@ -397,18 +397,51 @@ namespace storm { |
uint64_t iterations = 0; |
Status status = Status::InProgress; |
ValueType upperDiff; |
ValueType lowerDiff; |
while (status == Status::InProgress && iterations < this->getSettings().getMaximalNumberOfIterations()) { |
// Compute x' = min/max(A*x + b).
if (useGaussSeidelMultiplication) { |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b); |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b); |
// In every thousandth iteration, we improve both bounds.
if (iterations % 1000 == 0) { |
if (useGaussSeidelMultiplication) { |
lowerDiff = (*lowerX)[0]; |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b); |
lowerDiff = (*lowerX)[0] - lowerDiff; |
upperDiff = (*upperX)[0]; |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b); |
upperDiff = upperDiff - (*upperX)[0]; |
} else { |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b, *tmp); |
lowerDiff = (*tmp)[0] - (*lowerX)[0]; |
std::swap(lowerX, tmp); |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b, *tmp); |
upperDiff = (*upperX)[0] - (*tmp)[0]; |
std::swap(upperX, tmp); |
} |
} else { |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b, *tmp); |
std::swap(lowerX, tmp); |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b, *tmp); |
std::swap(upperX, tmp); |
// In the following iterations, we improve the bound with the greatest difference.
if (useGaussSeidelMultiplication) { |
if (lowerDiff >= upperDiff) { |
lowerDiff = (*lowerX)[0]; |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b); |
lowerDiff = (*lowerX)[0] - lowerDiff; |
} else { |
upperDiff = (*upperX)[0]; |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b); |
upperDiff = upperDiff - (*upperX)[0]; |
} |
} else { |
if (lowerDiff >= upperDiff) { |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *lowerX, &b, *tmp); |
lowerDiff = (*tmp)[0] - (*lowerX)[0]; |
std::swap(tmp, lowerX); |
} else { |
this->linEqSolverA->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), *upperX, &b, *tmp); |
upperDiff = (*upperX)[0] - (*tmp)[0]; |
std::swap(tmp, upperX); |
} |
} |
} |
// Determine whether the method converged.
if (storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision<ValueType>(*lowerX, *upperX, storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0) * this->getSettings().getPrecision(), this->getSettings().getRelativeTerminationCriterion())) { |
status = Status::Converged; |