Alexander Bork
5 years ago
committed by
Tim Quatmann
3 changed files with 563 additions and 441 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ |
#include "BeliefManager.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefManager(PomdpType const &pomdp, BeliefValueType const &precision, TriangulationMode const &triangulationMode) |
: pomdp(pomdp), triangulationMode(triangulationMode) { |
cc = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>(precision, false); |
beliefToIdMap.resize(pomdp.getNrObservations()); |
initialBeliefId = computeInitialBelief(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
void BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::setRewardModel(boost::optional<std::string> rewardModelName) { |
if (rewardModelName) { |
auto const &rewardModel = pomdp.getRewardModel(rewardModelName.get()); |
pomdpActionRewardVector = rewardModel.getTotalRewardVector(pomdp.getTransitionMatrix()); |
} else { |
setRewardModel(pomdp.getUniqueRewardModelName()); |
} |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
void BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::unsetRewardModel() { |
pomdpActionRewardVector.clear(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::noId() const { |
return std::numeric_limits<BeliefId>::max(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
bool BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::isEqual(BeliefId const &first, BeliefId const &second) const { |
return isEqual(getBelief(first), getBelief(second)); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::string BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::toString(BeliefId const &beliefId) const { |
return toString(getBelief(beliefId)); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::string BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::toString(Triangulation const &t) const { |
std::stringstream str; |
str << "(\n"; |
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) { |
str << "\t" << t.weights[i] << " * \t" << toString(getBelief(t.gridPoints[i])) << "\n"; |
} |
str << ")\n"; |
return str.str(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
template<typename SummandsType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::ValueType |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getWeightedSum(BeliefId const &beliefId, SummandsType const &summands) { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
for (auto const &entry : getBelief(beliefId)) { |
result += storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(entry.second) * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(; |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId const &BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getInitialBelief() const { |
return initialBeliefId; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::ValueType |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getBeliefActionReward(BeliefId const &beliefId, uint64_t const &localActionIndex) const { |
auto const &belief = getBelief(beliefId); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!pomdpActionRewardVector.empty(), "Requested a reward although no reward model was specified."); |
auto result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
auto const &choiceIndices = pomdp.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices(); |
for (auto const &entry : belief) { |
uint64_t choiceIndex = choiceIndices[entry.first] + localActionIndex; |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(choiceIndex < choiceIndices[entry.first + 1], "Invalid local action index."); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(choiceIndex < pomdpActionRewardVector.size(), "Invalid choice index."); |
result += entry.second * pomdpActionRewardVector[choiceIndex]; |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
uint32_t BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getBeliefObservation(BeliefId beliefId) { |
return getBeliefObservation(getBelief(beliefId)); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
uint64_t BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getBeliefNumberOfChoices(BeliefId beliefId) { |
auto const &belief = getBelief(beliefId); |
return pomdp.getNumberOfChoices(belief.begin()->first); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::Triangulation |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::triangulateBelief(BeliefId beliefId, BeliefValueType resolution) { |
return triangulateBelief(getBelief(beliefId), resolution); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
template<typename DistributionType> |
void BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::addToDistribution(DistributionType &distr, StateType const &state, BeliefValueType const &value) { |
auto insertionRes = distr.emplace(state, value); |
if (!insertionRes.second) { |
insertionRes.first->second += value; |
} |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
void BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::joinSupport(BeliefId const &beliefId, BeliefSupportType &support) { |
auto const &belief = getBelief(beliefId); |
for (auto const &entry : belief) { |
support.insert(entry.first); |
} |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getNumberOfBeliefIds() const { |
return beliefs.size(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::vector<std::pair<typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId, typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::ValueType>> |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::expandAndTriangulate(BeliefId const &beliefId, uint64_t actionIndex, |
std::vector<BeliefValueType> const &observationResolutions) { |
return expandInternal(beliefId, actionIndex, observationResolutions); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::vector<std::pair<typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId, typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::ValueType>> |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::expand(BeliefId const &beliefId, uint64_t actionIndex) { |
return expandInternal(beliefId, actionIndex); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefType const &BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getBelief(BeliefId const &id) const { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(id != noId(), "Tried to get a non-existend belief."); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(id < getNumberOfBeliefIds(), "Belief index " << id << " is out of range."); |
return beliefs[id]; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getId(BeliefType const &belief) const { |
uint32_t obs = getBeliefObservation(belief); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(obs < beliefToIdMap.size(), "Belief has unknown observation."); |
auto idIt = beliefToIdMap[obs].find(belief); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(idIt != beliefToIdMap.end(), "Unknown Belief."); |
return idIt->second; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::string BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::toString(BeliefType const &belief) const { |
std::stringstream str; |
str << "{ "; |
bool first = true; |
for (auto const &entry : belief) { |
if (first) { |
first = false; |
} else { |
str << ", "; |
} |
str << entry.first << ": " << entry.second; |
} |
str << " }"; |
return str.str(); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
bool BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::isEqual(BeliefType const &first, BeliefType const &second) const { |
if (first.size() != second.size()) { |
return false; |
} |
auto secondIt = second.begin(); |
for (auto const &firstEntry : first) { |
if (firstEntry.first != secondIt->first) { |
return false; |
} |
if (!cc.isEqual(firstEntry.second, secondIt->second)) { |
return false; |
} |
++secondIt; |
} |
return true; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
bool BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::assertBelief(BeliefType const &belief) const { |
BeliefValueType sum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
boost::optional<uint32_t> observation; |
for (auto const &entry : belief) { |
if (entry.first >= pomdp.getNumberOfStates()) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Belief does refer to non-existing pomdp state " << entry.first << "."); |
return false; |
} |
uint64_t entryObservation = pomdp.getObservation(entry.first); |
if (observation) { |
if (observation.get() != entryObservation) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Beliefsupport contains different observations."); |
return false; |
} |
} else { |
observation = entryObservation; |
} |
// Don't use cc for these checks, because computations with zero are usually fine
if (storm::utility::isZero(entry.second)) { |
// We assume that beliefs only consider their support.
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Zero belief probability."); |
return false; |
} |
if (entry.second < storm::utility::zero<BeliefValueType>()) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Negative belief probability."); |
return false; |
} |
if (cc.isLess(storm::utility::one<BeliefValueType>(), entry.second)) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Belief probability greater than one."); |
return false; |
} |
sum += entry.second; |
} |
if (!cc.isOne(sum)) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Belief does not sum up to one. (" << sum << " instead)."); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
bool BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::assertTriangulation(BeliefType const &belief, Triangulation const &triangulation) const { |
if (triangulation.weights.size() != triangulation.gridPoints.size()) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Number of weights and points in triangulation does not match."); |
return false; |
} |
if (triangulation.size() == 0) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Empty triangulation."); |
return false; |
} |
BeliefType triangulatedBelief; |
BeliefValueType weightSum = storm::utility::zero<BeliefValueType>(); |
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < triangulation.weights.size(); ++i) { |
if (cc.isZero(triangulation.weights[i])) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Zero weight in triangulation."); |
return false; |
} |
if (cc.isLess(triangulation.weights[i], storm::utility::zero<BeliefValueType>())) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Negative weight in triangulation."); |
return false; |
} |
if (cc.isLess(storm::utility::one<BeliefValueType>(), triangulation.weights[i])) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Weight greater than one in triangulation."); |
} |
weightSum += triangulation.weights[i]; |
BeliefType const &gridPoint = getBelief(triangulation.gridPoints[i]); |
for (auto const &pointEntry : gridPoint) { |
BeliefValueType &triangulatedValue = triangulatedBelief.emplace(pointEntry.first, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()).first->second; |
triangulatedValue += triangulation.weights[i] * pointEntry.second; |
} |
} |
if (!cc.isOne(weightSum)) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Triangulation weights do not sum up to one."); |
return false; |
} |
if (!assertBelief(triangulatedBelief)) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Triangulated belief is not a belief."); |
} |
if (!isEqual(belief, triangulatedBelief)) { |
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Belief:\n\t" << toString(belief) << "\ndoes not match triangulated belief:\n\t" << toString(triangulatedBelief) << "."); |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
uint32_t BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getBeliefObservation(BeliefType belief) const { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(assertBelief(belief), "Invalid belief."); |
return pomdp.getObservation(belief.begin()->first); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
void |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::triangulateBeliefFreudenthal(BeliefType const &belief, BeliefValueType const &resolution, Triangulation &result) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(resolution != 0, "Invalid resolution: 0"); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(storm::utility::isInteger(resolution), "Expected an integer resolution"); |
StateType numEntries = belief.size(); |
// This is the Freudenthal Triangulation as described in Lovejoy (a whole lotta math)
// Probabilities will be triangulated to values in 0/N, 1/N, 2/N, ..., N/N
// Variable names are mostly based on the paper
// However, we speed this up a little by exploiting that belief states usually have sparse support (i.e. numEntries is much smaller than pomdp.getNumberOfStates()).
// Initialize diffs and the first row of the 'qs' matrix (aka v)
std::set<FreudenthalDiff, std::greater<FreudenthalDiff>> sorted_diffs; // d (and p?) in the paper
std::vector<BeliefValueType> qsRow; // Row of the 'qs' matrix from the paper (initially corresponds to v
qsRow.reserve(numEntries); |
std::vector<StateType> toOriginalIndicesMap; // Maps 'local' indices to the original pomdp state indices
toOriginalIndicesMap.reserve(numEntries); |
BeliefValueType x = resolution; |
for (auto const &entry : belief) { |
qsRow.push_back(storm::utility::floor(x)); // v
sorted_diffs.emplace(toOriginalIndicesMap.size(), x - qsRow.back()); // x-v
toOriginalIndicesMap.push_back(entry.first); |
x -= entry.second * resolution; |
} |
// Insert a dummy 0 column in the qs matrix so the loops below are a bit simpler
qsRow.push_back(storm::utility::zero<BeliefValueType>()); |
result.weights.reserve(numEntries); |
result.gridPoints.reserve(numEntries); |
auto currentSortedDiff = sorted_diffs.begin(); |
auto previousSortedDiff = sorted_diffs.end(); |
--previousSortedDiff; |
for (StateType i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { |
// Compute the weight for the grid points
BeliefValueType weight = previousSortedDiff->diff - currentSortedDiff->diff; |
if (i == 0) { |
// The first weight is a bit different
weight += storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
} else { |
// 'compute' the next row of the qs matrix
qsRow[previousSortedDiff->dimension] += storm::utility::one<BeliefValueType>(); |
} |
if (!cc.isZero(weight)) { |
result.weights.push_back(weight); |
// Compute the grid point
BeliefType gridPoint; |
for (StateType j = 0; j < numEntries; ++j) { |
BeliefValueType gridPointEntry = qsRow[j] - qsRow[j + 1]; |
if (!cc.isZero(gridPointEntry)) { |
gridPoint[toOriginalIndicesMap[j]] = gridPointEntry / resolution; |
} |
} |
result.gridPoints.push_back(getOrAddBeliefId(gridPoint)); |
} |
previousSortedDiff = currentSortedDiff++; |
} |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
void BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::triangulateBeliefDynamic(BeliefType const &belief, BeliefValueType const &resolution, Triangulation &result) { |
// Find the best resolution for this belief, i.e., N such that the largest distance between one of the belief values to a value in {i/N | 0 ≤ i ≤ N} is minimal
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(storm::utility::isInteger(resolution), "Expected an integer resolution"); |
BeliefValueType finalResolution = resolution; |
uint64_t finalResolutionMisses = belief.size() + 1; |
// We don't need to check resolutions that are smaller than the maximal resolution divided by 2 (as we already checked multiples of these)
for (BeliefValueType currResolution = resolution; currResolution > resolution / 2; --currResolution) { |
uint64_t currResMisses = 0; |
bool continueWithNextResolution = false; |
for (auto const &belEntry : belief) { |
BeliefValueType product = belEntry.second * currResolution; |
if (!cc.isZero(product - storm::utility::round(product))) { |
++currResMisses; |
if (currResMisses >= finalResolutionMisses) { |
// This resolution is not better than a previous resolution
continueWithNextResolution = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (!continueWithNextResolution) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(currResMisses < finalResolutionMisses, "Distance for this resolution should not be larger than a previously checked one."); |
finalResolution = currResolution; |
finalResolutionMisses = currResMisses; |
if (currResMisses == 0) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Picking resolution " << finalResolution << " for belief " << toString(belief)); |
// do standard freudenthal with the found resolution
triangulateBeliefFreudenthal(belief, finalResolution, result); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::Triangulation |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::triangulateBelief(BeliefType const &belief, BeliefValueType const &resolution) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(assertBelief(belief), "Input belief for triangulation is not valid."); |
Triangulation result; |
// Quickly triangulate Dirac beliefs
if (belief.size() == 1u) { |
result.weights.push_back(storm::utility::one<BeliefValueType>()); |
result.gridPoints.push_back(getOrAddBeliefId(belief)); |
} else { |
auto ceiledResolution = storm::utility::ceil<BeliefValueType>(resolution); |
switch (triangulationMode) { |
case TriangulationMode::Static: |
triangulateBeliefFreudenthal(belief, ceiledResolution, result); |
break; |
case TriangulationMode::Dynamic: |
triangulateBeliefDynamic(belief, ceiledResolution, result); |
break; |
default: |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "Invalid triangulation mode."); |
} |
} |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(assertTriangulation(belief, result), "Incorrect triangulation: " << toString(result)); |
return result; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
std::vector<std::pair<typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId, typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::ValueType>> |
BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::expandInternal(BeliefId const &beliefId, uint64_t actionIndex, |
boost::optional<std::vector<BeliefValueType>> const &observationTriangulationResolutions) { |
std::vector<std::pair<BeliefId, ValueType>> destinations; |
BeliefType belief = getBelief(beliefId); |
// Find the probability we go to each observation
BeliefType successorObs; // This is actually not a belief but has the same type
for (auto const &pointEntry : belief) { |
uint64_t state = pointEntry.first; |
for (auto const &pomdpTransition : pomdp.getTransitionMatrix().getRow(state, actionIndex)) { |
if (!storm::utility::isZero(pomdpTransition.getValue())) { |
auto obs = pomdp.getObservation(pomdpTransition.getColumn()); |
addToDistribution(successorObs, obs, pointEntry.second * pomdpTransition.getValue()); |
} |
} |
} |
// Now for each successor observation we find and potentially triangulate the successor belief
for (auto const &successor : successorObs) { |
BeliefType successorBelief; |
for (auto const &pointEntry : belief) { |
uint64_t state = pointEntry.first; |
for (auto const &pomdpTransition : pomdp.getTransitionMatrix().getRow(state, actionIndex)) { |
if (pomdp.getObservation(pomdpTransition.getColumn()) == successor.first) { |
ValueType prob = pointEntry.second * pomdpTransition.getValue() / successor.second; |
addToDistribution(successorBelief, pomdpTransition.getColumn(), prob); |
} |
} |
} |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(assertBelief(successorBelief), "Invalid successor belief."); |
// Insert the destination. We know that destinations have to be disjoined since they have different observations
if (observationTriangulationResolutions) { |
Triangulation triangulation = triangulateBelief(successorBelief, observationTriangulationResolutions.get()[successor.first]); |
for (size_t j = 0; j < triangulation.size(); ++j) { |
// Here we additionally assume that triangulation.gridPoints does not contain the same point multiple times
destinations.emplace_back(triangulation.gridPoints[j], triangulation.weights[j] * successor.second); |
} |
} else { |
destinations.emplace_back(getOrAddBeliefId(successorBelief), successor.second); |
} |
} |
return destinations; |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::computeInitialBelief() { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pomdp.getInitialStates().getNumberOfSetBits() < 2, |
"POMDP contains more than one initial state"); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pomdp.getInitialStates().getNumberOfSetBits() == 1, |
"POMDP does not contain an initial state"); |
BeliefType belief; |
belief[*pomdp.getInitialStates().begin()] = storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(assertBelief(belief), "Invalid initial belief."); |
return getOrAddBeliefId(belief); |
} |
template<typename PomdpType, typename BeliefValueType, typename StateType> |
typename BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::BeliefId BeliefManager<PomdpType, BeliefValueType, StateType>::getOrAddBeliefId(BeliefType const &belief) { |
uint32_t obs = getBeliefObservation(belief); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(obs < beliefToIdMap.size(), "Belief has unknown observation."); |
auto insertioRes = beliefToIdMap[obs].emplace(belief, beliefs.size()); |
if (insertioRes.second) { |
// There actually was an insertion, so add the new belief
beliefs.push_back(belief); |
} |
// Return the id
return insertioRes.first->second; |
} |
template |
class BeliefManager<storm::models::sparse::Pomdp<double>>; |
template |
class BeliefManager<storm::models::sparse::Pomdp<storm::RationalNumber>>; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue