8 years ago
12 changed files with 1661 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ |
#include "storm/storage/geometry/NativePolytope.h"
#ifdef STasdf
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/UnexpectedException.h"
#include "storm/utility/solver.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> const& halfspaces) { |
if(halfspaces.empty()){ |
// The polytope is universal
emptyStatus = EmptyStatus::Nonempty; |
} else { |
uint_fast64_t maxCol = halfspaces.front().normalVector().size(); |
uint_fast64_t maxRow = halfspaces.size(); |
A = EigenMatrix(maxRow, maxCol); |
b = EigenVector(maxRow); |
for ( uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < maxRow; ++row ){ |
assert(halfspaces[row].normal().rows() == maxCol); |
b(row) = halfspaces[row].offset(); |
A(row) = storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toEigenVector(halfspaces[row].normal()); |
} |
emptyStatus = EmptyStatus::Unknown; |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(std::vector<Point> const& points) { |
if(points.empty()){ |
emptyStatus = EmptyStatus::Empty; |
} else { |
std::vector<EigenVector> eigenPoints; |
eigenPoints.reserve(points.size()); |
for(auto const& p : points){ |
eigenPoints.emplace_back(storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toEigenVector(p)); |
} |
// todo: quickhull(eigenPoints)
emptyStatus = EmptyStatus::Nonempty; |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::create(boost::optional<std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>>> const& halfspaces, |
boost::optional<std::vector<Point>> const& points) { |
if(halfspaces) { |
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!points, "Creating a NativePolytope where halfspaces AND points are given. The points will be ignored."); |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(*halfspaces); |
} else if(points) { |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(*points); |
} |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Creating a NativePolytope but no representation was given."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(NativePolytope<ValueType> const& other) : emptyStatus(other.emptyStatus), A(other.A), b(other.b) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(NativePolytope<ValueType>&& other) : emptyStatus(std::move(other.emptyStatus)), A(std::move(other.A)), b(std::move(other.b)) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(EmptyStatus const& emptyStatus, EigenMatrix const& halfspaceMatrix, EigenVector const& halfspaceVector) : emptyStatus(emptyStatus), A(halfspaceMatrix), b(halfspaceVector) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::NativePolytope(EmptyStatus&& emptyStatus, EigenMatrix&& halfspaceMatrix, EigenVector&& halfspaceVector) : emptyStatus(emptyStatus), A(halfspaceMatrix), b(halfspaceVector) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
NativePolytope<ValueType>::~NativePolytope() { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<typename Polytope<ValueType>::Point> NativePolytope<ValueType>::getVertices() const { |
std::vector<hypro::Point<ValueType>> eigenVertices = getEigenVertices(); |
std::vector<Point> result; |
result.reserve(eigenVertices.size()); |
for(auto const& p : eigenVertices) { |
result.push_back(storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toStdVector(p)); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::getHalfspaces() const { |
std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> result; |
result.reserve(A.rows()); |
for(uint_fast64_t row=0; row < A.rows(); ++row){ |
result.emplace_back(storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toStdVector(A.row(row)), b.row(row)); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool NativePolytope<ValueType>::isEmpty() const { |
if(emptyStatus == emptyStatus::Unknown) { |
storm::expressions::ExpressionManager manager; |
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::SmtSolver> solver = storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory().create(manager); |
storm::expressions::Expression constraints = getConstraints(manager, declareVariables(manager, "x")); |
solver->add(constraints); |
switch(solver->check()) { |
case storm::solver::SmtSolver::CheckResult::Sat: |
emptyStatus = emptyStatus::Nonempty; |
break; |
case storm::solver::SmtSolver::CheckResult::Unsat: |
emptyStatus = emptyStatus::Empty; |
break; |
default: |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Unexpected result of SMT solver during emptyness-check of Polytope."); |
break; |
} |
} |
return emptyStatus == emptyStatus::Empty; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool NativePolytope<ValueType>::isUniversal() const { |
return A.rows()==0; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool NativePolytope<ValueType>::contains(Point const& point) const{ |
EigenVector x = storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toEigenVector(point); |
for(uint_fast64_t row=0; row < A.rows(); ++row){ |
if((A.row(row) * x)(0) > b(row)){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool NativePolytope<ValueType>::contains(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& other) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(other->isNativePolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a NativePolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
// Check whether there is one point in other that is not in this
storm::expressions::ExpressionManager manager; |
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::SmtSolver> solver = storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory().create(manager); |
storm::expressions::Expression constraintsThis = this->getConstraints(manager, declareVariables(manager, "x")); |
solver->add(!constraintsThis); |
storm::expressions::Expression constraintsOther = dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*other).getConstraints(manager, declareVariables(manager, "y")); |
solver->add(constraintsOther); |
switch(solver->check()) { |
case storm::solver::SmtSolver::CheckResult::Sat: |
return false; |
case storm::solver::SmtSolver::CheckResult::Unsat: |
return true; |
default: |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Unexpected result of SMT solver during containment check of two polytopes."); |
return false; |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::intersection(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isNativePolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a NativePolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
NativePolytope<ValueType> const& nativeRhs = dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*rhs); |
EigenMatrix resultA(A.rows() + nativeRhs.A.rows(), A.cols()); |
resultA << A, |
nativeRhs.A; |
EigenVector resultb(resultA.rows()); |
resultb << b, |
nativeRhs.b; |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(std::move(resultA), std::move(resultb)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::intersection(Halfspace<ValueType> const& halfspace) const{ |
EigenMatrix resultA(A.rows() + 1, A.cols()); |
resultA << A, |
storm::adapters::EigenAdapter<ValueType>::toEigenVector(halfspace.normal()); |
EigenVector resultb(resultA.rows()); |
resultb << b, |
halfspace.offset(); |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(std::move(resultA), std::move(resultb)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::convexUnion(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isNativePolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a NativePolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
if(this->isEmpty()) { |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*rhs)); |
} else if (rhs->isEmpty()) { |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(*this); |
} |
if(this->isUniversal() || rhs->isUniversal) { |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(*this); |
} |
STORM_LOG_WARN("Implementation of convex union of two polytopes only works if the polytopes are bounded."); |
std::vector<EigenVector> rhsVertices = dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*rhs).getEigenVertices(); |
std::vector<EigenVector> resultVertices = this->getEigenVertices(); |
resultVertices.insert(resultVertices.end(), std::make_move_iterator(rhsVertices.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(rhsVertices.end())); |
// todo invoke quickhull
return nullptr; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::minkowskiSum(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isNativePolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a NativePolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
NativePolytope<ValueType> const& nativeRhs = dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*rhs); |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope.minkowskiSum(dynamic_cast<NativePolytope<ValueType> const&>(*rhs).internPolytope)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> NativePolytope<ValueType>::affineTransformation(std::vector<Point> const& matrix, Point const& vector) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(!matrix.empty(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked affine transformation with a matrix without rows."); |
hypro::matrix_t<ValueType> hyproMatrix(matrix.size(), matrix.front().size()); |
for(uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < matrix.size(); ++row) { |
hyproMatrix.row(row) = storm::adapters::toNative(matrix[row]); |
} |
return std::make_shared<NativePolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope.affineTransformation(std::move(hyproMatrix), storm::adapters::toNative(vector))); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::pair<typename NativePolytope<ValueType>::Point, bool> NativePolytope<ValueType>::optimize(Point const& direction) const { |
hypro::EvaluationResult<ValueType> evalRes = internPolytope.evaluate(storm::adapters::toNative(direction)); |
switch (evalRes.errorCode) { |
case hypro::SOLUTION::FEAS: |
return std::make_pair(storm::adapters::fromNative(evalRes.optimumValue), true); |
case hypro::SOLUTION::UNKNOWN: |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Unexpected eror code for Polytope evaluation"); |
return std::make_pair(Point(), false); |
default: |
//solution is infinity or infeasible
return std::make_pair(Point(), false); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool NativePolytope<ValueType>::isNativePolytope() const { |
return true; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<typename NativePolytope::ValueType>::EigenVector> NativePolytope<ValueType>::getEigenVertices() const { |
// todo: invoke conversion
return std::vector<EigenVector>(); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> NativePolytope<ValueType>::declareVariables(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager& manager, std::string const& namePrefix) const { |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> result; |
result.reserve(A.cols()); |
for(uint_fast64_t col=0; col < A.cols(); ++col){ |
result.push_back(manager->declareVariable(namePrefix + std::to_string(col), manager->getRationalType())); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
storm::expressions::Expression NativePolytope<ValueType>::getConstraints(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager& manager, std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> const& variables) cons { |
storm::expressions::Expression result = manager.boolean(true); |
for(uint_fast64_t row=0; row < A.rows(); ++row) { |
storm::expressions::Expression lhs = manager.rational(A(row,0)) * variables[0].getExpression(); |
for(uint_fast64_t col=1; col < A.cols(); ++col) { |
lhs = lhs + manager.rational(A(row,col)) * variables[col].getExpression(); |
} |
result = result && (lhs <= manager.rational(b(row))); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template class NativePolytope<double>; |
template class NativePolytope<storm::RationalNumber>; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ |
#include "storm/storage/geometry/Polytope.h" |
#include "storm/storage/expressions/Expressions.h" |
#include "storm/utility/eigen.h" |
#ifdef asdf |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template <typename ValueType> |
class NativePolytope : public Polytope<ValueType> { |
public: |
typedef typename Polytope<ValueType>::Point Point; |
/*! |
* Creates a NativePolytope from the given halfspaces or points. |
* If both representations are given, one of them might be ignored |
*/ |
static std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> create(boost::optional<std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>>> const& halfspaces, |
boost::optional<std::vector<Point>> const& points); |
/*! |
* Creates a NativePolytope from the given halfspaces |
* The resulting polytope is defined as the intersection of the halfspaces. |
*/ |
NativePolytope(std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> const& halfspaces); |
/*! |
* Creates a NativePolytope from the given points. |
* The resulting polytope is defined as the convex hull of the points' |
*/ |
NativePolytope(std::vector<Point> const& points); |
/*! |
* Copy and move constructors |
*/ |
NativePolytope(NativePolytope<ValueType> const& other); |
NativePolytope(NativePolytope<ValueType>&& other); |
/*! |
* Construction from intern data |
*/ |
NativePolytope(EmptyStatus const& emptyStatus, EigenMatrix const& halfspaceMatrix, EigenVector const& halfspaceVector); |
NativePolytope(EmptyStatus&& emptyStatus, EigenMatrix&& halfspaceMatrix, EigenVector&& halfspaceVector); |
~NativePolytope(); |
/*! |
* Returns the vertices of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual std::vector<Point> getVertices() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the halfspaces of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> getHalfspaces() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns whether this polytope is the empty set. |
*/ |
virtual bool isEmpty() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns whether this polytope is universal (i.e., equals R^n). |
*/ |
virtual bool isUniversal() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns true iff the given point is inside of the polytope. |
*/ |
virtual bool contains(Point const& point) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns true iff the given polytope is a subset of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual bool contains(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& other) const override; |
/*! |
* Intersects this polytope with rhs and returns the result. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> intersection(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> intersection(Halfspace<ValueType> const& halfspace) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the convex union of this polytope and rhs. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> convexUnion(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the minkowskiSum of this polytope and rhs. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> minkowskiSum(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the affine transformation of this polytope P w.r.t. the given matrix A and vector b. |
* The result is the set {A*x+b | x \in P} |
* |
* @param matrix the transformation matrix, given as vector of rows |
* @param vector the transformation offset |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> affineTransformation(std::vector<Point> const& matrix, Point const& vector) const override; |
/*! |
* Finds an optimal point inside this polytope w.r.t. the given direction, i.e., |
* a point that maximizes dotPorduct(point, direction). |
* If such a point does not exist, the returned bool is false. There are two reasons for this: |
* - The polytope is empty |
* - The polytope is not bounded in the given direction |
*/ |
virtual std::pair<Point, bool> optimize(Point const& direction) const override; |
virtual bool isNativePolytope() const override; |
private: |
typedef StormEigen::Matrix<ValueType, StormEigen::Dynamic, StormEigen::Dynamic> EigenMatrix; |
typedef StormEigen::Matrix<ValueType, StormEigen::Dynamic, 1> EigenVector; |
// returns the vertices of this polytope as EigenVectors |
std::vector<EigenVector> getEigenVertices() const; |
// declares one variable for each constraint and returns the obtained variables. |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> declareVariables(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager& manager, std::string const& namePrefix) const; |
// returns the constrains defined by this polytope as an expresseion |
storm::expressions::Expression getConstraints(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager& manager, std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> const& variables) const; |
enum class EmptyStatus{ |
Unknown, //It is unknown whether the polytope is empty or not |
Empty, //The polytope is empty |
Nonempty //the polytope is not empty |
}; |
//Stores whether the polytope is empty or not |
mutable EmptyStatus emptyStatus; |
// Intern representation of the polytope as { x | Ax<=b } |
EigenMatrix A; |
EigenVector b; |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
#endif /* asdfsafO */ |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
* File: HyperplaneCollector.cpp |
* Author: tim quatmann |
* |
* Created on December 10, 2015, 6:06 PM |
*/ |
#include "HyperplaneCollector.h"
namespace hypro { |
namespace pterm{ |
template< typename Number> |
bool HyperplaneCollector<Number>::insert(hypro::Hyperplane<Number>const & hyperplane, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList) { |
return this->insert(hyperplane.normal(), hyperplane.offset(), indexList); |
} |
template< typename Number> |
bool HyperplaneCollector<Number>::insert(hypro::vector_t<Number> const& normal, Number const& offset, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList) { |
hypro::vector_t<Number> copyNormal(normal); |
Number copyOffset(offset); |
return this->insert(std::move(copyNormal), std::move(copyOffset), indexList); |
} |
template< typename Number> |
bool HyperplaneCollector<Number>::insert(hypro::vector_t<Number> && normal, Number && offset, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList) { |
Number infinityNorm = normal.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>(); |
if(infinityNorm != (Number)0 ){ |
normal /= infinityNorm; |
offset /= infinityNorm; |
} |
if(indexList == nullptr){ |
//insert with empty list
return this->mMap.insert(ValueType(KeyType(normal, offset), std::vector<std::size_t>())).second; |
} else { |
auto inserted = this->mMap.insert(ValueType(KeyType(normal, offset), *indexList)); |
if(!inserted.second){ |
//Append vertex list
inserted.first->second.insert(inserted.first->second.end(), indexList->begin(), indexList->end()); |
} |
return inserted.second; |
} |
} |
template< typename Number> |
std::pair<hypro::matrix_t<Number>, hypro::vector_t<Number>> HyperplaneCollector<Number>::getCollectedHyperplanesAsMatrixVector() const{ |
assert(!this->mMap.empty()); |
hypro::matrix_t<Number> A(this->mMap.size(), this->mMap.begin()->first.first.rows()); |
hypro::vector_t<Number> b(this->mMap.size()); |
std::size_t row = 0; |
for(auto const& mapEntry : this->mMap){ |
A.row(row) = mapEntry.first.first; |
b(row) = mapEntry.first.second; |
++row; |
} |
return std::pair<hypro::matrix_t<Number>, hypro::vector_t<Number>>(std::move(A), std::move(b)); |
} |
template< typename Number> |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> HyperplaneCollector<Number>::getIndexLists() const{ |
assert(!this->mMap.empty()); |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> result(this->mMap.size()); |
auto resultIt = result.begin(); |
for(auto const& mapEntry : this->mMap){ |
*resultIt = mapEntry.second; |
++resultIt; |
} |
return result; |
} |
template< typename Number> |
std::size_t HyperplaneCollector<Number>::numOfCollectedHyperplanes() const { |
return this->mMap.size(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
/* |
* File: HyperplaneCollector.h |
* Author: tim quatmann |
* |
* Created on December 10, 2015, 6:06 PM |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include <unordered_map> |
#include "../../config.h" |
#include "../../datastructures/Hyperplane.h" |
namespace hypro{ |
namespace pterm{ |
/*! |
* This class can be used to collect a set of hyperplanes (without duplicates). |
* The inserted hyperplanes are normalized, i.e. devided by the infinity norm of the normal vector |
*/ |
template< typename Number> |
class HyperplaneCollector { |
public: |
HyperplaneCollector() = default; |
HyperplaneCollector(const HyperplaneCollector& orig) = default; |
virtual ~HyperplaneCollector() = default; |
/* |
* inserts the given hyperplane. |
* For every (unique) hyperplane, there is a list of indices which can be used e.g. to obtain the set of vertices that lie on each hyperplane. |
* If indexList is given (i.e. not nullptr), the given indices are appended to that list. |
* Returns true iff the hyperplane was inserted (i.e. the hyperplane was not already contained in this) |
*/ |
bool insert(hypro::Hyperplane<Number> const& hyperplane, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList = nullptr); |
bool insert(hypro::vector_t<Number> const& normal, Number const& offset, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList = nullptr); |
bool insert(hypro::vector_t<Number>&& normal, Number && offset, std::vector<std::size_t>const* indexList = nullptr); |
std::pair<hypro::matrix_t<Number>, hypro::vector_t<Number>> getCollectedHyperplanesAsMatrixVector() const; |
//Note that the returned lists might contain dublicates. |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> getIndexLists() const; |
std::size_t numOfCollectedHyperplanes() const; |
private: |
typedef std::pair<hypro::vector_t<Number>, Number> NormalOffset; |
class NormalOffsetHash{ |
public: |
std::size_t operator()(NormalOffset const& ns) const { |
std::size_t seed = std::hash<hypro::vector_t<Number>>()(ns.first); |
carl::hash_add(seed, std::hash<Number>()(ns.second)); |
return seed; |
} |
}; |
typedef typename std::unordered_map<NormalOffset, std::vector<std::size_t>, NormalOffsetHash>::key_type KeyType; |
typedef typename std::unordered_map<NormalOffset, std::vector<std::size_t>, NormalOffsetHash>::value_type ValueType; |
std::unordered_map<NormalOffset, std::vector<std::size_t>, NormalOffsetHash> mMap; |
}; |
} |
} |
#include "HyperplaneCollector.tpp" |
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ |
* File: HyperplaneEnumeration.tpp |
* Author: tim quatmann |
* Author: phillip florian |
* |
* Created on December 28, 2015, 1:06 PM |
*/ |
#include "HyperplaneEnumeration.h"
#include "../SubsetEnumerator.h"
#include "../HyperplaneCollector.h"
namespace hypro { |
namespace pterm{ |
template<typename Number> |
bool HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::generateVerticesFromHalfspaces(PTermHPolytope<Number> const& hPoly, bool generateRelevantHyperplanesAndVertexSets){ |
PTERM_DEBUG("Invoked generateVerticesFromHalfspaces with " << hPoly.getMatrix().rows() << " hyperplanes. Dimension is " << hPoly.dimension()); |
std::unordered_map<Point<Number>, std::set<std::size_t>> vertexCollector; |
hypro::pterm::SubsetEnumerator<hypro::matrix_t<Number>> subsetEnum(hPoly.getMatrix().rows(), hPoly.dimension(), hPoly.getMatrix(), this->linearDependenciesFilter); |
if(subsetEnum.setToFirstSubset()){ |
do{ |
std::vector<std::size_t> const& subset = subsetEnum.getCurrentSubset(); |
std::pair<hypro::matrix_t<Number>, hypro::vector_t<Number>> subHPolytope(hPoly.getSubHPolytope(subset)); |
Point<Number> point(subHPolytope.first.fullPivLu().solve(subHPolytope.second)); |
//Point<Number> point(hypro::gauss(subHPolytope.first, subHPolytope.second));
if(hPoly.contains(point)){ |
//Note that the map avoids duplicates.
auto hyperplaneIndices = vertexCollector.insert(typename std::unordered_map<Point<Number>, std::set<std::size_t>>::value_type(std::move(point), std::set<std::size_t>())).first; |
if(generateRelevantHyperplanesAndVertexSets){ |
hyperplaneIndices->second.insert(subset.begin(), subset.end()); |
} |
} |
} while (subsetEnum.incrementSubset()); |
} else { |
std::cout << "Could not generate any vertex while converting from H Polytope. TODO: implement this case (we get some unbounded thing here)" << std::endl; |
return false; |
} |
if(generateRelevantHyperplanesAndVertexSets){ |
//For each hyperplane, get the number of (unique) vertices that lie on it.
std::vector<std::size_t> verticesOnHyperplaneCounter(hPoly.getMatrix().rows(), 0); |
for(auto const& mapEntry : vertexCollector){ |
for(auto const& hyperplaneIndex : mapEntry.second){ |
++verticesOnHyperplaneCounter[hyperplaneIndex]; |
} |
} |
//Only keep the hyperplanes on which at least dimension() vertices lie.
//Note that this will change the indices of the Hyperplanes.
//Therefore, we additionally store the old indices for every hyperplane to be able to translate from old to new indices
hypro::pterm::HyperplaneCollector<Number> hyperplaneCollector; |
for(std::size_t hyperplaneIndex = 0; hyperplaneIndex < verticesOnHyperplaneCounter.size(); ++hyperplaneIndex){ |
if(verticesOnHyperplaneCounter[hyperplaneIndex] >= hPoly.dimension()){ |
std::vector<std::size_t> oldIndex; |
oldIndex.push_back(hyperplaneIndex); |
hyperplaneCollector.insert(hPoly.getMatrix().row(hyperplaneIndex), hPoly.getVector()(hyperplaneIndex), &oldIndex); |
} |
} |
auto matrixVector = hyperplaneCollector.getCollectedHyperplanesAsMatrixVector(); |
this->mRelevantMatrix = std::move(matrixVector.first); |
this->mRelevantVector = std::move(matrixVector.second); |
//Get the mapping from old to new indices
std::vector<std::size_t> oldToNewIndexMapping (hPoly.getMatrix().rows(), hPoly.getMatrix().rows()); //Initialize with some illegal value
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> newToOldIndexMapping(hyperplaneCollector.getIndexLists()); |
for(std::size_t newIndex = 0; newIndex < newToOldIndexMapping.size(); ++newIndex){ |
for(auto const& oldIndex : newToOldIndexMapping[newIndex]){ |
oldToNewIndexMapping[oldIndex] = newIndex; |
} |
} |
//Insert the resulting vertices and get the set of vertices that lie on each hyperplane
std::vector<std::set<std::size_t>> vertexSets(this->mRelevantMatrix.rows()); |
this->mResultVertices.clear(); |
this->mResultVertices.reserve(vertexCollector.size()); |
for(auto const& mapEntry : vertexCollector){ |
for(auto const& oldHyperplaneIndex : mapEntry.second){ |
//ignore the hyperplanes which are redundant, i.e. for which there is no new index
if(oldToNewIndexMapping[oldHyperplaneIndex] < this->mRelevantVector.rows()){ |
vertexSets[oldToNewIndexMapping[oldHyperplaneIndex]].insert(this->mResultVertices.size()); |
} |
} |
this->mResultVertices.push_back(mapEntry.first); |
} |
this->mVertexSets.clear(); |
this->mVertexSets.reserve(vertexSets.size()); |
for(auto const& vertexSet : vertexSets){ |
this->mVertexSets.emplace_back(vertexSet.begin(), vertexSet.end()); |
} |
} else { |
this->mResultVertices.clear(); |
this->mResultVertices.reserve(vertexCollector.size()); |
for(auto const& mapEntry : vertexCollector){ |
this->mResultVertices.push_back(mapEntry.first); |
} |
this->mVertexSets.clear(); |
this->mRelevantMatrix = hypro::matrix_t<Number>(); |
this->mRelevantVector = hypro::vector_t<Number>(); |
} |
PTERM_DEBUG("Invoked generateVerticesFromHalfspaces with " << hPoly.getMatrix().rows() << " hyperplanes and " << this->mResultVertices.size() << " vertices and " << this->mRelevantMatrix.rows() << " relevant hyperplanes. Dimension is " << hPoly.dimension()); |
return true; |
} |
template <typename Number> |
bool HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::linearDependenciesFilter(std::vector<std::size_t> const& subset, std::size_t const& item, hypro::matrix_t<Number> const& A) { |
hypro::matrix_t<Number> subMatrix(subset.size() +1, A.cols()); |
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < subset.size(); ++i){ |
subMatrix.row(i) = A.row(subset[i]); |
} |
subMatrix.row(subset.size()) = A.row(item); |
Eigen::FullPivLU<matrix_t<Number>> lUMatrix( subMatrix ); |
// std::cout << "The rank is " << lUMatrix.rank() << " and the matrix has " << subMatrix.rows() << " rows" << std::endl;
if (lUMatrix.rank() < subMatrix.rows()){ |
//Linear dependent!
return false; |
} else { |
return true; |
} |
} |
template<typename Number> |
std::vector<Point<Number>>& HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::getResultVertices() { |
return this->mResultVertices; |
} |
template<typename Number> |
hypro::matrix_t<Number>& HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::getRelevantMatrix() { |
return this->mRelevantMatrix; |
} |
template<typename Number> |
hypro::vector_t<Number>& HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::getRelevantVector() { |
return this->mRelevantVector; |
} |
template<typename Number> |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>& HyperplaneEnumeration<Number>::getVertexSets() { |
return this->mVertexSets; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
/* |
* File: HyperplaneEnumeration.h |
* Author: tim quatmann |
* Author: phillip florian |
* |
* Created on December 27, 2015, 1:06 PM |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include "../macros.h" |
#include "../../../datastructures/Hyperplane.h" |
#include "../../../datastructures/Point.h" |
namespace hypro{ |
namespace pterm{ |
template< typename Number> |
class HyperplaneEnumeration { |
public: |
HyperplaneEnumeration() = default; |
virtual ~HyperplaneEnumeration() = default; |
/* |
* Generates the vertices of the given polytope by enumerating all intersection points generated by subsets of hyperplanes of size hPoly.dimension(). |
* If the given flag is true, this method will also compute |
* * the minimal set of hyperplanes which represent the given hPoly (can be used to remove redundant hyperplanes), and |
* * for each hyperplane, the set of (non-redundant) vertices that lie on that hyperplane. |
* |
* Use the provided getter methods to retrieve the results |
* |
* @return true iff conversion was successful. |
*/ |
bool generateVerticesFromHalfspaces(PTermHPolytope<Number> const& hPoly, bool generateRelevantHyperplanesAndVertexSets); |
std::vector<Point<Number>>& getResultVertices(); |
/*! |
* Returns the set of halfspaces which are not redundant |
* @note the returned matrix and vector are empty if the corresponding flag was false |
*/ |
hypro::matrix_t<Number>& getRelevantMatrix(); |
hypro::vector_t<Number>& getRelevantVector(); |
/*! |
* Returns for each hyperplane the set of vertices that lie on that hyperplane. |
* A vertex is given as an index in the relevantVertices vector. |
* @note the returned vector is empty if the corresponding flag was false |
*/ |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>& getVertexSets(); |
/* |
* Returns true if the hyperplanes with indices of subset and item are all linear independent |
* Note that this is also used by the hybrid polytope. |
*/ |
static bool linearDependenciesFilter(std::vector<std::size_t> const& subset, std::size_t const& item, hypro::matrix_t<Number> const& A); |
private: |
std::vector<Point<Number>> mResultVertices; |
hypro::matrix_t<Number> mRelevantMatrix; |
hypro::vector_t<Number> mRelevantVector; |
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> mVertexSets; |
}; |
} |
} |
#include "HyperplaneEnumeration.tpp" |
@ -0,0 +1,505 @@ |
#include "storm/storage/geometry/nativepolytopeconversion/QuickHull.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/storage/geometry/nativepolytopeconversion/SubsetEnumerator.h"
#include "storm/storage/geometry/nativepolytopeconversion/HyperplaneCollector.h"
namespace hypro { |
namespace pterm{ |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::generateHalfspacesFromVertices(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets){ |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!points.empty(), "Invoked QuickHull with empty set of points."); |
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Invoked QuickHull on " << points.size() << " points"); |
const uint_fast64_t dimension = points.front().rows(); |
// Generate initial set of d+1 affine independent points (if such a set exists)
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> vertexIndices; |
uint_fast64_t minMaxVertexNumber; |
if(!this->findInitialVertices(points, vertexIndices, minMaxVertexNumber)) { |
// todo deal with this
std::cout << "QuickHull: Could not find d+1 affine independend points. TODO: implement this case (we get some degenerated thing here)" << std::endl; |
} |
// compute point inside initial facet
EigenVector insidePoint(EigenVector::Zero(dimension)); |
for(uint_fast64_t vertexIndex : vertexIndices){ |
insidePoint += points[vertexIndex]; |
} |
insidePoint /= storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(vertexIndices.size()); |
// Create the initial facets from the found vertices.
std::vector<Facet> facets = computeInitialFacets(vertexIndices, insidePoint); |
// Enlarge the mesh by adding by first considering all points that are min (or max) in at least one dimension
storm::storage::BitVector currentFacets(facets.size(), true); |
storm::storage::BitVector consideredPoints(points.size(), false); |
uint_fast64_t currentNumOfVertices = vertexIndices.size(); |
for(uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < minMaxVertexNumber; ++i) { |
consideredPoints.set(i); |
} |
this->extendMesh(points, consideredPoints, facets, currentFacets, insidePoint, currentNumOfVertices); |
for(auto & facet : facets){ |
facet.maxOutsidePointIndex = 0; |
facet.outsideSet.clear(); |
} |
consideredPoints = storm::storage::BitVector(points.size(), true); |
this->extendMesh(points, consideredPoints, facets, currentFacets, insidePoint, currentNumOfVertices); |
this->getPolytopeFromMesh(points, facets, currentFacets, success && generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets); |
return true; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::extendMesh(std::vector<EigenVector>& points, |
storm::storage::BitVector& consideredPoints, |
std::vector<Facet>& facets, |
storm::storage::BitVector& currentFacets, |
vector_t<Number>& insidePoint, |
uint_fast64_t& currentNumOfVertices) const { |
storm::storage::BitVector currentOutsidePoints = consideredPoints; |
// Compute initial outside Sets
for(uint_fast64_t facetIndex : currentFacets){ |
computeOutsideSetOfFacet(facets[facetIndex], currentOutsidePoints, points); |
} |
for(uint_fast64_t facetCount = currentFacets.getNextSetIndex(0); facetCount != currentFacets.size(); facetCount = currentFacets.getNextSetIndex(facetCount+1)) { |
// set all points to false to get rid of points that lie within the polytope after each iteration
currentOutsidePoints.reset(); |
// Find a facet with a non-empty outside set
if(!facets[facetCount].outsideSet.empty()) { |
uint_fast64_t numberOfNewFacets = 0; |
// Now we compute the enlarged mesh
uint_fast64_t farAwayPointIndex = facets[facetCount].maxOutsidePointIndex; |
assert(consideredPoints.get(farAwayPointIndex)); |
// get Visible set from maxOutsidePoint of the current facet
std::set<uint_fast64_t> visibleSet = getVisibleSet(facets, facetCount, points[farAwayPointIndex]); |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> invisibleSet = getInvisibleNeighbors(facets, visibleSet); |
for(auto invisFacetIt = invisibleSet.begin(); invisFacetIt != invisibleSet.end(); ++invisFacetIt) { |
for(auto visFacetIt = visibleSet.begin(); visFacetIt != visibleSet.end(); ++visFacetIt) { |
if (facetHasNeighborWithIndex(facets[*invisFacetIt], *visFacetIt)) { |
Facet newFacet; |
// Set points of Facet
newFacet.points = getCommonPoints(facets[*invisFacetIt], facets[*visFacetIt]); |
// replace old facet index by new facet index in the current neighbor
newFacet.points.push_back(farAwayPointIndex); |
replaceFacetNeighbor(facets, *visFacetIt, facets.size(), *invisFacetIt); |
newFacet.neighbors.push_back(*invisFacetIt); |
// get new hyperplane from common points and new point
std::vector<EigenVector> vectorSet; |
vectorSet.reserve(points[0].dimension()); |
EigenVector refPoint(points[farAwayPointIndex].rawCoordinates()); |
for (uint_fast64_t pointCount = 0; pointCount + 1 < points[0].dimension(); ++pointCount){ |
vectorSet.emplace_back(points[newFacet.points[pointCount]].rawCoordinates() - refPoint); |
} |
assert(linearDependenciesFilter(vectorSet)); |
newFacet.hyperplane = Hyperplane<Number>(std::move(refPoint), std::move(vectorSet)); |
// check orientation of hyperplane
// To avoid multiple matrix multiplications we need a point that is known to lie well within the polytope
if (!newFacet.hyperplane.holds(insidePoint)){ |
newFacet.hyperplane.invert(); |
} |
facets.push_back(newFacet); |
// avoid using replaced facets and add new ones
currentFacets.push_back(true); |
// Set Points in outsideSet free
// increase Number Of new Facets
++numberOfNewFacets; |
} |
} |
} |
for(auto visFacetIt = visibleSet.begin(); visFacetIt != visibleSet.end(); ++visFacetIt){ |
for(uint_fast64_t m = 0; m < facets[*visFacetIt].outsideSet.size(); ++m){ |
currentOutsidePoints.set(facets[*visFacetIt].outsideSet[m], true); |
} |
} |
for(auto visFacetIt = visibleSet.begin(); visFacetIt != visibleSet.end(); ++visFacetIt){ |
currentFacets.set(*visFacetIt, false); |
} |
// compute new outside sets
for(uint_fast64_t fIndex = facets.size()-numberOfNewFacets; fIndex != facets.size(); ++fIndex){ |
computeOutsideSetOfFacet(facets[fIndex], currentOutsidePoints, points); |
} |
++currentNumOfVertices; |
numOfIncludedPoints += currentOutsidePoints.count(); |
PTERM_DEBUG("Mesh currently contains " << numOfIncludedPoints << " of " << consideredPoints.count() << "points"); |
// find neighbors in new facets
setNeighborhoodOfNewFacets(facets, facets.size() - numberOfNewFacets, points[0].dimension()); |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::getPolytopeFromMesh(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, std::vector<Facet> const& facets, storm::storage::BitVector const& currentFacets, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets){ |
hypro::pterm::HyperplaneCollector<Number> hyperplaneCollector; |
for(uint_fast64_t facetCount = 0; facetCount < facets.size(); ++facetCount){ |
if(currentFacets[facetCount]){ |
hyperplaneCollector.insert(std::move(facets[facetCount].hyperplane), generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets ? &facets[facetCount].points : nullptr); |
} |
} |
if(generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets){ |
//Get the mapping from a hyperplane to the set of vertices that lie on that plane, erase the duplicates, and count for each vertex the number of hyperplanes on which that vertex lies
this->mVertexSets = hyperplaneCollector.getIndexLists(); |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> hyperplanesOnVertexCounter(points.size(), 0); |
for(auto& vertexVector : this->mVertexSets){ |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> vertexSet; |
for(auto const& i : vertexVector){ |
if(vertexSet.insert(i).second){ |
++hyperplanesOnVertexCounter[i]; |
} |
} |
vertexVector.assign( vertexSet.begin(), vertexSet.end()); |
} |
//Now, we can erase all vertices which do not lie on at least dimension() hyperplanes.
//Note that the indices of the HyperplaneToVerticesMapping needs to be refreshed according to the new set of vertices
//Therefore, we additionally store the old indices for every vertex to be able to translate from old to new indices
std::unordered_map<hypro::EigenVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> relevantVerticesMap; |
relevantVerticesMap.reserve(points.size()); |
for(uint_fast64_t vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < hyperplanesOnVertexCounter.size(); ++vertexIndex){ |
if(hyperplanesOnVertexCounter[vertexIndex] >= points[0].dimension()){ |
auto mapEntry = relevantVerticesMap.insert(typename std::unordered_map<hypro::EigenVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>::value_type(points[vertexIndex], std::vector<uint_fast64_t>())).first; |
mapEntry->second.push_back(vertexIndex); |
} |
} |
//Fill in the relevant vertices and create a translation map from old to new indices
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> oldToNewIndexMapping (points.size(), points.size()); //Initialize with some illegal value
this->mRelevantVertices.clear(); |
this->mRelevantVertices.reserve(relevantVerticesMap.size()); |
for(auto const& mapEntry : relevantVerticesMap){ |
for(auto const& oldIndex : mapEntry.second){ |
oldToNewIndexMapping[oldIndex] = this->mRelevantVertices.size(); |
} |
this->mRelevantVertices.push_back(mapEntry.first); |
} |
//Actually translate and erase duplicates
for(auto& vertexVector : this->mVertexSets){ |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> vertexSet; |
for(auto const& oldIndex : vertexVector){ |
if(hyperplanesOnVertexCounter[oldIndex] >= points[0].dimension()){ |
vertexSet.insert(oldToNewIndexMapping[oldIndex]); |
} |
} |
vertexVector.assign( vertexSet.begin(), vertexSet.end()); |
} |
} else { |
this->mRelevantVertices.clear(); |
this->mVertexSets.clear(); |
} |
auto matrixVector = hyperplaneCollector.getCollectedHyperplanesAsMatrixVector(); |
this->mResultMatrix = std::move(matrixVector.first); |
this->mResultVector = std::move(matrixVector.second); |
PTERM_DEBUG("Computed H representation from " << points.size() << " vertices and " << this->mResultVector.rows() << " hyperplanes and " << this->mRelevantVertices.size() << " relevant vertices. Dimension is " << points[0].dimension()); |
PTERM_DEBUG("Total number of considered facets: " << facets.size() << " where " << currentFacets.count() << " are enabled."); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool QuickHull<ValueType>::affineFilter(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset, uint_fast64_t const& item, std::vector<EigenVector<ValueType>> const& points){ |
EigenMatrix vectorMatrix(vertices[item].dimension()+1, subset.size() + 1); |
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < subset.size(); ++i){ |
vectorMatrix.col(i) << vertices[subset[i]], storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
} |
vectorMatrix.col(subset.size()) << vertices[item], storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
return (vectorMatrix.fullPivLu().rank() > subset.size()); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
bool QuickHull<Number>::findInitialVertices(std::vector<hypro::EigenVector>& points, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& verticesOfInitialPolytope, uint_fast64_t& minMaxVertices) const{ |
const uint_fast64_t dimension = points[0].dimension(); |
if(points.size() < dimension + 1){ |
//not enough points to obtain a (non-degenerated) polytope
return false; |
} |
const uint_fast64_t candidatesToFind = std::min(2*dimension, points.size()); |
uint_fast64_t candidatesFound = 0; |
storm::storage::BitVector consideredPoints(points.size(), true); |
while(candidatesFound < candidatesToFind && !consideredPoints.empty()) { |
for(uint_fast64_t currDim=0; currDim<dimension; ++currDim) { |
uint_fast64_t minIndex = *consideredPoints.begin(); |
uint_fast64_t maxIndex = minIndex; |
for(uint_fast64_t pointIndex : consideredPoints){ |
//Check if the current point is a new minimum or maximum at the current dimension
if(points[minIndex](currDim) > points[pointIndex](currDim)){ |
minIndex = pointIndex; |
} |
if(points[maxIndex](currDim) < points[pointIndex](currDim)){ |
maxIndex = pointIndex; |
} |
} |
consideredPoints.set(minIndex, false); |
consideredPoints.set(maxIndex, false); |
} |
//Found candidates. Now swap them to the front.
consideredPoints = ~consideredPoints; |
const uint_fast64_t newNumberOfCandidates = consideredPoints.getNumberOfSetBits(); |
assert(newNumberOfCandidates > 0); |
if(newNumberOfCandidates < points.size()){ |
uint_fast64_t nextPointToMove = consideredPoints.getNextSetIndex(newNumberOfCandidates); |
for(uint_fast64_t indexAtFront = candidatesFound; indexAtFront < newNumberOfCandidates; ++indexAtFront){ |
if(!consideredPoints.get(indexAtFront)) { |
assert(nextPointToMove != consideredPoints.size()); |
std::swap(points[indexAtFront], points[nextPointToMove]); |
nextPointToMove = consideredPoints.getNextSetIndex(nextPointToMove+1); |
consideredPoints.set(indexAtFront); |
} |
} |
assert(nextPointToMove == consideredPoints.size()); |
} |
if(candidatesFound==0){ |
//We are in the first iteration. It holds that the first newNumberOfCandidates points will be vertices of the final polytope
minMaxVertices = newNumberOfCandidates; |
} |
candidatesFound = newNumberOfCandidates; |
consideredPoints = ~consideredPoints; |
} |
storm::storage::geometry::SubsetEnumerator<std::vector<EigenVector<ValueType>>> subsetEnum(points.size(), dimension+1, points, affineFilter); |
if(subsetEnum.setToFirstSubset()){ |
verticesOfInitialPolytope = subsetEnum.getCurrentSubset(); |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<typename QuickHull<ValueType>::Facet> computeInitialFacets(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& verticesOfInitialPolytope, EigenVector const& insidePoint) const { |
const uint_fast64_t dimension = points.front().rows(); |
assert(verticesOfInitialPolytope.size() == dimension + 1); |
std::vector<Facet> result; |
result.reserve(dimension + 1); |
storm::storage::geometry::SubsetEnumerator<> subsetEnum(verticesOfInitialPolytope.size(), dimension); |
if(!subsetEnum.setToFirstSubset()){ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Could not find an initial subset."); |
} |
do{ |
Facet newFacet; |
// set the points that lie on the new facet
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset(subsetEnum.getCurrentSubset()); |
newFacet.points.reserve(subset.size()); |
for(uint_fast64_t i : subset){ |
newFacet.points.push_back(verticesOfInitialPolytope[i]); |
} |
//neighbors: these are always the remaining facets
newFacet.neighbors.reserve(dimension); |
for(uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < dimension+1; ++i){ |
if(i != facets.size()){ //initFacets.size() will be the index of this new facet!
newFacet.neighbors.push_back(i); |
} |
} |
// normal and offset:
computeNormalAndOffsetOfFacet(points, insidePoint, newFacet); |
facets.push_back(std::move(newFacet)); |
} while(subsetEnum.incrementSubset()); |
assert(facets.size()==dimension+1); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void computeNormalAndOffsetOfFacet(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, EigenVector const& insidePoint, Facet& facet) const { |
const uint_fast64_t dimension = points.front().rows() |
assert(facet.points.size() == dimension); |
EigenVector refPoint(facet.points.back()); |
EigenMatrix constraints(dimension-1, dimension); |
for(unsigned row = 0; row < dimension-1; ++row) { |
constraints.row(row) = points[facet.points[row]] - refPoint; |
} |
facet.normal = constraints.fullPivLu().kernel(); |
facet.offset = facet.normal.dot(refPoint); |
// invert the plane if the insidePoint is not contained in it
if(facet.normal.dot(insidePoint) > facet.offset) { |
facet.normal = -facet.normal; |
facet.offset = -facet.offset; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> QuickHull<Number>::getVisibleSet(std::vector<Facet> const& facets, uint_fast64_t const& startIndex, EigenVector const& point) const { |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> facetsToCheck; |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> facetsChecked; |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> visibleSet; |
facetsChecked.insert(startIndex); |
visibleSet.insert(startIndex); |
for(uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < facets[startIndex].neighbors.size(); ++i){ |
facetsToCheck.insert(facets[startIndex].neighbors[i]); |
} |
while (!facetsToCheck.empty()){ |
auto elementIt = facetsToCheck.begin(); |
if ( point.dot(facets[*elementIt].normal) > facets[*elementIt].offset) { |
visibleSet.insert(*elementIt); |
for(uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < facets[*elementIt].neighbors.size(); ++i){ |
if (facetsChecked.find(facets[*elementIt].neighbors[i]) == facetsChecked.end()){ |
facetsToCheck.insert(facets[*elementIt].neighbors[i]); |
} |
} |
} |
facetsChecked.insert(*elementIt); |
facetsToCheck.erase(elementIt); |
} |
return visibleSet; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::setNeighborhoodOfNewFacets(std::vector<Facet>& facets, uint_fast64_t firstNewFacet, uint_fast64_t dimension) const{ |
for(uint_fast64_t currentFacet = firstNewFacet; currentFacet < facets.size(); ++currentFacet){ |
for(uint_fast64_t otherFacet = currentFacet + 1; otherFacet < facets.size(); ++otherFacet){ |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> commonPoints = getCommonPoints(facets[currentFacet], facets[otherFacet]); |
if (commonPoints.size() >= dimension-1){ |
facets[currentFacet].neighbors.push_back(otherFacet); |
facets[otherFacet].neighbors.push_back(currentFacet); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::replaceFacetNeighbor(std::vector<Facet>& facets, uint_fast64_t oldFacetIndex, uint_fast64_t newFacetIndex, uint_fast64_t neighborIndex) const { |
uint_fast64_t index = 0; |
while(facets[neighborIndex].neighbors[index] != oldFacetIndex && index < facets[neighborIndex].neighbors.size()){ |
++index; |
} |
if (index < facets[neighborIndex].neighbors.size()){ |
facets[neighborIndex].neighbors[index] = newFacetIndex; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::computeOutsideSetOfFacet(Facet& facet, storm::storage::BitVector& currentOutsidePoints, std::vector<EigenVector> const& points) const { |
Number maxMultiplicationResult = facet.hyperplane.offset(); |
for(uint_fast64_t pointIndex = currentOutsidePoints) { |
ValueType multiplicationResult = points[pointIndex].dot(facet.normal); |
if( multiplicationResult > facet.hyperplane.offset() ) { |
currentOutsidePoints.set(pointIndex, false); // we already know that the point lies outside so it can be ignored for future facets
facet.outsideSet.push_back(pointIndex); |
if (multiplicationResult > maxMultiplicationResult) { |
maxMultiplicationResult = multiplicationResult; |
facet.maxOutsidePointIndex = pointIndex; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> QuickHull<Number>::getCommonPoints(Facet const& lhs, Facet const& rhs) const{ |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> commonPoints; |
for(uint_fast64_t refPoint = 0; refPoint < lhs.points.size(); ++refPoint){ |
for(uint_fast64_t currentPoint = 0; currentPoint < rhs.points.size(); ++currentPoint){ |
if (lhs.points[refPoint] == rhs.points[currentPoint]){ |
commonPoints.push_back(lhs.points[refPoint]); |
} |
} |
} |
return commonPoints; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> QuickHull<Number>::getInvisibleNeighbors( std::vector<Facet>& facets, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& visibleSet) const { |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> invisibleNeighbors; |
for(auto currentFacetIt = visibleSet.begin(); currentFacetIt != visibleSet.end(); ++currentFacetIt){ |
for(uint_fast64_t currentNeighbor = 0; currentNeighbor < facets[*currentFacetIt].neighbors.size(); ++currentNeighbor){ |
if (visibleSet.find(facets[*currentFacetIt].neighbors[currentNeighbor]) == visibleSet.end()){ |
invisibleNeighbors.insert(facets[*currentFacetIt].neighbors[currentNeighbor]); |
} |
} |
} |
return invisibleNeighbors; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void QuickHull<Number>::enlargeIncompleteResult(std::vector<Facet> const& facets, storm::storage::BitVector const& currentFacets, std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets){ |
PTERM_TRACE("Enlarging incomplete Result of QuickHull"); |
//Obtain the set of outside points
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> outsidePoints; |
for(uint_fast64_t facetIndex = currentFacets.find_first(); facetIndex != currentFacets.npos; facetIndex = currentFacets.find_next(facetIndex)){ |
outsidePoints.insert(outsidePoints.end(), facets[facetIndex].outsideSet.begin(), facets[facetIndex].outsideSet.end()); |
} |
//Now adjust the offsets of all the hyperplanes such that they contain each outside point
for(uint_fast64_t planeIndex=0; planeIndex < this->mResultMatrix.rows(); ++planeIndex){ |
Number maxValue = this->mResultVector(planeIndex); |
for (uint_fast64_t outsidePointIndex : outsidePoints){ |
Number currValue = this->mResultMatrix.row(planeIndex) * (points[outsidePointIndex].rawCoordinates()); |
maxValue = std::max(maxValue, currValue); |
} |
if (pterm::Settings::instance().getQuickHullRoundingMode() != pterm::Settings::QuickHullRoundingMode::NONE) { |
maxValue = NumberReduction<Number>::instance().roundUp(maxValue); |
} |
this->mResultVector(planeIndex) = maxValue; |
} |
if(generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets){ |
/* Note: The adjustment of the offset might introduce redundant halfspaces.
* It is also not clear if it suffices to consider intersection points of hyperplanes that intersected in the original polytope |
* |
* Our solution is to convert the resulting h polytope back to a v poly |
*/ |
PTermHPolytope<Number> enlargedPoly(std::move(this->mResultMatrix), std::move(this->mResultVector)); |
HyperplaneEnumeration<Number> he; |
if(!he.generateVerticesFromHalfspaces(enlargedPoly, true)){ |
PTERM_ERROR("Could not find the vertices of the enlarged Polytope"); |
} |
this->mResultMatrix = std::move(he.getRelevantMatrix()); |
this->mResultVector = std::move(he.getRelevantVector()); |
this->mRelevantVertices = std::move(he.getResultVertices()); |
this->mVertexSets = std::move(he.getVertexSets()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
* File: AbstractVtoHConverter.tpp |
* Author: tim quatmann |
* |
* Created on Februrary 2, 2016, 1:06 PM |
*/ |
#include "AbstractVtoHConverter.h"
namespace hypro { |
namespace pterm{ |
template<typename ValueType> |
EigenMatrix& AbstractVtoHConverter<Number>::getResultMatrix() { |
return this->mResultMatrix; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
EigenVector& AbstractVtoHConverter<Number>::getResultVector() { |
return this->mResultVector; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<EigenVector>& AbstractVtoHConverter<Number>::getRelevantVertices() { |
return this->mRelevantVertices; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>& AbstractVtoHConverter<Number>::getVertexSets() { |
return this->mVertexSets; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template< typename ValueType> |
class QuickHull { |
public: |
typedef StormEigen::Matrix<ValueType, StormEigen::Dynamic, StormEigen::Dynamic> EigenMatrix; |
typedef StormEigen::Matrix<ValueType, StormEigen::Dynamic, 1> EigenVector; |
QuickHull() = default; |
~QuickHull() = default; |
/* |
* Generates the halfspaces of the given set of Points by the QuickHull-algorithm |
* If the given flag is true, this method will also compute |
* * the minimal set of vertices which represent the given polytope (can be used to remove redundant vertices), and |
* * for each hyperplane, the set of (non-redundant) vertices that lie on each hyperplane. |
* |
* Use the provided getter methods to retrieve the results |
* |
* @return true iff conversion was successful. |
*/ |
void generateHalfspacesFromPoints(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets); |
EigenMatrix& getResultMatrix(); |
EigenVector& getResultVector(); |
/*! |
* Returns the set of vertices which are not redundant |
* @note the returned vector is empty if the corresponding flag was false |
*/ |
std::vector <EigenVector>& getRelevantVertices(); |
/*! |
* Returns for each hyperplane the set of vertices that lie on that hyperplane. |
* A vertex is given as an index in the relevantVertices vector. |
* @note the returned vector is empty if the corresponding flag was false |
*/ |
std::vector<std::vector<std::uint_fast64_t>>& getVertexSets(); |
private: |
struct Facet { |
EigenVector normal; |
ValueType offset; |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> points; |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> neighbors; |
// maxOutsidePointIndex and outsideSet will be set in Quickhull algorithm |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> outsideSet; |
uint_fast64_t maxOutsidePointIndex; |
}; |
/* |
* Returns true if the vertices with index of subset and item are affine independent |
* Note that this filter also works for dimension()+1 many vertices |
*/ |
static bool affineFilter(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset, uint_fast64_t const& item, std::vector<EigenVector> const& vertices); |
/*! |
* finds a set of vertices that correspond to a (hopefully) large V polytope. |
* |
* @param points The set of points from which vertices are picked. Note that the order of the points might be changed when calling this!! |
* @param verticesOfInitialPolytope Will be set to the resulting vertices (represented by indices w.r.t. the given points) |
* @param minMaxVertices after calling this, the first 'minMaxVertices' points will have an extreme value in at least one dimension |
* @return true if the method was successful. False if the given points are affine dependend, i.e. the polytope is degenerated. |
*/ |
bool findInitialVertices(std::vector<EigenVector>& points, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& verticesOfInitialPolytope, uint_fast64_t& minMaxVertices) const; |
/*! |
* Computes the initial facets out of the given dimension+1 initial vertices |
*/ |
std::vector<Facet> computeInitialFacets(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& verticesOfInitialPolytope, EigenVector const& insidePoint) const; |
// Computes the normal vector and the offset of the given facet from the (dimension many) points specified in the facet. |
// The insidePoint specifies the orientation of the facet. |
void computeNormalAndOffsetOfFacet(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, EigenVector const& insidePoint, Facet& facet) const; |
/* |
* Extends the given mesh using the QuickHull-algorithm |
* For optimization reasons a point thats inside of the initial polytope but on none of the facets has to be provided. |
* @return true iff all consideredPoints are now contained by the mesh |
*/ |
void extendMesh(std::vector<EigenVector>& points, |
storm::storage::BitVector& consideredPoints, |
std::vector<Facet<Number>>& facets, |
storm::storage::BitVector& currentFacets, |
vector_t<Number>& insidePoint, |
uint_fast64_t& currentNumOfVertices) const; |
/*! |
* Uses the provided mesh to generate a HPolytope (in form of a matrix and a vector) |
* If the given flag is true, this method will also compute |
* * the minimal set of vertices which represent the given vPoly (can be used to remove redundant vertices), and |
* * for each hyperplane, the set of (non-redundant) vertices that lie on each hyperplane. |
* |
*/ |
void getPolytopeFromMesh(std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, std::vector<Facet<Number>> const& facets, storm::storage::BitVector const& currentFacets, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets); |
/* |
* Returns the set of facets visible from point starting with the facet with index startIndex and recursively testing all neighbors |
*/ |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> getVisibleSet(std::vector<Facet<Number>> const& facets, uint_fast64_t const& startIndex, EigenVector const& point) const; |
/* |
* Sets neighborhood for all facets with index >= firstNewFacet in facets |
*/ |
void setNeighborhoodOfNewFacets(std::vector<Facet<Number>>& facets, uint_fast64_t firstNewFacet, uint_fast64_t dimension) const; |
/* |
* replaces oldFacet by newFacet in the neighborhood of neighbor |
*/ |
void replaceFacetNeighbor(std::vector<Facet<Number>>& facets, uint_fast64_t oldFacetIndex, uint_fast64_t newFacetIndex, uint_fast64_t neighborIndex) const; |
/* |
* computes the outside set of the given facet |
*/ |
void computeOutsideSetOfFacet(Facet<Number>& facet, storm::storage::BitVector& currentOutsidePoints, std::vector<EigenVector> const& points) const; |
/* |
* returns common points of lhs and rhs |
*/ |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> getCommonPoints(Facet<Number> const& lhs, Facet<Number> const& rhs) const; |
/* |
* computes all neighbors that are not in the visibleSet |
*/ |
std::set<uint_fast64_t> getInvisibleNeighbors( std::vector<Facet<Number>>& facets, std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& visibleSet) const; |
bool facetHasNeighborWithIndex(Facet<Number> const& facet, uint_fast64_t searchIndex) const; |
/* |
* Enlarges the result such that all points that are still outside will be contained in the resulting polytope. |
*/ |
void enlargeIncompleteResult(std::vector<Facet<Number>> const& facets, storm::storage::BitVector const& currentFacets, std::vector<EigenVector> const& points, bool generateRelevantVerticesAndVertexSets); |
hypro::matrix_t<Number> resultMatrix; |
hypro::vector_t<Number> resultVector; |
std::vector <EigenVector> relevantVertices; |
std::vector <std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> vertexSets; |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ |
#include "SubsetEnumerator.h"
#include "storm/utility/eigen.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template< typename DataType> |
SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::SubsetEnumerator(uint_fast64_t n, uint_fast64_t k, DataType const& data, SubsetFilter subsetFilter) : n(n), k(k), data(data), filter(subsetFilter){ |
//Intentionally left empty
} |
template< typename DataType> |
SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::~SubsetEnumerator(){ |
//Intentionally left empty
} |
template< typename DataType> |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::getCurrentSubset(){ |
return this->current; |
} |
template< typename DataType> |
bool SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::setToFirstSubset(){ |
if(n < k) return false; |
//set the upper boundaries first.
upperBoundaries.clear(); |
upperBoundaries.reserve(k); |
for(uint_fast64_t bound = (n - k); bound < n; ++bound){ |
upperBoundaries.push_back(bound); |
} |
//now set the current subset to the very first one
current.clear(); |
current.reserve(k); |
uint_fast64_t newItem = 0; |
while(current.size()!= k && newItem<=upperBoundaries[current.size()]){ |
//Check if it is okay to add the new item...
if(filter(current, newItem, data)){ |
current.push_back(newItem); |
} |
++newItem; |
} |
//Note that we only insert things into the vector if it is "okay" to do so.
//Hence, we have failed iff we were not able to insert k elements.
return current.size() == k; |
} |
template< typename DataType> |
bool SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::incrementSubset(){ |
//The currentSelection will be the numbers that are already inside of our new subset.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> currentSelection(current); |
currentSelection.pop_back(); |
uint_fast64_t pos = k-1; |
while (true){ |
//check whether we can increment at the current position
if(current[pos] == upperBoundaries[pos]){ |
if(pos==0){ |
//we already moved to the very left and still can not increment.
//Hence, we are already at the last subset
return false; |
} |
currentSelection.pop_back(); |
--pos; |
} else { |
++current[pos]; |
//check if the new subset is inside our filter
if(filter(currentSelection, current[pos], data)){ |
//it is, so add it and go on with the position on the right
currentSelection.push_back(current[pos]); |
++pos; |
if(pos == k){ |
//we are already at the very right.
//Hence, we have found our new subset of size k
return true; |
} |
//initialize the value at the new position
current[pos] = current[pos-1]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
template< typename DataType> |
bool SubsetEnumerator<DataType>::trueFilter(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset, uint_fast64_t const& item, DataType const& data){ |
return true; |
} |
template class SubsetEnumerator<StormEigen::Matrix<ValueType, StormEigen::Dynamic, 1>; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
#include <vector> |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
/*! |
* This class can be used to enumerate all k-sized subsets of {0,...,n-1}. |
* A subset is represented as a vector of ascending numbers. |
* Example: (n=5, k=3) |
* [0,1,2] --> [0,1,3] --> [0,1,4] --> [0,2,3] --> [0,2,4] --> [0,3,4] --> |
* [1,2,3] --> [1,2,4] --> [1,3,4] --> [2,3,4] |
* A filter can be given which should answer true iff it is ok to add a given |
* item to a given subset. |
* Example: (n=5, k=3, filter answers false iff 0 and 2 would be in the |
* resulting subset): |
* [0,1,3] --> [0,1,4] --> [0,3,4] --> [1,2,3] --> [1,2,4] --> [1,3,4] --> [2,3,4] |
*/ |
template<typename DataType = std::nullptr_t> |
class SubsetEnumerator { |
public: |
//A typedef for the filter. |
//Note that the function will be called with subset.size() in {0, ..., k-1}. |
typedef bool (*SubsetFilter)(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset, uint_fast64_t const& item, DataType const& data); |
/* |
* Constructs a subset enumerator that can enumerate all k-sized Subsets of {0,...,n-1} |
* The given filter can be used to skip certain subsets. |
* @note call "setToFirstSubset()" before retrieving the first subset |
*/ |
SubsetEnumerator(uint_fast64_t n, uint_fast64_t k, DataType const& data = DataType(), SubsetFilter subsetFilter = trueFilter); |
~SubsetEnumerator(); |
//returns the current subset of size k. |
//Arbitrary behavior if setToFirstSubset or incrementSubset returned false or have never been executed |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& getCurrentSubset(); |
// Sets the current subset to the very first one. |
// @note Needs to be called initially. |
// Returns true iff there actually is a first subset and false if not (e.g. when n<k or the filter answers false in all cases). |
bool setToFirstSubset(); |
//Increments the current subset. |
//Returns true if there is a new subset and false if the current subset is already the last one. |
bool incrementSubset(); |
// Default filter that returns always true. |
static bool |
trueFilter(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& subset, uint_fast64_t const& item, DataType const& data); |
private: |
uint_fast64_t n; //the size of the source set |
uint_fast64_t k; //the size of the desired subsets |
DataType const &data; //The data which is given as additional information when invoking the filter |
SubsetFilter filter; //returns true iff it is okay to insert a new element |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> current; //the current subset |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> upperBoundaries; //will always be [n-k, ..., n-1]. Used to easily check whether we can increment the subset at a given position |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue