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Introduced analysis for labels that could potentially improve a solution.

Former-commit-id: 765bc27aa6
dehnert 11 years ago
  1. 129


@ -1004,7 +1004,19 @@ namespace storm {
return getUsedLabelSet(context, solver.get_model(), variableInformation);
static void analyzeBadSolution(z3::context& context, z3::solver& solver, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& subMdp, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& originalMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& commandSet, VariableInformation& variableInformation, RelevancyInformation const& relevancyInformation) {
* Analyzes the given sub-MDP that has a maximal reachability of zero (i.e. no psi states are reachable) and tries to construct assertions that aim to make at least one psi state reachable.
* @param context The Z3 context in which to build the expressions.
* @param solver The solver to use for the satisfiability evaluation.
* @param subMdp The sub-MDP resulting from restricting the original MDP to the given command set.
* @param originalMdp The original MDP.
* @param phiStates A bit vector characterizing all phi states in the model.
* @param psiState A bit vector characterizing all psi states in the model.
* @param commandSet The currently chosen set of commands.
* @param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables of the solver.
static void analyzeZeroProbabilitySolution(z3::context& context, z3::solver& solver, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& subMdp, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& originalMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& commandSet, VariableInformation& variableInformation, RelevancyInformation const& relevancyInformation) {
storm::storage::BitVector reachableStates(subMdp.getNumberOfStates());
// Initialize the stack for the DFS.
@ -1108,6 +1120,110 @@ namespace storm {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
* Analyzes the given sub-MDP that has a maximal reachability of zero (i.e. no psi states are reachable) and tries to construct assertions that aim to make at least one psi state reachable.
* @param context The Z3 context in which to build the expressions.
* @param solver The solver to use for the satisfiability evaluation.
* @param subMdp The sub-MDP resulting from restricting the original MDP to the given command set.
* @param originalMdp The original MDP.
* @param phiStates A bit vector characterizing all phi states in the model.
* @param psiState A bit vector characterizing all psi states in the model.
* @param commandSet The currently chosen set of commands.
* @param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables of the solver.
static void analyzeInsufficientProbabilitySolution(z3::context& context, z3::solver& solver, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& subMdp, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& originalMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& commandSet, VariableInformation& variableInformation, RelevancyInformation const& relevancyInformation) {
// ruleOutSolution(context, solver, commandSet, variableInformation);
storm::storage::BitVector reachableStates(subMdp.getNumberOfStates());
// Initialize the stack for the DFS.
bool targetStateIsReachable = false;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stack;
for (auto initialState : subMdp.getInitialStates()) {
reachableStates.set(initialState, true);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& transitionMatrix = subMdp.getTransitionMatrix();
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices = subMdp.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> const& subChoiceLabeling = subMdp.getChoiceLabeling();
std::set<uint_fast64_t> reachableLabels;
while (!stack.empty()) {
uint_fast64_t currentState = stack.back();
for (uint_fast64_t currentChoice = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[currentState]; currentChoice < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[currentState + 1]; ++currentChoice) {
bool choiceTargetsRelevantState = false;
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorBegin(currentChoice), successorIte = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorEnd(currentChoice); successorIt != successorIte; ++successorIt) {
if (relevancyInformation.relevantStates.get(*successorIt) && currentState != *successorIt) {
choiceTargetsRelevantState = true;
if (!reachableStates.get(*successorIt)) {
reachableStates.set(*successorIt, true);
} else if (psiStates.get(*successorIt)) {
targetStateIsReachable = true;
if (choiceTargetsRelevantState) {
for (auto label : subChoiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Successfully determined reachable state space.");
storm::storage::BitVector unreachableRelevantStates = ~reachableStates & relevancyInformation.relevantStates;
storm::storage::BitVector statesThatCanReachTargetStates = storm::utility::graph::performProbGreater0E(subMdp, subMdp.getBackwardTransitions(), phiStates, psiStates);
std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> guaranteedLabelSets = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSets(originalMdp, statesThatCanReachTargetStates, relevancyInformation.relevantLabels);
std::vector<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> const& choiceLabeling = originalMdp.getChoiceLabeling();
std::set<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> cutLabels;
for (auto state : reachableStates) {
for (auto currentChoice : {
if (!storm::utility::set::isSubsetOf(choiceLabeling[currentChoice], commandSet)) {
std::set<uint_fast64_t> currentLabelSet;
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
if (commandSet.find(label) == commandSet.end()) {
std::set<uint_fast64_t> notTakenImpliedChoices;
std::set_difference(guaranteedLabelSets[state].begin(), guaranteedLabelSets[state].end(), commandSet.begin(), commandSet.end(), std::inserter(notTakenImpliedChoices, notTakenImpliedChoices.begin()));
currentLabelSet.insert(notTakenImpliedChoices.begin(), notTakenImpliedChoices.end());
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
std::set<uint_fast64_t> unknownReachableLabels;
std::set_difference(reachableLabels.begin(), reachableLabels.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(unknownReachableLabels, unknownReachableLabels.begin()));
for (auto label : unknownReachableLabels) {
for (auto const& cutLabelSet : cutLabels) {
z3::expr cube = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto cutLabel : cutLabelSet) {
cube = cube &&;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting reachability implications.");
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
@ -1196,12 +1312,13 @@ namespace storm {
if (maximalReachabilityProbability == 0) {
// If there was no target state reachable, analyze the solution and guide the solver into the
// right direction.
analyzeBadSolution(context, solver, subMdp, labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, commandSet, variableInformation, relevancyInformation);
// If there was no target state reachable, analyze the solution and guide the solver into the right direction.
analyzeZeroProbabilitySolution(context, solver, subMdp, labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, commandSet, variableInformation, relevancyInformation);
} else {
// In case we have not yet exceeded the given threshold, we have to rule out the current solution.
ruleOutSolution(context, solver, commandSet, variableInformation);
// If the reachability probability was greater than zero (i.e. there is a reachable target state), but the probability was insufficient to exceed
// the given threshold, we analyze the solution and try to guide the solver into the right direction.
analyzeInsufficientProbabilitySolution(context, solver, subMdp, labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, commandSet, variableInformation, relevancyInformation);
} else {
done = true;
