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removed transformators for now

Sebastian Junges 8 years ago
  1. 845
  2. 170


@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
#include "src/transformations/dft/DftToGspnTransformator.h"
#include "src/exceptions/NotImplementedException.h"
#include <memory>
namespace storm {
namespace transformations {
namespace dft {
// Prevent some magic constants
static constexpr const uint64_t defaultPriority = 0;
static constexpr const uint64_t defaultCapacity = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::DftToGspnTransformator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft) : mDft(dft) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::transform() {
// Loop through every DFT element and draw them as a GSPN.
// When all DFT elements are drawn, draw the connections between them.
// Draw functional/probability dependencies into the GSPN.
// Draw restrictions into the GSPN (i.e. SEQ or MUTEX).
// Write GSPN to file.
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawGSPNElements() {
// Loop through every DFT element and draw them as a GSPN.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mDft.nrElements(); i++) {
auto dftElement = mDft.getElement(i);
// Check which type the element is and call the corresponding drawing-function.
switch (dftElement->type()) {
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::AND:
drawAND(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTAnd<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::OR:
drawOR(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTOr<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::VOT:
drawVOT(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PAND:
drawPAND(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SPARE:
drawSPARE(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::POR:
drawPOR(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPor<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SEQ:
// No method call needed here. SEQ only consists of restrictions, which are handled later.
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::MUTEX:
// No method call needed here. MUTEX only consists of restrictions, which are handled later.
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::BE:
drawBE(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTF:
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTS:
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PDEP:
drawPDEP(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const>(dftElement));
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "DFT type unknown.");
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawBE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const> dftBE) {
uint64_t beActive = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, isBEActive(dftBE) ? 1 : 0, dftBE->name() + STR_ACTIVATED);
uint64_t beFailed = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftBE->name() + STR_FAILED);
assert(failedNodes.size() == dftBE->id());
uint64_t tActive = builder.addTimedTransition(defaultPriority, dftBE->activeFailureRate(), dftBE->name() + "_activeFailing");
builder.addInputArc(beActive, tActive);
builder.addInhibitionArc(beFailed, tActive);
builder.addOutputArc(tActive, beActive);
builder.addOutputArc(tActive, beFailed);
uint64_t tPassive = builder.addTimedTransition(defaultPriority, dftBE->passiveFailureRate(), dftBE->name() + "_passiveFailing");
builder.addInhibitionArc(beActive, tPassive);
builder.addInhibitionArc(beFailed, tPassive);
builder.addOutputArc(tActive, beFailed);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawAND(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTAnd<ValueType> const> dftAnd) {
uint64_t nodeFailed = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftAnd->name() + STR_FAILED);
assert(failedNodes.size() == dftAnd->id());
uint64_t tAndFailed = builder.addImmediateTransition( getFailPriority(dftAnd) , 0.0, dftAnd->name() + STR_FAILING );
builder.addInhibitionArc(nodeFailed, tAndFailed);
builder.addOutputArc(tAndFailed, nodeFailed);
for(auto const& child : dftAnd->children()) {
assert(failedNodes.size() > child->id());
builder.addInputArc(failedNodes[child->id()], tAndFailed);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawOR(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTOr<ValueType> const> dftOr) {
uint64_t nodeFailed = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftOr->name() + STR_FAILED);
assert(failedNodes.size() == dftOr->id());
uint64_t i = 0;
for (auto const& child : dftOr->children()) {
uint64_t tNodeFailed = builder.addImmediateTransition( getFailPriority(dftOr) , 0.0, dftOr->name() + STR_FAILING + std::to_string(i) );
builder.addInhibitionArc(nodeFailed, tNodeFailed);
builder.addOutputArc(tNodeFailed, nodeFailed);
assert(failedNodes.size() > child->id());
builder.addInputArc(failedNodes[child->id()], tNodeFailed);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawVOT(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const> dftVot) {
uint64_t nodeFailed = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftVot->name() + STR_FAILED);
assert(failedNodes.size() == dftVot->id());
uint64_t nodeCollector = builder.addPlace(dftVot->nrChildren(), 0, dftVot->name() + "_collector");
uint64_t tNodeFailed = builder.addImmediateTransition(getFailPriority(dftVot), 0.0, dftVot->name() + STR_FAILING);
builder.addOutputArc(tNodeFailed, nodeFailed);
builder.addInhibitionArc(nodeFailed, tNodeFailed);
builder.addInputArc(nodeCollector, tNodeFailed, dftVot->threshold());
builder.addOutputArc(tNodeFailed, nodeCollector, dftVot->threshold());
uint64_t i = 0;
for (auto const& child : dftVot->children()) {
uint64_t childInhibPlace = builder.addPlace(1, 0, dftVot->name() + "_child_fail_inhib" + std::to_string(i));
uint64_t tCollect = builder.addImmediateTransition(getFailPriority(dftVot), 0.0, dftVot->name() + "_child_collect" + std::to_string(i));
builder.addOutputArc(tCollect, nodeCollector);
builder.addOutputArc(tCollect, childInhibPlace);
builder.addInhibitionArc(childInhibPlace, tCollect);
builder.addInputArc(failedNodes[child->id()], tCollect);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawPAND(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const> dftPand) {
uint64_t nodeFailed = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftPand->name() + STR_FAILED);
assert(failedNodes.size() == dftPand->id());
uint64_t nodeFS = builder.addPlace(defaultCapacity, 0, dftPand->name() + STR_FAILSAVE);
uint64_t tNodeFailed = builder.addImmediateTransition(getFailPriority(dftPand), 0.0, dftPand->name() + STR_FAILING);
builder.addInhibitionArc(nodeFailed, tNodeFailed);
builder.addInhibitionArc(nodeFS, tNodeFailed);
builder.addOutputArc(tNodeFailed, nodeFailed);
for(auto const& child : dftPand->children()) {
builder.addInputArc(failedNodes[child->id()], tNodeFailed);
for (uint64_t j = 1; j < dftPand->nrChildren(); ++j) {
uint64_t tfs = builder.addImmediateTransition(getFailPriority(dftPand), 0.0, dftPand->name() + STR_FAILSAVING + std::to_string(j));
builder.addInputArc(failedNodes[dftPand->children().at(j)->id()], tfs);
builder.addInhibitionArc(failedNodes[dftPand->children().at(j-1)->id()], tfs);
builder.addOutputArc(tfs, nodeFS);
// storm::gspn::Place placePANDFailed;
// placePANDFailed.setName(dftPand->name() + STR_FAILED);
// placePANDFailed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placePANDFailed);
// storm::gspn::Place placePANDFailsave;
// placePANDFailsave.setName(dftPand->name() + STR_FAILSAVE);
// placePANDFailsave.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placePANDFailsave);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionPANDFailing;
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setName(dftPand->name() + STR_FAILING);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailed, 1);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailsave, 1);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailing.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailed, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionPANDFailing);
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dftPand->nrChildren() -1; i++) {
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionPANDFailsave;
// immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setName(dftPand->name() + "_" + std::to_string(i) + STR_FAILSAVING);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailsave, 1);
// immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailsave, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionPANDFailsave);
// }
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawSPARE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const> dftSpare) {
// uint_fast64_t priority = getPriority(0, dftSpare);
// // This codeblock can be removed later, when I am 100% sure it is not needed anymore.
// /*
// storm::gspn::Place placeSPAREActivated;
// placeSPAREActivated.setName(dftSpare->name() + STR_ACTIVATED);
// placeSPAREActivated.setNumberOfInitialTokens(isBEActive(dftSpare));
// mGspn.addPlace(placeSPAREActivated);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionPCActivating;
// immediateTransitionPCActivating.setName(dftSpare->children()[0]->name() + STR_ACTIVATING);
// immediateTransitionPCActivating.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionPCActivating.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionPCActivating.setInputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREActivated, 1);
// immediateTransitionPCActivating.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREActivated, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionPCActivating);
// */
// auto children = dftSpare->children();
// // Draw places and transitions that belong to each spare child.
// for (std::size_t i = 1; i < children.size(); i++) {
// auto placeChildClaimedPreexist = mGspn.getPlace(children[i]->name() + "_claimed");
// if (!placeChildClaimedPreexist.first) { // Only draw this place if it doesn't exist jet.
// storm::gspn::Place placeChildClaimed;
// placeChildClaimed.setName(children[i]->name() + "_claimed");
// placeChildClaimed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placeChildClaimed);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating;
// immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating.setName(children[i]->name() + STR_ACTIVATING);
// immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating.setInputArcMultiplicity(placeChildClaimed, 1);
// immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeChildClaimed, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionSpareChildActivating);
// }
// auto placeChildClaimedExist = mGspn.getPlace(children[i]->name() + "_claimed");
// storm::gspn::Place placeSPAREClaimedChild;
// placeSPAREClaimedChild.setName(dftSpare->name() + "_claimed_" + children[i]->name());
// placeSPAREClaimedChild.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placeSPAREClaimedChild);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionChildClaiming;
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setName(dftSpare->name() + "_claiming_" + children[i]->name());
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setPriority(priority + 1); // Higher priority needed!
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeChildClaimedExist.second, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeChildClaimedExist.second, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREClaimedChild, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionChildClaiming);
// storm::gspn::Place placeSPAREChildConsumed;
// if (i < children.size() - 1) {
// placeSPAREChildConsumed.setName(dftSpare->name() + "_" + children[i]->name() + "_consumed");
// }
// else {
// placeSPAREChildConsumed.setName(dftSpare->name() + STR_FAILED);
// }
// placeSPAREChildConsumed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placeSPAREChildConsumed);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionChildConsuming1;
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setName(dftSpare->name() + "_" + children[i]->name() + "_consuming1");
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREClaimedChild, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionChildConsuming1);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionChildConsuming2;
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setName(dftSpare->name() + "_" + children[i]->name() + "_consuming2");
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREClaimedChild, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming2.setInputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREClaimedChild, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionChildConsuming2);
// }
// // Draw connections between all spare childs.
// for (std::size_t i = 1; i < children.size() - 1; i++) {
// auto placeSPAREChildConsumed = mGspn.getPlace(dftSpare->name() + "_" + children[i]->name() + "_consumed");
// auto immediateTransitionChildClaiming = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(dftSpare->name() + "_claiming_" + children[i + 1]->name());
// auto immediateTransitionChildConsuming1 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(dftSpare->name() + "_" + children[i + 1]->name() + "_consuming1");
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed.second, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildClaiming.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed.second, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed.second, 1);
// immediateTransitionChildConsuming1.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(placeSPAREChildConsumed.second, 1);
// }
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawPOR(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTPor<ValueType> const> dftPor) {
// uint_fast64_t priority = getPriority(0, dftPor);
// storm::gspn::Place placePORFailed;
// placePORFailed.setName(dftPor->name() + STR_FAILED);
// placePORFailed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placePORFailed);
// storm::gspn::Place placePORFailsave;
// placePORFailsave.setName(dftPor->name() + STR_FAILSAVE);
// placePORFailsave.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placePORFailsave);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionPORFailing;
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setName(dftPor->name() + STR_FAILING);
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePORFailed, 1);
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePORFailsave, 1);
// immediateTransitionPORFailing.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placePORFailed, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionPORFailing);
// storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionPORFailsave;
// immediateTransitionPORFailsave.setName(dftPor->name() + STR_FAILSAVING);
// immediateTransitionPORFailsave.setPriority(priority);
// immediateTransitionPORFailsave.setWeight(0.0);
// immediateTransitionPORFailsave.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePORFailsave, 1);
// immediateTransitionPORFailsave.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placePORFailsave, 1);
// mGspn.addImmediateTransition(immediateTransitionPORFailsave);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawCONSTF(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftConstF) {
// storm::gspn::Place placeCONSTFFailed;
// placeCONSTFFailed.setName(dftConstF->name() + STR_FAILED);
// placeCONSTFFailed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(1);
// mGspn.addPlace(placeCONSTFFailed);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawCONSTS(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftConstS) {
// storm::gspn::Place placeCONSTSFailed;
// placeCONSTSFailed.setName(dftConstS->name() + STR_FAILED);
// placeCONSTSFailed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// placeCONSTSFailed.setCapacity(0); // It cannot contain a token, because it cannot fail.
// mGspn.addPlace(placeCONSTSFailed);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawPDEP(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const>(dftDependency)) {
// // Only draw dependency, if it wasn't drawn before.
// std::string gateName = dftDependency->name().substr(0, dftDependency->name().find("_"));
// auto exists = mGspn.getPlace(gateName + STR_FAILED);
// if (!exists.first) {
// storm::gspn::Place placeDEPFailed;
// placeDEPFailed.setName(gateName + STR_FAILED);
// placeDEPFailed.setNumberOfInitialTokens(0);
// mGspn.addPlace(placeDEPFailed);
// storm::gspn::TimedTransition<double> timedTransitionDEPFailure;
// timedTransitionDEPFailure.setName(gateName + STR_FAILING);
// timedTransitionDEPFailure.setPriority(getPriority(0, dftDependency));
// timedTransitionDEPFailure.setRate(dftDependency->probability());
// timedTransitionDEPFailure.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeDEPFailed, 1);
// timedTransitionDEPFailure.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeDEPFailed, 1);
// mGspn.addTimedTransition(timedTransitionDEPFailure);
// }
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawGSPNConnections() {
// // Check for every element, if they have parents (all will have at least 1, except the top event).
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mDft.nrElements(); i++) {
// auto child = mDft.getElement(i);
// auto parents = child->parentIds();
// // Draw a connection to every parent.
// for (std::size_t j = 0; j < parents.size(); j++) {
// // Check the type of the parent and act accordingly (every parent gate has different entry points...).
// switch (mDft.getElement(parents[j])->type()) {
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::AND:
// {
// auto andEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + STR_FAILING);
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// if (andEntry.first && childExit.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// andEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// andEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::OR:
// {
// auto orEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + child->name() + STR_FAILING);
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// if (orEntry.first && childExit.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// orEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// orEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::VOT:
// {
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// auto parentEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + child->name() + "_collecting");
// if (childExit.first && parentEntry.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// parentEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// parentEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PAND:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->children();
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// auto pandEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + STR_FAILING);
// if (childExit.first && pandEntry.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// pandEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// pandEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// if (children[0] == child) { // Current element is primary child.
// auto pandEntry2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_0" + STR_FAILSAVING);
// if (pandEntry2.first) {
// pandEntry2.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// }
// else { // Current element is not the primary child.
// for (std::size_t k = 1; k < children.size(); k++) {
// if (children[k] == child) {
// auto pandEntry2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + std::to_string((k - 1)) + STR_FAILSAVING);
// auto pandEntry3 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + std::to_string((k)) + STR_FAILSAVING);
// if (pandEntry2.first) {
// pandEntry2.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// pandEntry2.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// if (pandEntry3.first) {
// pandEntry3.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// continue;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SPARE:
// {
// // Check if current child is a primary or spare child.
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->children();
// if (child == children[0]) { // Primary child.
// auto spareExit = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(child->name() + STR_ACTIVATING);
// std::vector<int> ids = getAllBEIDsOfElement(child);
// for (std::size_t k = 0; k < ids.size(); k++) {
// auto childEntry = mGspn.getPlace(mDft.getElement(ids[k])->name() + STR_ACTIVATED);
// if (spareExit.first && childEntry.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// spareExit.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childEntry.second, 1);
// spareExit.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childEntry.second, 1);
// }
// }
// // Draw lines from "primary child_failed" to SPARE.
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// auto spareEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_claiming_" + children[1]->name());
// auto spareEntry2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + children[1]->name() + "_consuming1");
// if (childExit.first && spareEntry.first && spareEntry2.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// spareEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// spareEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// spareEntry2.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// spareEntry2.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// }
// else { // A spare child.
// auto spareExit = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(child->name() + STR_ACTIVATING);
// auto spareExit2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_claiming_" + child->name());
// std::vector<int> ids = getAllBEIDsOfElement(child);
// for (std::size_t k = 0; k < ids.size(); k++) {
// auto childEntry = mGspn.getPlace(mDft.getElement(ids[k])->name() + STR_ACTIVATED);
// if (spareExit.first && spareExit2.first && childEntry.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// if (!spareExit.second->existsInhibitionArc(childEntry.second)) {
// spareExit.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childEntry.second, 1);
// }
// if (!spareExit.second->existsOutputArc(childEntry.second)) {
// spareExit.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childEntry.second, 1);
// }
// if (!spareExit2.second->existsInhibitionArc(childEntry.second)) {
// spareExit2.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childEntry.second, 1);
// }
// }
// }
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// auto spareEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_claiming_" + child->name());
// auto spareEntry2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(child->name() + STR_ACTIVATING);
// auto spareEntry3 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + child->name() + "_consuming2");
// if (childExit.first && spareEntry.first && spareEntry2.first && spareEntry3.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// spareEntry.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// if (!spareEntry2.second->existsInhibitionArc(childExit.second)) {
// spareEntry2.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// spareEntry3.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// spareEntry3.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::POR:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->children();
// auto porEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + STR_FAILING);
// auto porEntry2 = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + STR_FAILSAVING);
// auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
// if (porEntry.first && porEntry2.first && childExit.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// if (children[0] == child) { // Current element is primary child.
// porEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// porEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// porEntry2.second->setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// else { // Current element is not the primary child.
// porEntry2.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// porEntry2.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SEQ:
// {
// // Sequences are realized with restrictions. Nothing to do here.
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::MUTEX:
// {
// // MUTEX are realized with restrictions. Nothing to do here.
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::BE:
// {
// // The parent is never a Basic Event.
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTF:
// {
// // The parent is never a Basic Event.
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTS:
// {
// // The parent is never a Basic Event.
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PDEP:
// {
// // The parent is never a DEP. Hence the connections must be drawn somewhere else.
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "DFT type unknown.");
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
template <typename ValueType>
bool DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::isBEActive(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftElement)
// If element is the top element, return true.
if (dftElement->id() == mDft.getTopLevelIndex()) {
return true;
else { // Else look at all parents.
auto parents = dftElement->parents();
std::vector<bool> pathValidities;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parents.size(); i++) {
// Add all parents to the vector, except if the parent is a SPARE and the current element is an inactive child of the SPARE.
if (parents[i]->type() == storm::storage::DFTElementType::SPARE) {
auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const>(parents[i])->children();
if (children[0]->id() != dftElement->id()) {
// Check all vector entries. If one is true, a "valid" path has been found.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pathValidities.size(); i++) {
if (pathValidities[i]) {
return true;
// No "valid" path found. BE is inactive.
return false;
template <typename ValueType>
uint64_t DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::getFailPriority(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftElement)
return mDft.maxRank() - dftElement->rank();
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawGSPNDependencies() {
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mDft.nrElements(); i++) {
// auto dftElement = mDft.getElement(i);
// if (dftElement->isDependency()) {
// std::string gateName = dftElement->name().substr(0, dftElement->name().find("_"));
// auto depEntry = mGspn.getTimedTransition(gateName + STR_FAILING);
// auto trigger = mGspn.getPlace(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->nameTrigger() + STR_FAILED);
// if (depEntry.first && trigger.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// if (!depEntry.second->existsInputArc(trigger.second)) {
// depEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(trigger.second, 1);
// }
// if (!depEntry.second->existsOutputArc(trigger.second)){
// depEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(trigger.second, 1);
// }
// }
// auto dependent = mGspn.getPlace(std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->nameDependent() + STR_FAILED);
// if (dependent.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// depEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(dependent.second, 1);
// }
// }
// }
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawGSPNRestrictions() {
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mDft.nrElements(); i++) {
// auto dftElement = mDft.getElement(i);
// if (dftElement->isRestriction()) {
// switch (dftElement->type()) {
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SEQ:
// {
// auto children = mDft.getRestriction(i)->children();
// for (std::size_t j = 0; j < children.size() - 1; j++) {
// auto suppressor = mGspn.getPlace(children[j]->name() + STR_FAILED);
// switch (children[j + 1]->type()) {
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::BE: // If suppressed is a BE, add 2 arcs to timed transitions.
// {
// auto suppressedActive = mGspn.getTimedTransition(children[j + 1]->name() + "_activeFailing");
// auto suppressedPassive = mGspn.getTimedTransition(children[j + 1]->name() + "_passiveFailing");
// if (suppressor.first && suppressedActive.first && suppressedPassive.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// suppressedActive.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// suppressedActive.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// suppressedPassive.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// suppressedPassive.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// }
// break;
// }
// default: // If supressed is not a BE, add single arc to immediate transition.
// {
// auto suppressed = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(children[j + 1]->name() + STR_FAILING);
// if (suppressor.first && suppressed.first) { // Only add arcs if the objects have been found.
// suppressed.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// suppressed.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(suppressor.second, 1);
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::MUTEX:
// {
// // MUTEX is not implemented by the DFTGalileoParser yet. Nothing to do here.
// STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "MUTEX is not supported by DftToGspnTransformator.");
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
template <typename ValueType>
std::vector<int> DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::getAllBEIDsOfElement(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftElement) {
// std::vector<int> ids;
// switch (dftElement->type()) {
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::AND:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTAnd<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::OR:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTOr<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::VOT:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PAND:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SPARE:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// // Only regard the primary child of a SPARE. The spare childs are not allowed to be listed here.
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::POR:
// {
// auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPor<ValueType> const>(dftElement)->children();
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
// std::vector<int> newIds = getAllBEIDsOfElement(children[i]);
// ids.insert(ids.end(), newIds.begin(), newIds.end());
// }
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::BE:
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTF:
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::CONSTS:
// {
// ids.push_back(dftElement->id());
// break;
// }
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::SEQ:
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::MUTEX:
// case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PDEP:
// {
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "DFT type unknown.");
// break;
// }
// }
// return ids;
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::writeGspn(bool toFile) {
if (toFile) {
// Writing to file
std::ofstream file;"");
storm::gspn::GSPN* gspn = builder.buildGspn();
delete gspn;
} else {
// Writing to console
storm::gspn::GSPN* gspn = builder.buildGspn();
delete gspn;
// Explicitly instantiate the class.
template class DftToGspnTransformator<double>;
// template class DftToGspnTransformator<storm::RationalFunction>;
} // namespace dft
} // namespace transformations
} // namespace storm


@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <src/storage/dft/DFT.h>
#include "src/storage/gspn/GSPN.h"
#include "src/storage/gspn/GspnBuilder.h"
namespace storm {
namespace transformations {
namespace dft {
* Transformator for DFT -> GSPN.
template<typename ValueType>
class DftToGspnTransformator {
* Constructor.
* @param dft DFT
DftToGspnTransformator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft);
* Transform the DFT to a GSPN.
void transform();
* Write Gspn to file or console.
* @param toFile If true, the GSPN will be written to a file, otherwise it will
be written to the console.
void writeGspn(bool toFile);
* Draw all elements of the GSPN.
void drawGSPNElements();
* Draw the connections between the elements of the GSPN.
void drawGSPNConnections();
* Draw functional/probability dependencies into the GSPN.
void drawGSPNDependencies();
* Draw restrictions between the elements of the GSPN (i.e. SEQ or MUTEX).
void drawGSPNRestrictions();
* Draw a Petri net Basic Event.
* @param dftBE The Basic Event.
void drawBE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const> dftBE);
* Draw a Petri net AND.
* @param dftAnd The AND gate.
void drawAND(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTAnd<ValueType> const> dftAnd);
* Draw a Petri net OR.
* @param dftOr The OR gate.
void drawOR(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTOr<ValueType> const> dftOr);
* Draw a Petri net VOT.
* @param dftVot The VOT gate.
void drawVOT(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const> dftVot);
* Draw a Petri net PAND.
* This PAND is inklusive (children are allowed to fail simultaneously and the PAND will fail nevertheless).
* @param dftPand The PAND gate.
void drawPAND(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const> dftPand);
* Draw a Petri net SPARE.
* @param dftSpare The SPARE gate.
void drawSPARE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const> dftSpare);
* Draw a Petri net POR.
* This POR is inklusive (children are allowed to fail simultaneously and the POR will fail nevertheless).
* @param dftPor The POR gate.
void drawPOR(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTPor<ValueType> const> dftPor);
* Draw a Petri net CONSTF (Constant Failure, a Basic Event that has already failed).
* @param dftPor The CONSTF Basic Event.
void drawCONSTF(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftConstF);
* Draw a Petri net CONSTS (Constant Save, a Basic Event that cannot fail).
* @param dftPor The CONSTS Basic Event.
void drawCONSTS(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftConstS);
* Draw a Petri net PDEP (FDEP is included with a firerate of 1).
void drawPDEP(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const>(dftDependency));
* Return true if BE is active (corresponding place contains one initial token) or false if BE is inactive (corresponding place contains no initial token).
* @param dFTElement DFT element.
bool isBEActive(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dFTElement);
* Get the priority of the element.
* The priority is two times the length of the shortest path to the top event.
* @param priority The priority of the gate. Top Event has priority 0, its children 2, its grandchildren 4, ...
* @param dftElement The element whose priority shall be determined.
uint64_t getFailPriority(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dFTElement);
* Return all ids of BEs, that are successors of the given element and that are not the spare childs of a SPARE.
* @param dftElement The element which
std::vector<int> getAllBEIDsOfElement(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftElement);
storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& mDft;
storm::gspn::GspnBuilder builder;
std::vector<uint64_t> failedNodes;
static constexpr const char* STR_FAILING = "_failing"; // Name standard for transitions that point towards a place, which in turn indicates the failure of a gate.
static constexpr const char* STR_FAILED = "_failed"; // Name standard for place which indicates the failure of a gate.
static constexpr const char* STR_FAILSAVING = "_failsaving"; // Name standard for transition that point towards a place, which in turn indicates the failsave state of a gate.
static constexpr const char* STR_FAILSAVE = "_failsave"; // Name standard for place which indicates the failsave state of a gate.
static constexpr const char* STR_ACTIVATED = "_activated"; // Name standard for place which indicates the activity.
static constexpr const char* STR_ACTIVATING = "_activating"; // Name standard for transition that point towards a place, which in turn indicates its activity.