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Further work on minimal label set generator. Intermediate commit.

Former-commit-id: 0f123ae3c4
dehnert 11 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 300
  3. 2


@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ else(CLANG)
set(CLANG_STDLIB libc++)
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -stdlib=${CLANG_STDLIB} -Wall -pedantic -Wno-unused-variable -DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_TR1 -DBOOST_NO_DECLTYPE")
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -stdlib=${CLANG_STDLIB} -Wall -pedantic -Wno-unused-variable -DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_TR1 -DBOOST_NO_DECLTYPE -ftemplate-depth=1024")


@ -9,16 +9,34 @@
#include <gurobi_c++.h>
extern "C" {
#include "gurobi_c.h"
int __stdcall GRBislp(GRBenv **, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
#include "src/models/Mdp.h"
#include "src/exceptions/NotImplementedException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace counterexamples {
* A helper class that provides the functionality to compute a hash value for pairs of indices.
class PairHash {
std::size_t operator()(std::pair<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> const& pair) const {
size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.first);
boost::hash_combine(seed, pair.second);
return seed;
* This class provides functionality to generate a minimal counterexample to a probabilistic reachability
* property in terms of used labels.
@ -46,6 +64,7 @@ namespace storm {
problematicStates &= relevantStates;
// (3) Determine set of relevant labels.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<uint_fast64_t>> relevantChoicesForRelevantStates;
std::unordered_set<uint_fast64_t> relevantLabels;
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& transitionMatrix = labeledMdp.getTransitionMatrix();
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices = labeledMdp.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
@ -53,44 +72,305 @@ namespace storm {
// Now traverse all choices of all relevant states and check whether there is a relevant target state.
// If so, the associated labels become relevant.
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
relevantChoicesForRelevantStates.emplace(state, std::list<uint_fast64_t>());
for (uint_fast64_t row = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state]; row < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state + 1]; ++row) {
bool currentChoiceRelevant = false;
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorBegin(row); successorIt != transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorEnd(row); ++successorIt) {
// If there is a relevant successor, we need to add the labels of the current choice.
if (relevantStates.get(*successorIt)) {
if (relevantStates.get(*successorIt) || psiStates.get(*successorIt)) {
for (auto const& label : choiceLabeling[row]) {
if (!currentChoiceRelevant) {
currentChoiceRelevant = true;
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Found " << relevantLabels.size() << " relevant labels.");
// Determine set of problematic transitions.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<uint_fast64_t>> problematicChoicesForProblematicStates;
for (auto state : problematicStates) {
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<uint_fast64_t>> relevantChoicesForRelevantStates;
// (3) Encode resulting system as MILP problem.
// (3.1) Initialize MILP solver and model.
// GRBEnv env;
// GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);
GRBenv* env = nullptr;
int error = GRBloadenv(&env, "storm_gurobi.log");
if (error || env == NULL) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not initialize Gurobi (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not initialize Gurobi (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
GRBmodel* model = nullptr;
error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "storm_milp", 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not initialize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not initialize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// (3.2) Create variables.
// Create variables for involved labels.
std::vector<std::pair<uint_fast64_t, GRBVar>> labelVariables;
// Prepare internal variables.
std::stringstream variableNameBuffer;
uint_fast64_t nextLabelIndex = 0;
// Create variables for involved labels.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> labelToIndexMap;
for (auto const& label : relevantLabels) {
// Reset stringstream properly to construct new variable name.
variableNameBuffer << "label" << label;
// labelVariables.emplace_back(label, model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, variableNameBuffer.str()));
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_BINARY, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
labelToIndexMap[label] = nextLabelIndex;
// Create scheduler variables for relevant states and their actions.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> stateToStartingIndexMap;
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
std::list<uint_fast64_t> const& relevantChoicesForState = relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state];
stateToStartingIndexMap[state] = nextLabelIndex;
for (uint_fast64_t row : relevantChoicesForState) {
// Reset stringstream properly to construct new variable name.
variableNameBuffer << "choice" << row << "in" << state;
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_BINARY, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Create variables for probabilities for all relevant states.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> stateToProbabilityVariableIndex;
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
// Reset stringstream properly to construct new variable name.
variableNameBuffer << "p" << state;
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
stateToProbabilityVariableIndex[state] = nextLabelIndex;
// Create variables for problematic states, successors of problematic states and transitions of problematic states.
std::unordered_map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> problematicStateVariables;
std::unordered_map<std::pair<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t>, uint_fast64_t, PairHash> problematicTransitionVariables;
for (auto state : problematicStates) {
// First check whether there is not already a variable for this state and proceed with next state.
if (problematicStateVariables.find(state) == problematicStateVariables.end()) {
// Reset stringstream properly to construct new variable name.
variableNameBuffer << "r" << state;
std::cout << "Creating r variable" << std::endl;
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
problematicStateVariables[state] = nextLabelIndex;
std::list<uint_fast64_t> const& relevantChoicesForState = relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state];
for (uint_fast64_t row : relevantChoicesForState) {
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorBegin(row); successorIt != transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorEnd(row); ++successorIt) {
if (relevantStates.get(*successorIt)) {
if (problematicStateVariables.find(*successorIt) == problematicStateVariables.end()) {
// Reset stringstream properly to construct new variable name.
variableNameBuffer << "r" << *successorIt;
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
problematicStateVariables[state] = nextLabelIndex;
variableNameBuffer << "t" << state << "to" << *successorIt;
error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_BINARY, variableNameBuffer.str().c_str());
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
problematicTransitionVariables[std::make_pair(state, *successorIt)] = nextLabelIndex;
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Successfully created " << nextLabelIndex << " Gurobi variables.");
// Update model to incorporate prior changes.
error = GRBupdatemodel(model);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Make sure we have exactly one initial state and assert that it's probability is above the given threshold.
storm::storage::BitVector const& initialStates = labeledMdp.getLabeledStates("init");
if (initialStates.getNumberOfSetBits() != 1) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Must have exactly one initial state, but got " << initialStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << "instead.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Must have exactly one initial state, but got " << initialStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << "instead.";
for (auto initialState : initialStates) {
int variableIndex = static_cast<int>(stateToProbabilityVariableIndex[initialState]);
double coefficient = 1.0;
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 1, &variableIndex, &coefficient, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, lowerProbabilityBound + 10e-6, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Now add the constaints that ensure that the policy chooses at most one action in each state.
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
uint_fast64_t startingIndex = stateToStartingIndexMap[state];
std::list<uint_fast64_t> const& relevantChoicesForState = relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state];
std::vector<int> variables;
std::vector<double> coefficients(relevantChoicesForState.size(), 1);
for (auto choice : relevantChoicesForState) {
error = GRBaddconstr(model, relevantChoicesForState.size(), &variables[0], &coefficients[0], GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 1, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Add constraints that enforce that certain labels are put into the label set when the corresponding
// transitions get selected.
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
uint_fast64_t currentChoiceVariableIndex = stateToStartingIndexMap[state];
for (auto choice : relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state]) {
int indices[2]; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = currentChoiceVariableIndex;
double coefficients[2]; coefficients[0] = 1; coefficients[1] = -1;
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[choice]) {
indices[0] = labelToIndexMap[label];
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, indices, coefficients, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 0, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Add constraints that make sure the reachability probability for states that do not choose any action
// is zero.
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
std::vector<double> coefficients(relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state].size() + 1, -1);
coefficients[0] = 1;
std::vector<int> variables;
variables.reserve(relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state].size() + 1);
uint_fast64_t currentChoiceVariableIndex = stateToStartingIndexMap[state];
for (auto choice : relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state]) {
error = GRBaddconstr(model, relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state].size() + 1, &variables[0], &coefficients[0], GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Add constraints that encode the reachability probabilities for all states.
for (auto state : relevantStates) {
std::vector<double> coefficients;
std::vector<int> variables;
uint_fast64_t currentChoiceVariableIndex = stateToStartingIndexMap[state];
for (auto choice : relevantChoicesForRelevantStates[state]) {
double rightHandSide = 1;
typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::Rows rows = transitionMatrix.getRows(choice, choice);
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIterator successorIt = rows.begin(), successorIte = rows.end(); successorIt != successorIte; ++successorIt) {
if (relevantStates.get(successorIt.column())) {
} else if (psiStates.get(successorIt.column())) {
rightHandSide += successorIt.value();
error = GRBaddconstr(model, variables.size(), &variables[0], &coefficients[0], GRB_LESS_EQUAL, rightHandSide, nullptr);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// Add constraints that ensure reachability of at least one unproblematic state.
for (auto state : problematicStates) {
// Update model to incorporate prior changes.
error = GRBupdatemodel(model);
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
error = GRBwrite(model, "storm.lp");
if (error) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to write Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to write Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ").";
// (3.3) Construct objective function.
// (3.4) Construct constraint system.
// (4) Read off result from MILP variables.
// (5) Potentially verify whether the resulting system exceeds the given threshold.
// (6) Return result.
// (5) Shutdown MILP solver.
// (6) Potentially verify whether the resulting system exceeds the given threshold.
// (7) Return result.
// FIXME: Return fake result for the time being.
return relevantLabels;
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This functionality is unavailable if StoRM is compiled without support for Gurobi.";


@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
} else if (s->isSet("symbolic")) {
std::string const arg = s->getOptionByLongName("symbolic").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
storm::adapters::ExplicitModelAdapter adapter(storm::parser::PrismParserFromFile(arg));
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = adapter.getModel("K=2");
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = adapter.getModel("K=1");
if (model->getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
