = false ;
if ( edge . hasRate ( ) ) {
transitions * = this - > variables . rowExpressionAdapter - > translateExpression ( edge . getRate ( ) ) ;
transitions * = this - > variables . rowExpressionAdapter - > translateExpression ( edge . getRate ( ) ) ;
isMarkovian = true ;
if ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MA ) {
transitions * = this - > variables . manager - > getEncoding ( this - > variables . markovNondeterminismVariable , 1 ) ;
} else {
if ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MA ) {
transitions * = this - > variables . manager - > getEncoding ( this - > variables . markovNondeterminismVariable , 0 ) ;
// Finally treat the transient assignments.
@ -1446,33 +1479,67 @@ namespace storm {
performTransientAssignments ( edge . getAssignments ( ) . getTransientAssignments ( ) , [ this , & transientEdgeAssignments , & guard ] ( storm : : jani : : Assignment const & assignment ) { transientEdgeAssignments [ assignment . getExpressionVariable ( ) ] = guard * this - > variables . rowExpressionAdapter - > translateExpression ( assignment . getAssignedExpression ( ) ) ; } ) ;
return EdgeDd ( guard , guard * transitions , transientEdgeAssignments , globalVariablesInSomeDestination ) ;
return EdgeDd ( isMarkovian , guard , guard * transitions , transientEdgeAssignments , globalVariablesInSomeDestination ) ;
} else {
return EdgeDd ( this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
return EdgeDd ( false , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
EdgeDd combineMarkovianEdges ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > const & edgeDds ) {
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > guard = this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > transitions = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
std : : map < storm : : expressions : : Variable , storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > > transientEdgeAssignments ;
std : : set < storm : : expressions : : Variable > writtenVariables ;
for ( auto const & edge : edgeDds ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( edge . isMarkovian , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidArgumentException , " Can only combine Markovian edges. " ) ;
guard | = edge . guard . toBdd ( ) ;
transitions + = edge . transitions ;
for ( auto const & variable : edge . writtenGlobalVariables ) {
writtenVariables . insert ( variable ) ;
// FIXME: This is not correct, need to consider guards. However, the semantics is not currently clear.
joinTransientAssignmentMaps ( transientEdgeAssignments , edge . transientEdgeAssignments ) ;
return ActionDd ( true , guard . template toAdd < ValueType > ( ) , transitions , transientEdgeAssignments , writtenVariables ) ;
ActionDd buildActionDdForActionIndex ( storm : : jani : : Automaton const & automaton , uint64_t actionIndex , uint64_t localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) {
// Translate the individual edges.
std : : vector < EdgeDd > edgeDds ;
std : : vector < EdgeDd > markovianEdges ;
std : : vector < EdgeDd > nonMarkovianEdges ;
uint64_t numberOfEdges = 0 ;
for ( auto const & edge : automaton . getEdges ( ) ) {
+ + numberOfEdges ;
if ( edge . getActionIndex ( ) = = actionIndex ) {
edgeDds . push_back ( buildEdgeDd ( automaton , edge ) ) ;
EdgeDd result = buildEdgeDd ( automaton , edge ) ;
if ( result . isMarkovian ) {
markovianEdges . push_back ( result ) ;
} else {
nonMarkovianEdges . push_back ( result ) ;
// Now combine the edges to a single action.
if ( ! edgeDds . empty ( ) ) {
switch ( this - > model . getModelType ( ) ) {
case storm : : jani : : ModelType : : DTMC :
case storm : : jani : : ModelType : : CTMC :
return combineEdgesToActionMarkovChain ( edgeDds ) ;
break ;
case storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MDP :
return combineEdgesToActionMdp ( edgeDds , localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) ;
break ;
default :
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidArgumentException , " Cannot translate model of this type. " ) ;
if ( numberOfEdges > 0 ) {
storm : : jani : : ModelType modelType = this - > model . getModelType ( ) ;
if ( modelType = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : DTMC ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( markovianEdges . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : WrongFormatException , " Illegal Markovian edges in DTMC. " ) ;
return combineEdgesToActionDeterministic ( nonMarkovianEdges ) ;
} else if ( modelType = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : CTMC ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( markovianEdges . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : WrongFormatException , " Illegal non-Markovian edges in CTMC. " ) ;
return combineEdgesToActionDeterministic ( markovianEdges ) ;
} else if ( modelType = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MDP ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( markovianEdges . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : WrongFormatException , " Illegal Markovian edges in MDP. " ) ;
return combineEdgesToActionNondeterministic ( nonMarkovianEdges , boost : : none , localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) ;
} else if ( modelType = = storm : : jani : : ModelType : : MA ) {
return combineEdgesToActionNondeterministic ( nonMarkovianEdges , markovianEdges , localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidArgumentException , " Cannot translate model of this type. " ) ;
} else {
return ActionDd ( this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) , { } , std : : make_pair < uint64_t , uint64_t > ( 0 , 0 ) , { } , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
@ -1514,7 +1581,7 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
ActionDd combineEdgesToActionMarkovChain ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > const & edgeDds ) {
ActionDd combineEdgesToActionDeterministic ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > const & edgeDds ) {
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > allGuards = this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > allTransitions = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > temporary ;
@ -1594,19 +1661,26 @@ namespace storm {
return ActionDd ( guard , transitions , transientEdgeAssignments , std : : make_pair < uint64_t , uint64_t > ( 0 , 0 ) , globalVariableToWritingFragment , this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ) ;
ActionDd combineEdgesToActionMdp ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > const & edges , uint64_t localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) {
ActionDd combineEdgesToActionNondeterministic ( std : : vector < EdgeDd > const & nonMarkovianEdg es , boost : : optional < std : : vector < EdgeDd > > const & markovianE dges, uint64_t localNondeterminismVariableOffset ) {
// Sum all guards, so we can read off the maximal number of nondeterministic choices in any given state.
storm : : dd : : Bdd < Type > allGuards = this - > variables . manager - > getBddZero ( ) ;
storm : : dd : : Add < Type , ValueType > sumOfGuards = this - > variables . manager - > template getAddZero < ValueType > ( ) ;
bool hasMarkovianEdge = false ;
for ( auto const & edge : edges ) {
if ( edge . isMarkovian ) {
hasMarkovianEdge = true ;
continue ;
sumOfGuards + = edge . guard ;
allGuards | = edge . guard . toBdd ( ) ;
uint_fast64_t maxChoices = static_cast < uint_fast64_t > ( sumOfGuards . getMax ( ) ) ;
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Found " < < maxChoices < < " local choices. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Found " < < maxChoices < < " local (non-Markovian) choices. " ) ;
// Depending on the maximal number of nondeterminstic choices, we need to use some variables to encode the nondeterminism.
if ( maxChoices < = 1 ) {
return combineEdgesBySummation ( allGuards . template toAdd < ValueType > ( ) , edges ) ;
} else {
// Calculate number of required variables to encode the nondeterminism.