// At this point, obsRating is the largest triangulation weight (which ranges from 1/n to 1
// Normalize the rating so that it ranges from 0 to 1, where
// 0 means that the actual belief lies in the middle of the triangulating simplex (i.e. a "bad" approximation) and 1 means that the belief is precisely approximated.
// Scale the ratings with the resolutions, so that low resolutions get a lower rating (and are thus more likely to be refined)
// At this point, obsRating is the largest triangulation weight (which ranges from 1/n to 1
// Normalize the rating so that it ranges from 0 to 1, where
// 0 means that the actual belief lies in the middle of the triangulating simplex (i.e. a "bad" approximation) and 1 means that the belief is precisely approximated.
// Scale the ratings with the resolutions, so that low resolutions get a lower rating (and are thus more likely to be refined)