Browse Source
started to restructure explicit model builder to make it fit for JANI models
started to restructure explicit model builder to make it fit for JANI models
Former-commit-id: 69603dd97b
22 changed files with 628 additions and 616 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
#ifndef STORM_BUILDER_ExplicitModelBuilder_H |
#define STORM_BUILDER_ExplicitModelBuilder_H |
#include <memory> |
#include <utility> |
#include <vector> |
#include <deque> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp> |
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp> |
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp> |
#include <boost/variant.hpp> |
#include <src/models/sparse/StandardRewardModel.h> |
#include "src/storage/prism/Program.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h" |
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h" |
#include "src/logic/Formulas.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/StateAnnotation.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/Model.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/StateLabeling.h" |
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h" |
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateValuations.h" |
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateStorage.h" |
#include "src/settings/SettingsManager.h" |
#include "src/utility/prism.h" |
#include "src/builder/ExplorationOrder.h" |
#include "src/generator/CompressedState.h" |
#include "src/generator/VariableInformation.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace utility { |
template<typename ValueType> class ConstantsComparator; |
} |
namespace generator { |
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType> |
class NextStateGenerator; |
} |
namespace builder { |
using namespace storm::utility::prism; |
using namespace storm::generator; |
// Forward-declare classes. |
template <typename ValueType> struct RewardModelBuilder; |
template<typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType = storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType>, typename StateType = uint32_t> |
class ExplicitModelBuilder { |
public: |
// A structure holding the individual components of a model. |
struct ModelComponents { |
ModelComponents(); |
// The transition matrix. |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> transitionMatrix; |
// The state labeling. |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling stateLabeling; |
// The reward models associated with the model. |
std::unordered_map<std::string, storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<typename RewardModelType::ValueType>> rewardModels; |
// A vector that stores a labeling for each choice. |
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> choiceLabeling; |
}; |
struct Options { |
/*! |
* Creates an object representing the default building options. |
*/ |
Options(); |
// The order in which to explore the model. |
ExplorationOrder explorationOrder; |
// A flag that indicates whether or not to store the state information after successfully building the |
// model. If it is to be preserved, it can be retrieved via the appropriate methods after a successful |
// call to <code>translateProgram</code>. |
bool buildStateValuations; |
}; |
/*! |
* Creates an explicit model builder that uses the provided generator.. |
* |
* @param generator The generator to build. |
*/ |
ExplicitModelBuilder(std::shared_ptr<storm::generator::NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>> const& generator, Options const& options = Options()); |
/*! |
* Convert the program given at construction time to an abstract model. The type of the model is the one |
* specified in the program. The given reward model name selects the rewards that the model will contain. |
* |
* @param program The program to translate. |
* @param constantDefinitionString A string that contains a comma-separated definition of all undefined |
* constants in the model. |
* @param rewardModel The reward model that is to be built. |
* @return The explicit model that was given by the probabilistic program. |
*/ |
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType, RewardModelType>> translate(); |
/*! |
* If requested in the options, information about the variable valuations in the reachable states can be |
* retrieved via this function. |
* |
* @return A structure that stores information about all reachable states. |
*/ |
storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations const& getStateValuations() const; |
private: |
/*! |
* Retrieves the state id of the given state. If the state has not been encountered yet, it will be added to |
* the lists of all states with a new id. If the state was already known, the object that is pointed to by |
* the given state pointer is deleted and the old state id is returned. Note that the pointer should not be |
* used after invoking this method. |
* |
* @param state A pointer to a state for which to retrieve the index. This must not be used after the call. |
* @return A pair indicating whether the state was already discovered before and the state id of the state. |
*/ |
StateType getOrAddStateIndex(CompressedState const& state); |
/*! |
* Builds the transition matrix and the transition reward matrix based for the given program. |
* |
* @param transitionMatrixBuilder The builder of the transition matrix. |
* @param rewardModelBuilders The builders for the selected reward models. |
* @param terminalExpression If given, states satisfying this expression are not explored further. |
* @return A tuple containing a vector with all rows at which the nondeterministic choices of each state begin |
* and a vector containing the labels associated with each choice. |
*/ |
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> buildMatrices(storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>& transitionMatrixBuilder, std::vector<RewardModelBuilder<typename RewardModelType::ValueType>>& rewardModelBuilders, boost::optional<storm::expressions::Expression> const& terminalExpression); |
/*! |
* Explores the state space of the given program and returns the components of the model as a result. |
* |
* @param selectedRewardModels The reward models that are to be considered. |
* @return A structure containing the components of the resulting model. |
*/ |
ModelComponents buildModelComponents(std::vector<std::string> const& selectedRewardModels); |
/*! |
* Builds the state labeling for the given program. |
* |
* @return The state labeling of the given program. |
*/ |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling buildStateLabeling(); |
/// The generator to use for the building process. |
std::shared_ptr<storm::generator::NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>> generator; |
/// The options to be used for the building process. |
Options options; |
/// Internal information about the states that were explored. |
storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<StateType> stateStorage; |
/// This member holds information about reachable states that can be retrieved from the outside after a |
/// successful build. |
boost::optional<storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations> stateValuations; |
/// A set of states that still need to be explored. |
std::deque<CompressedState> statesToExplore; |
/// An optional mapping from state indices to the row groups in which they actually reside. This needs to be |
/// built in case the exploration order is not BFS. |
boost::optional<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> stateRemapping; |
}; |
} // namespace adapters |
} // namespace storm |
#endif /* STORM_BUILDER_ExplicitModelBuilder_H */ |
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ |
#include <memory> |
#include <utility> |
#include <vector> |
#include <deque> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp> |
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp> |
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp> |
#include <boost/variant.hpp> |
#include <src/models/sparse/StandardRewardModel.h> |
#include "src/storage/prism/Program.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h" |
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h" |
#include "src/logic/Formulas.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/StateAnnotation.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/Model.h" |
#include "src/models/sparse/StateLabeling.h" |
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h" |
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateValuations.h" |
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateStorage.h" |
#include "src/settings/SettingsManager.h" |
#include "src/utility/prism.h" |
#include "src/builder/ExplorationOrder.h" |
#include "src/generator/CompressedState.h" |
#include "src/generator/VariableInformation.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace utility { |
template<typename ValueType> class ConstantsComparator; |
} |
namespace builder { |
using namespace storm::utility::prism; |
using namespace storm::generator; |
// Forward-declare classes. |
template <typename ValueType> struct RewardModelBuilder; |
template<typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType = storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType>, typename StateType = uint32_t> |
class ExplicitPrismModelBuilder { |
public: |
// A structure holding the individual components of a model. |
struct ModelComponents { |
ModelComponents(); |
// The transition matrix. |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> transitionMatrix; |
// The state labeling. |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling stateLabeling; |
// The reward models associated with the model. |
std::unordered_map<std::string, storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<typename RewardModelType::ValueType>> rewardModels; |
// A vector that stores a labeling for each choice. |
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> choiceLabeling; |
}; |
struct Options { |
/*! |
* Creates an object representing the default building options. |
*/ |
Options(); |
/*! |
* Copies the given set of options. |
*/ |
Options(Options const& other) = default; |
/*! Creates an object representing the suggested building options assuming that the given formula is the |
* only one to check. Additional formulas may be preserved by calling <code>preserveFormula</code>. |
* |
* @param formula The formula based on which to choose the building options. |
*/ |
Options(storm::logic::Formula const& formula); |
/*! Creates an object representing the suggested building options assuming that the given formulas are |
* the only ones to check. Additional formulas may be preserved by calling <code>preserveFormula</code>. |
* |
* @param formula Thes formula based on which to choose the building options. |
*/ |
Options(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>> const& formulas); |
/*! |
* Sets the constants definitions from the given string. The string must be of the form 'X=a,Y=b,Z=c', |
* etc. where X,Y,Z are the variable names and a,b,c are the values of the constants. |
* |
* @param program The program managing the constants that shall be defined. Note that the program itself |
* is not modified whatsoever. |
* @param constantDefinitionString The string from which to parse the constants' values. |
*/ |
void addConstantDefinitionsFromString(storm::prism::Program const& program, std::string const& constantDefinitionString); |
/*! |
* Changes the options in a way that ensures that the given formula can be checked on the model once it |
* has been built. |
* |
* @param formula The formula that is to be ''preserved''. |
*/ |
void preserveFormula(storm::logic::Formula const& formula); |
/*! |
* Analyzes the given formula and sets an expression for the states states of the model that can be |
* treated as terminal states. Note that this may interfere with checking properties different than the |
* one provided. |
* |
* @param formula The formula used to (possibly) derive an expression for the terminal states of the |
* model. |
*/ |
void setTerminalStatesFromFormula(storm::logic::Formula const& formula); |
// The order in which to explore the model. |
ExplorationOrder explorationOrder; |
// A flag that indicates whether or not command labels are to be built. |
bool buildCommandLabels; |
// A flag that indicates whether or not all reward models are to be build. |
bool buildAllRewardModels; |
// A flag that indicates whether or not to store the state information after successfully building the |
// model. If it is to be preserved, it can be retrieved via the appropriate methods after a successful |
// call to <code>translateProgram</code>. |
bool buildStateValuations; |
// A list of reward models to be build in case not all reward models are to be build. |
std::set<std::string> rewardModelsToBuild; |
// An optional mapping that, if given, contains defining expressions for undefined constants. |
boost::optional<std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression>> constantDefinitions; |
// A flag that indicates whether all labels are to be build. |
bool buildAllLabels; |
// An optional set of labels that, if given, restricts the labels that are built. |
boost::optional<std::set<std::string>> labelsToBuild; |
// An optional set of expressions for which labels need to be built. |
boost::optional<std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression>> expressionLabels; |
// An optional expression or label that characterizes (a subset of) the terminal states of the model. If |
// this is set, the outgoing transitions of these states are replaced with a self-loop. |
boost::optional<boost::variant<storm::expressions::Expression, std::string>> terminalStates; |
// An optional expression or label whose negation characterizes (a subset of) the terminal states of the |
// model. If this is set, the outgoing transitions of these states are replaced with a self-loop. |
boost::optional<boost::variant<storm::expressions::Expression, std::string>> negatedTerminalStates; |
}; |
/*! |
* Creates a builder for the given program. |
* |
* @param program The program to build. |
*/ |
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder(storm::prism::Program const& program, Options const& options = Options()); |
/*! |
* Convert the program given at construction time to an abstract model. The type of the model is the one |
* specified in the program. The given reward model name selects the rewards that the model will contain. |
* |
* @param program The program to translate. |
* @param constantDefinitionString A string that contains a comma-separated definition of all undefined |
* constants in the model. |
* @param rewardModel The reward model that is to be built. |
* @return The explicit model that was given by the probabilistic program. |
*/ |
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType, RewardModelType>> translate(); |
/*! |
* If requested in the options, information about the variable valuations in the reachable states can be |
* retrieved via this function. |
* |
* @return A structure that stores information about all reachable states. |
*/ |
storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations const& getStateValuations() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the program that was actually translated (i.e. including constant substitutions etc.). |
* |
* @return The translated program. |
*/ |
storm::prism::Program const& getTranslatedProgram() const; |
private: |
/*! |
* Retrieves the state id of the given state. If the state has not been encountered yet, it will be added to |
* the lists of all states with a new id. If the state was already known, the object that is pointed to by |
* the given state pointer is deleted and the old state id is returned. Note that the pointer should not be |
* used after invoking this method. |
* |
* @param state A pointer to a state for which to retrieve the index. This must not be used after the call. |
* @return A pair indicating whether the state was already discovered before and the state id of the state. |
*/ |
StateType getOrAddStateIndex(CompressedState const& state); |
/*! |
* Builds the transition matrix and the transition reward matrix based for the given program. |
* |
* @param program The program for which to build the matrices. |
* @param variableInformation A structure containing information about the variables in the program. |
* @param transitionRewards A list of transition rewards that are to be considered in the transition reward |
* matrix. |
* @param deterministicModel A flag indicating whether the model is supposed to be deterministic or not. |
* @param transitionMatrix A reference to an initialized matrix which is filled with all transitions by this |
* function. |
* @param rewardModelBuilders A vector of reward model builders that is used to build the vector of selected |
* reward models. |
* @param terminalExpression If given, terminal states are not explored further. |
* @return A tuple containing a vector with all rows at which the nondeterministic choices of each state begin |
* and a vector containing the labels associated with each choice. |
*/ |
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> buildMatrices(std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::RewardModel const>> const& selectedRewardModels, storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>& transitionMatrixBuilder, std::vector<RewardModelBuilder<typename RewardModelType::ValueType>>& rewardModelBuilders, boost::optional<storm::expressions::Expression> const& terminalExpression); |
/*! |
* Explores the state space of the given program and returns the components of the model as a result. |
* |
* @param program The program whose state space to explore. |
* @param selectedRewardModels The reward models that are to be considered. |
* @param options A set of options used to customize the building process. |
* @return A structure containing the components of the resulting model. |
*/ |
ModelComponents buildModelComponents(std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::RewardModel const>> const& selectedRewardModels); |
/*! |
* Builds the state labeling for the given program. |
* |
* @return The state labeling of the given program. |
*/ |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling buildStateLabeling(); |
// The program to translate. The necessary transformations are performed upon construction of the builder. |
storm::prism::Program program; |
// The options to be used for translating the program. |
Options options; |
// The variable information. |
VariableInformation variableInformation; |
// Internal information about the states that were explored. |
storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<StateType> stateStorage; |
// This member holds information about reachable states that can be retrieved from the outside after a |
// successful build. |
boost::optional<storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations> stateValuations; |
// A set of states that still need to be explored. |
std::deque<CompressedState> statesToExplore; |
// An optional mapping from state indices to the row groups in which they actually reside. This needs to be |
// built in case the exploration order is not BFS. |
boost::optional<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> stateRemapping; |
}; |
} // namespace adapters |
} // namespace storm |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
#include "src/generator/NextStateGenerator.h"
#include "src/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
#include "src/logic/Formulas.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace generator { |
LabelOrExpression::LabelOrExpression(storm::expressions::Expression const& expression) : labelOrExpression(expression) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
} |
LabelOrExpression::LabelOrExpression(std::string const& label) : labelOrExpression(label) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
} |
bool LabelOrExpression::isLabel() const { |
return labelOrExpression.which() == 0; |
} |
std::string const& LabelOrExpression::getLabel() const { |
return boost::get<std::string const&>(labelOrExpression); |
} |
bool LabelOrExpression::isExpression() const { |
return labelOrExpression.which() == 1; |
} |
storm::expressions::Expression const& LabelOrExpression::getExpression() const { |
return boost::get<storm::expressions::Expression const&>(labelOrExpression); |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions::NextStateGeneratorOptions(storm::logic::Formula const& formula) { |
this->preserveFormula(formula); |
this->setTerminalStatesFromFormula(formula); |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions::NextStateGeneratorOptions(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>> const& formulas) { |
if (!formulas.empty()) { |
for (auto const& formula : formulas) { |
this->preserveFormula(*formula); |
} |
if (formulas.size() == 1) { |
this->setTerminalStatesFromFormula(*formulas.front()); |
} |
} |
} |
void NextStateGeneratorOptions::preserveFormula(storm::logic::Formula const& formula) { |
// If we already had terminal states, we need to erase them.
if (hasTerminalStates()) { |
clearTerminalStates(); |
} |
// Determine the reward models we need to build.
std::set<std::string> referencedRewardModels = formula.getReferencedRewardModels(); |
for (auto const& rewardModelName : referencedRewardModels) { |
rewardModelNames.push_back(rewardModelName); |
} |
// Extract all the labels used in the formula.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::AtomicLabelFormula const>> atomicLabelFormulas = formula.getAtomicLabelFormulas(); |
for (auto const& formula : atomicLabelFormulas) { |
addLabel(formula->getLabel()); |
} |
// Extract all the expressions used in the formula.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::AtomicExpressionFormula const>> atomicExpressionFormulas = formula.getAtomicExpressionFormulas(); |
for (auto const& formula : atomicExpressionFormulas) { |
addLabel(formula->getExpression()); |
} |
} |
void NextStateGeneratorOptions::setTerminalStatesFromFormula(storm::logic::Formula const& formula) { |
if (formula.isAtomicExpressionFormula()) { |
addTerminalExpression(formula.asAtomicExpressionFormula().getExpression(), true); |
} else if (formula.isAtomicLabelFormula()) { |
addTerminalLabel(formula.asAtomicLabelFormula().getLabel(), true); |
} else if (formula.isEventuallyFormula()) { |
storm::logic::Formula const& sub = formula.asEventuallyFormula().getSubformula(); |
if (sub.isAtomicExpressionFormula() || sub.isAtomicLabelFormula()) { |
this->setTerminalStatesFromFormula(sub); |
} |
} else if (formula.isUntilFormula()) { |
storm::logic::Formula const& right = formula.asUntilFormula().getRightSubformula(); |
if (right.isAtomicExpressionFormula() || right.isAtomicLabelFormula()) { |
this->setTerminalStatesFromFormula(right); |
} |
storm::logic::Formula const& left = formula.asUntilFormula().getLeftSubformula(); |
if (left.isAtomicExpressionFormula()) { |
addTerminalExpression(left.asAtomicExpressionFormula().getExpression(), false); |
} else if (left.isAtomicLabelFormula()) { |
addTerminalLabel(left.asAtomicLabelFormula().getLabel(), false); |
} |
} else if (formula.isProbabilityOperatorFormula()) { |
storm::logic::Formula const& sub = formula.asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getSubformula(); |
if (sub.isEventuallyFormula() || sub.isUntilFormula()) { |
this->setTerminalStatesFromFormula(sub); |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<std::string> const& NextStateGeneratorOptions::getRewardModelNames() const { |
return rewardModelNames; |
} |
std::set<std::string> const& NextStateGeneratorOptions::getLabels() const { |
return labels; |
} |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& NextStateGeneratorOptions::getLabelExpressions() const { |
return labelExpressions; |
} |
std::vector<std::pair<LabelOrExpression, bool>> const& NextStateGeneratorOptions::getTerminalStates() const { |
return terminalStates; |
} |
bool NextStateGeneratorOptions::hasTerminalStates() const { |
return !terminalStates.empty(); |
} |
void NextStateGeneratorOptions::clearTerminalStates() { |
terminalStates.clear(); |
} |
bool NextStateGeneratorOptions::isBuildChoiceLabelsSet() const { |
return buildChoiceLabels; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::addRewardModel(std::string const& rewardModelName) { |
rewardModelNames.emplace_back(rewardModelName); |
return *this; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::addLabel(storm::expressions::Expression const& expression) { |
labelExpressions.emplace_back(expression); |
return *this; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::addLabel(std::string const& label) { |
labels.insert(label); |
return *this; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::addTerminalExpression(storm::expressions::Expression const& expression, bool value) { |
terminalStates.push_back(std::make_pair(LabelOrExpression(expression), value)); |
return *this; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::addTerminalLabel(std::string const& label, bool value) { |
terminalStates.push_back(std::make_pair(LabelOrExpression(label), value)); |
return *this; |
} |
NextStateGeneratorOptions& NextStateGeneratorOptions::setBuildChoiceLabels(bool newValue) { |
buildChoiceLabels = newValue; |
return *this; |
} |
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType> |
NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::NextStateGenerator(NextStateGeneratorOptions const& options) : options(options) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
} |
template class NextStateGenerator<double>; |
template class NextStateGenerator<storm::RationalFunction>; |
} |
} |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ |
#include "src/generator/PrismStateLabelingGenerator.h"
#include "src/generator/CompressedState.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace generator { |
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType> |
PrismStateLabelingGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::PrismStateLabelingGenerator(storm::prism::Program const& program, VariableInformation const& variableInformation) : program(program), variableInformation(variableInformation) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
} |
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType> |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling PrismStateLabelingGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::generate(storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<StateType> const& states, std::vector<StateType> const& initialStateIndices) { |
std::vector<storm::prism::Label> const& labels = program.getLabels(); |
storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<ValueType> evaluator(program.getManager()); |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling result(states.size()); |
// Initialize labeling.
for (auto const& label : labels) { |
result.addLabel(label.getName()); |
} |
for (auto const& stateIndexPair : states) { |
unpackStateIntoEvaluator(stateIndexPair.first, variableInformation, evaluator); |
for (auto const& label : labels) { |
// Add label to state, if the corresponding expression is true.
if (evaluator.asBool(label.getStatePredicateExpression())) { |
result.addLabelToState(label.getName(), stateIndexPair.second); |
} |
} |
} |
// Also label the initial state with the special label "init".
result.addLabel("init"); |
for (auto index : initialStateIndices) { |
result.addLabelToState("init", index); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template class PrismStateLabelingGenerator<double, uint32_t>; |
template class PrismStateLabelingGenerator<storm::RationalFunction, uint32_t>; |
} |
} |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
#include "src/generator/StateLabelingGenerator.h" |
#include "src/generator/VariableInformation.h" |
#include "src/storage/prism/Program.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace generator { |
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t> |
class PrismStateLabelingGenerator : public StateLabelingGenerator<StateType> { |
public: |
PrismStateLabelingGenerator(storm::prism::Program const& program, VariableInformation const& variableInformation); |
virtual storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling generate(storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<StateType> const& states, std::vector<StateType> const& initialStateIndices = {}) override; |
private: |
// The program for which to generate the labels. |
storm::prism::Program const& program; |
// Information about how the variables are packed. |
VariableInformation const& variableInformation; |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
#include "src/models/sparse/StateLabeling.h" |
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace generator { |
template<typename StateType = uint32_t> |
class StateLabelingGenerator { |
public: |
virtual storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling generate(storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<StateType> const& states, std::vector<StateType> const& initialStateIndices = {}) = 0; |
}; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue