LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger,"Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException()<<"There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger,"Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
//throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException()<<"There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException("Trying to finalize an uninitialized matrix.");
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger,"Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given.");
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException("Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given.");
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger,"Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given (expected "<<nonZeroEntryCount<<" but got "<<currentSize<<" instead)");
throwstorm::exceptions::InvalidStateException()<<"Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given (expected "<<nonZeroEntryCount<<" but got "<<currentSize<<" instead).";